Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Even as a war is raging half a planet away, you and I have His assignment today to spend time with Him, the Holy Spirit Teacher, to cleanse that much more as as His Bride. He's the soon-coming Bridegroom. it's now time to cleanse as a member of His Body, His Bride, as we see events moving us towards His soon return.

It's vital also to confess how we in our respective nations, in our states, in our communities, have moved away from His Word in our culture.

It's time to restore our Godly roots.

To that end, we invite you to begin praying now---------whether or not you're a resident of Maryland or even the United States---- for a key time of repentance, prayer, fasting and intercession, on April 1, and for the whole month of April, focusing on the colony/ State of Maryland.

These global events give us an opportunity to confess our own personal sins, confess the sins of our nation, and intercede for the State or Nation in question.

Each month, on the first of each month, we are focusing on one of the thirteen colonies in the United States, where, by His Hand, Godly roots were planted. Earlier we repented, prayed, and declared for Godly roots to be restored in Virginia and Massachusetts.

This graphic above portrays troops from Maryland in the Revolutionary War "holding the line" as General Washington described them.

Now we are looking to believers in Jesus/ Yeshua's Kingdom in Maryland to hold the line on the wickedness in Maryland, and all other States in the USA. Having held the line through confession of those sins and repentance, then we can declare the beginning of a restoration of Maryland's Godly roots.

Prayer has already begun to remove Maryland's false gods. May this report inspire you to do the same in your State and Nation:

Dagons Plague of golden Rats and & Golden Tumors
(1 Samuel 5&6; Judges 16:23; 1 Chronicles 10:10) 
Stephanie Miller and Kathy Black

Dagon was known as the father of gods, a god of harvest, a god of prosperity, the god of the Philistines. We are seeking a harvest. This structure is in the way. There seems to be correlations between Port cities, Octopus, and Dagon, the gathering in of harvest, the physical health and wellbeing of a nation/peoples and oppression/slavery. Dagon is spoken of in I Samuel Chapter 5. Saul’s head (the son of rebellion) was displayed in Dagon’s Temple. And Samson pushed against the pillars of Dagon killing all his worshipers.

In our prayer this morning with Annette, Robert and Kristin, the Lord revealed that His people have committed the same sins as the Israelites when they took the holy ark of the Lord into battle with them without inquiring if it was His will. I Samuel Chapter 4. They assumed. They used Him for their own purposes. And the glory of the Lord departed His temple. 

Father we ask forgiveness for using Your name, Your holy Presence for our own purposes. We did not prize Your holiness, nor Your relationship with us enough to inquire directly to You. We have not presented the true face and character of Yeshua in our meetings or in our lives. We ask that the fear of God be given to us that we may learn what pleases You and how to conduct ourselves.

Declarations Regarding Dagon Structure

We renounce the idol of Dagon on the land we own in Maryland. 

We decree the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is our God and we enthrone Jesus Christ here. We decree the Fear of the Lord and the Glory of the Lord will be upon us.

We send back to the pit the plagues of hell-- the golden tumors and golden rats and all that they represent. We say for you to come out and leave in Jesus' name. 

Holy Spirit, we are your Temple, Tabernacle, and the seat of your Holy Presence. May a right covenant be established and refreshed in us and in our families.

We repent for our government and the people of this State and Nation for trying to gain or steal knowledge for power instead of resting in Yours. We ask that You bring individual repentance to all who are guilty before You. Help them and forgive us, or anyone in our bloodlines, for using knowledge against people groups and oppressing them. 

We repent for any way we have wrongly placed our faith in knowledge and using that knowledge as our protection instead of seeking Your Truth and Presence. 

We renounce the idol of knowledge and the pride of it in our government, in us, and our educational systems.

We renounce and repent for false humility and ask for a right spirit to come into our hearts and the people of our nation. May Your true humility fall upon us and those in the leadership positions.

We cry out for You to restore the health of our nation and plead the blood of Jesus over our ports, our cities, State, and nation.

We repent on behalf of our state and nation for mishandling and taking the glory instead of giving You glory. 

We repent on behalf of the church and nation for treating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ with contempt. We ask you Lord, to restore our strength, the strength of Your house and the strength of our homes.

We declare over our nation and state that the curse on Eli’s house is broken by the sacrifice and blood of Jesus. We renounce and break off distress from our dwelling. Our family lines will reach old age and we break off premature death. We declare that our sight and strength shall be renewed and none shall die in the prime of life.

