In previous years at the Career Center, training programs were often limited to customers collecting unemployment assistance or at a poverty-level income. Customers would be eligible for training only through the federally-funded Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA). These training opportunities were limited in number by funding allocations and with strict eligibility criteria.
In the last few years, a new program has greatly increased our ability to offer customers training. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Commonwealth Corp's FutureSkills / Career Technical Initiative program have opened the doors of training to scores of individuals in our region. These short-term training programs have assisted our customers in acquiring the skills necessary to start a new career, obtain occupational credentials, or demonstrate expertise in their field.
Although the eligibility requirements are less restrictive than WIOA programs, we still strive to match individuals to appropriate training and to offer our customers an achievable chance at success. We especially want to thank our staff members, Amy Veillette and Caitlyn Gullage, for recruiting and guiding our customers through these programs.
Since March 2021, we have:
- 30 training programs offered in multiple fields
- 220 customers enrolled in training
- 184 individuals completed training
- 118 customers newly employed
- 75 customers employed in a new career
- 18 customers currently in training
Training programs are offered in Auto Tech, Culinary Arts, Hands-on Plumbing, Carpentry, Hands-on Electrical, Welding, and CNC Machining.
See our current offerings at