February 7, 2022
Your business news & updates
The City of Laguna Niguel is working to support our local businesses during this COVID-19 crisis and beyond. We will provide timely information, resources, programs and updates to help your business thrive!
California's Indoor Mask Mandate Expires Feb. 15
With the Omicron coronavirus surge receding, California will lift its universal mask mandate for indoor public places on February 15, state officials announced today.

Unvaccinated residents must still wear masks in indoor public settings, and everyone will have to wear masks in high-risk areas like public transit and nursing homes and other congregate living facilities.

The lifting of the indoor mask mandate statewide will apply to counties without local mask orders of their own such as Orange County.

Per the California Department of Public Health, everyone is required to wear masks in:
  • Indoor public spaces (until February 15)
  • Workplaces (until February 15)
  • Public transit
  • Healthcare settings (including long-term care facilities)
  • Adult and senior care facilities
  • Indoors in K-12 schools, childcare, and other youth settings
  • State and local correctional facilities and detention centers
  • Homeless shelters, emergency shelters, and cooling centers

Masks are required for unvaccinated people and recommended for everyone in:
  • Places of worship
Laguna Niguel City Center Mixed-Use Project
The proposed Laguna Niguel City Center Mixed-Use Project is envisioned to create a downtown environment that features specialty retail, restaurants, office, community-oriented event/programmable spaces, integrated residential apartment homes, a new community library, and extensive walkable open spaces, paseos, and plazas.

The project is currently Under Review with future public meetings estimated to be held by the Planning Commission and the City Council in spring/summer of this year.

A project webpage has been created to share important information including the project location, description, applicant team information, and other useful details. The webpage will be actively updated to share the most current status of the project.

Featured Business
Congratulations to Fratello's for being our next Featured Business.

Learn more about this eatery through this video we produced.

If you would like your business featured, contact us at econdev@cityoflagunaniguel.org or 949-362-4300.