Father, You are our Lord of Harvest and we declare a mighty harvest coming to You because You are worthy!

You Father God are the Lord of our prosperity.

As the Father of all mankind whether they acknowledge You or not, we declare that all fat and fat of the land belongs to You God. We repent for this nation and ourselves utilizing its resources to kill, steal and destroy life. We renounce all the funds used to build false altars in our bloodline and ask You to call our nation’s people to repentance.

As the family of God many have utilized their resources inappropriately and supported the mountains of evil by buying or renting inappropriate movies, books, films. Some of our children or grandchildren have purchased inappropriate symbols of false religions and new age items. Some are caught in the net of pornography and walking in other fleshly ways by the use of drugs or alcohol or are living together outside of marriage. Your own people have destroyed Your credibility by walking falsely in evil ways. We decree only Your holy gift of repentance will change and bring life to those not seeking it. 

We humbly ask You to forgive, to cleanse, and to empower us in our families to walk worthy of Your Son and His holy work.

Give Your people the wisdom to utilize the resources You have given them freely to do Your work and will in their families.

We give You all glory Lord and are so grateful, Jesus, for Your atoning work. May Your glory cover our nation and our eyes be fully open to Your atoning work and revelation of Your ascension.

“May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. We pray that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which He has called us, the riches of his glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. 

That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.  And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way. “(I Ephesians 17-23)

We lift up the Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ at the foundation of our nation and ask for Your mercy. We repent on behalf of our brothers and sisters for disdaining Your grace and mercy towards groups of people and refusing to answer Your call. 

We call forth the Jonahs to answer the call of God in this nation with His heart of grace, praise, and mercy. 


The Godly roots of Maryland are set forth on our www.globalrepent.com website. Please join us at:


Even before our next repentance zoom call/ service, may I make a suggestion about the ongoing process of repenting?

First, TODAY, in spite of all distractions, spend time alone with the Holy Spirit, even ten minutes. Check with Him, your Teacher, confirming, to begin with, that you've truly died to your old self, have sincerely repented, chosen Jesus/ Yeshua as Lord by faith, and are now truly converted into His Kingdom. Confirm that you're no longer just playing church.

Then ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit afresh.

From that fresh anointing, humbly ask Him for what purpose He has chosen YOU to advance His Kingdom (John 15:16). " You did not choose Me, but I chose YOU and appointed YOU that YOU should go and bear fruit, and that YOUR fruit should remain, that whatever YOU ask the Father in My name He may give YOU."

Seeing now that He has a unique call on your life, lovingly, humbly, submit to Him, listening to His voice with a listening heart.

Obey His Instruction at all times from this time forward.

Then your prayers will be powerful as you obey His Instruction. It's the effective, fervent prayers of a RIGHTEOUS person that avails much (James 5:16). He calls you and me to be holy as He is holy.

As the Lord may lead, pray with the Holy Spirit's direction (Romans 8: 26).

Be at peace in the knowledge that His hand is upon all that will transpire. Stand fast! Stand forth! Receive into your spirit, the sound that shatters the darkness. Release it at His command. The time is at hand. You have a part to play in this spiritual battle!

Do you see God's Gift of repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? If so, you're part of the repentance remnant, cleansing to be ready for the soon-coming Bridegroom.

Encouraging repentance is NDR's sole purpose for ministry. No church or foundation supports us; only saints like you. Would you please pray to see if the Lord would have you place us on your daily prayer list, and then seed into this one- of- a- kind ministry?

Thank you ! He will bless you!

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

Thanks to the LORD, at the start of Purim, we had a POWERFUL Ukraine/ Russia/ call. Having had times of silent, private prayer with the Holy Spirit, and then communion among ourselves, the intercessory prayers were that much more POWERFUL. It's worth watching, on NDR's You Tube channel:

Our brother Chris Leeper, info@40daysofhope.net, is calling for 40 days of repentance prior to Palm Sunday. I recommend his ministry: Here is the email link https://eocampaign1.com/web-version?p=8c862953-9442-11ec-9258-0241b9615763&pt=campaign&t=1645653688&s=3332ecad71472d46e02c830eb067e244a24476bf0cdffd2ffcc36cfdc371baa1 
National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com