FEMA Region 3, Summer Edition of the Resilience Report contains a feature article about the Eastern Shore Long Term Recovery Committee. Read an excerpt here and follow the link below to access the full report.
This summer, the ESLTRC launched an ambitious effort to elevate and repair an additional 100 homes in the next few years. The committee created a “Blue Ribbon Mitigation Task Force” with a goal of raising $5.5 million for these projects. Organizations serving on the task force include Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM), FEMA Region 3, Team Rubicon, The Nature Conservancy, University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center, Somerset County Commissioners, Dorchester County Council and the City of Crisfield. Speaking on the importance of mitigation, MD VOAD’s Chair noted how homes elevated after Hurricane Sandy did not see any damage or water intrusion during the 2021 tidal flood event. As climate change leads to more severe and frequent coastal flooding, MD VOAD is focused on helping communities build back better and become more resilient.
To learn more and access the full Report