Volume 3 | June 2020

We agree with Sesame Street's recent Instagram post:

"Racism has no place on our Street – or on any street. Sesame Street was built on diversity, inclusion, and especially, kindness."

Those are the same values Jainchill & Beckert was built on. We stand together with our black community, and with our LGBT community, who we remember during Pride Month.

We also want to recognize our students as the 2019-20 academic year comes to a close. We're proud of our youth, who had to overcome the challenges of remote learning, social distancing and navigating new systems. Our thoughts are with the class of 2020, which is missing out on traditional ceremonies and having to find new ways of celebrating years of hard work. You are already experienced in agility – a skill that should serve you well throughout your careers.

Speaking of outstanding students, we're excited to announce that the Tunxis Foundation, on behalf of Tunxis Community College, awarded the Jainchill & Beckert Textbook Scholarship to Akiko Choi. Akiko is currently enrolled in Tunxis' Business Office Technology program of study, with a focus on Health Information Technology. Akiko, who lives in Unionville, earned a 3.85 GPA and plans to pursue a career in the medical field as a medical code specialist. Congratulations, Akiko!

We started seeing clients again in our office for face-to-face consultations. All meetings are conducted safely, with proper social distancing. We have masks, gloves and conference rooms large enough to keep six feet apart. As always, the initial consultation is free.

Aaron and Bill 

Aaron Jainchill and Bill Beckert
Personal Injury • Criminal Defense • Workers' Comp
"We are fighters who work to ensure that our clients are informed and empowered, so that we can achieve an outcome that provides peace of mind."
Masks and Your Rights
We're asked a lot of questions about wearing masks in the workplace, and at retailers and businesses, as the state opens up. People want to know what's appropriate, and who has the right to determine if masks are worn or not.

Here's a quick video to clear the confusion so you can make the best choices.

Want to find out more? A valuable CT State resource to bookmark is Connecticut COVID-19 Response . It contains the latest on the reopening of businesses, where to get tested and guidelines on social distancing.
New CT Law Means Fewer Trips to DMV
As of January, a new Department of Motor Vehicles law took effect in Connecticut. Drivers will be able to make fewer trips to the DMV because the time between renewals for driver’s licenses and motor vehicle registrations has been extended. The six years between license renewals has been extended to eight years, and the two years between registration renewals is now three years. The accompanying fees increased proportionately. 
An additional extension: DMV is offering a 180-day extension period to Connecticut residents with expiring driver’s licenses, ID cards and learner’s permits. Credentials that expire between March 10, 2020 and June 30, 2020 are automatically covered by this extension. No late fees will be assessed for eligible credentials. 

If you plan on visiting the DMV in the near future, we strongly recommend checking their service and policy updates .
Mental Health in the Age of Social Distancing
Bravo, Mental Health Connecticut! This statewide nonprofit whose mission is to “improve the lives of all Connecticut residents” did an exceptional job last month spreading awareness on a subject that doesn’t get enough attention. Established in 1908, MHC is one of the nation’s oldest nonprofit mental health agencies. The organization is based in West Hartford, but their work impacts all CT residents. 

For the month of May, they put together #31DaysofWellness – a virtual experience with free resources, information, workshops and invited everyone to join in. What we love about their work is it has the potential to benefit anyone looking to improve their well-being. The theme of May’s campaign was “the power of storytelling.” They believe everyone has a story to tell, and telling your story through expressive writing can improve your health. According to research, writing can even be more helpful than talking when dealing with trauma. 

They held virtual writing workshops hosted by Write On!, MHC’s program for people who want to find their voice and share their truth. Check out MHC's website to watch a #31DaysofWellness recap, or to learn more about their services. 
Do you need immediate help or know someone who does? Call 211. It’s United Way’s system of help – an integrated source for info on community services, crisis intervention and referrals to health and human services. It’s accessed toll-free from anywhere in CT and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 
144 West Main Street
Plainville, CT 06062
Phone: 860-351-3552
Fax: 860-351-5442 