Mass returns Thursday - Gift Shop to reopen

The Grotto is closed today, but will reopen for Mass tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 25. The Grotto Gift Shop will also open at that time.

The Upper Gardens and large portions of the lower level will remain closed for now. Our crews are working as fast as they can to clear debris and remove leaning trees so we may open fully. For now, it is too dangerous.

Please check our website,, for updates.

Stay tuned for more information on how you can help restore The Grotto to the peaceful sanctuary it has been for 100 years.

Click here to view more photos from the storm.

Clear a Path

God of all that is, I am seeking you: your presence, your ways, your direction.

Clear a path in my mind and heart that I may focus myself on you above all else. I want to love and serve you, love my neighbor, and grow in faith, hope, and love.


The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of books, cards, Rosaries, jewelry, home accessories, statuary, yummy treats and much more.

Regular hours are 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., however, hours may vary during the storm clean up. Pheck our please check our website for each day's hours.

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