Mass Tech Monday

October 11, 2021
Announcing the Tech Top 50
  • Announcing Winners! We are excited to announce the 2021 #TechTop50 honorees. Learn more about who made the list.

  • Congratulations to this year’s Mosaic Award recipient, Chevy Cleaves of MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Thank you for your work in creating access and opportunity for future leaders!
Upcoming Programs
  • MassTLC Security Community and British Consulate General Boston Trade & Investment present Creating a Diverse & Inclusive Workplace within Cybersecurity/Tech, October 20th: This session features leaders that have created training and workforce development for cybersecurity and provide companies with an alternative source of cyber talent. This session is part of the Boston i-4 Global Virtual Forum. The Boston i-4 event is open to all, but the London i-4 event is for CISOs only and requires an NDA to attend.
  • How do I grow in my career – for the mid-level engineer, October 25th: At this event, we will share tips on communication with your peers and manager, advocating for yourself, and setting up a roadmap to meet and exceed expectations. You will walk away with actionable next steps to take in your career journey.
Call For Speakers
  • There are different flavors of engineering leadership outside of managerial roles. As a senior-level architect or principal, how do you make an impact, influence your organization, and serve as a mentor? We're looking for leaders that have successfully found their path in this realm and are willing to share their story. Please contact Sara Fraim if you are interested.
Tech Industry Careers
  • MassTLC Career Fair: Do you have open positions to fill? Join our virtual career fair to meet the right candidates. To learn more, please contact Kate McLeod.
  • Tech companies you'd love to work for: Are you looking for a new job opportunity? Explore thousands of them across our network of innovative companies and industry sectors such as advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, ed-tech, software development, etc.
Welcome New Members!
  • The past few months have been busy at MassTLC. We have created a security video series, held meetings across our various communities, and launched a new job board. We have also welcomed 11 new members in that time. This group is varied in size, market, and sector, but they are all innovators. Please take a moment to learn more about them.
Featured Global Sponsor
We never stop moving forward.

At Devo, we are reinventing how our customers use data and security analytics to empower faster, more confident action. Our commitment to exceeding your expectations drives everything we do.

Devo challenges the status quo and embraces divergent thinking through an inclusive culture to surface better answers.
MassTLC Global Sponsors