Worship Plan for St. Martin of Tours
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Greetings from Fr. Saju and Fr. Gener,
Last week through the e-bulletin and announcements at Masses, we communicated to you the Santa Clara County’s directives issued on October 13, permitting outdoor gatherings for worship up to 200 people and indoor gatherings of up to the lesser of 100 people or 25% capacity. Although this is great news, we must all continue to remain vigilant against the coronavirus pandemic and practice all the safety precautions to which we’ve become accustomed for the sake of the most vulnerable among us.

After having discussed with the parish staff members, the Pastoral Council, and Liturgy Teams, we have come up with the following plan.

Weekend Masses and Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • We plan to have four Masses on Weekends starting from October 24. The Mass timings will be – Saturday 5.00 PM, Sunday 8.30am, 10.00am and 11.30am.

  • We encourage you to sign up and join us for Sunday Masses. You can sign up by going to the parish website, using the link in the e-bulletin, or by calling the parish office.

  • Saturday 5.00 PM Mass will be live-streamed through Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. It will be in the Church. This Mass will be available for viewing on Sunday both of Facebook and YouTube as well. For the time being, this Mass is not open for sign up for the time being.

  • Sunday 8.30am and 10.00am Masses will be outdoors in the school courtyard. It will be open for up to 200 persons by sign up. You are requested to come at least 10 minutes before the start of Mass. Please bring your own chairs and follow the guidelines given in the sign up form. When the rainy season starts, these Masses will be moved into the church and the number will be limited to 100 as required by the county.

  • Sunday 11.30am Mass will be inside the church for up to 100 persons by sign up. You are requested to come at least 10 minutes before the Mass. Chairs will be provided for this Mass. However, you are to follow all the guidelines in the sign up form.

  • We will add other Sunday Masses when the four already scheduled Masses (listed above) fill up.

  • Sacrament of reconciliation is open on Saturday from 4.00pm – 4.45pm. Priest will be standing in front of the church. You are also welcome to call and schedule for other times.

Weekday Masses

  • Daily Masses (Monday – Friday) will be at 8.00am will be in the church. It is open to up to 100 persons by sign up. We will continue to live-stream the 8.00am Mass on Zoom and Facebook as well.

  • You are requested to come at least 5 minutes before the Mass. Chairs will be provided for this Mass. However, you are to follow all the guidelines given in the sign up form.

Volunteers and Ministers Needed

  • We are in need of ushers and lectors for Masses. Lectors are welcome to sign up when you sign up for Mass. Mass sign up has a special column for lector sign up.

  • We need ushers to guide people to sit in the designated seats and to help disinfect the church after the Mass. We are requesting for our younger ushers to commit. If you are willing to help, please notify Fr. Gener. We will train you and assist you through the process.

  • Outside Masses are now allowed to have cantors and/or singing. If are a musician or cantor and would like to volunteer, please let us know. We want to start by singing couple of songs for the outside Masses. 

Please look out for further updates on parish website and the e-bulletin.
Thanking you all and looking forward to seeing you at the Table of the Lord,
With prayers and blessing,
Fr. Saju and Fr. Gener
St. Martin of Tours
San Jose, CA 95128