Mass Tech Monday

Here is your weekly newsletter for MassTLC content, programs, and initiatives.

November 30, 2020
Upcoming Programs
  • Re-Imagine Your Workforce Part 3: The Hybrid Workforce 2021: Compliance and Return To Work in an Evolving Environment, December 10th: Targeted to talent professionals leading the return to work and managing workforce compliance issues in their organizations.This workshop will discuss the new workforce approach and strategy in a post-covid mindset. Register today.

  • Technovation Girls MA & RI 2021: Season Kickoff & Ask Me Anything Webinar, December 14th: Interested in taking part in the Technovation Girls Challenge? Whether you are new this year, have taken part in the past, or just want to hear what it is all about, this webinar can answer all of your questions. This is open to students, teachers, mentors, and parents. Register today.
In Case You Missed It
  • With Privacy Shield gone, what's left? With Privacy Shield invalidated by the EU’s Court of Justice, is there anything left for companies to use to legally transfer data between the US and the EU? That is what our panel of legal and technical experts tried to answer. Read more and watch the discussion.

  • The New Customer Journey: Digital Engagement: The disruption from the pandemic has pushed face-to-face customer/user engagements to video calls and virtual events, forcing marketers to re-evaluate demand strategies and operations. Experts from Cramer present trends that will carry into 2021, 2022, and beyond. Watch the presentation.
Thank You to Our Global Sponsors
Featured Global Sponsor

Nuance Communications is a technology pioneer with market leadership in conversational AI and ambient intelligence. A full-service partner trusted by 90 percent of U.S. hospitals and 85 percent of the Fortune 100 companies worldwide, Nuance creates intuitive solutions that amplify people's ability to help others.

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MassTLC Global Sponsors