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Museum Passes
Massachusetts State Park
Did you know that you can use your library card to reserve a parking pass to any Massacusetts State Park?

The Massachusetts State Parks have locations in all regions of the Commonwealth, from Pittsfield to Boston, and from Gloucester to Provincetown. They include beaches, wooded parks, parkways, and reservoirs, each with its own unique activities and amenities like hiking, biking, swimming and boating, camping, and more.

Featured Programs
Trivia on Tap
Wednesday, July 27, 7:00 PM - Living Room
Join us for the trivia game we create from scratch using our plentiful library resources! Teams can have up to 6 players, and there are prizes from local eateries for first and second place. If you don't have a team, you can play solo, or find others who are looking for a team. We provide basic snacks and drinks and, of course, plenty of questions to stump you. 

Please note that this time around registration IS required, so tell your teammates to sign up at the link below!

Hydrangeas: Which One is Right for Me?
Thursday, August 11, 11:00 AM - On Zoom
This presentation focuses on the key factors that gardeners should consider before they invest in a hydrangea. With over 600 cultivars to choose from, it’s easy to select a plant based on some attributes only to find that it will definitely not be the “right plant in the right place.” We will identify the seven species of hydrangea, provide examples of each, and examine their best use in the landscape.

 Kathie Skinner, a Senior Principal Master Gardener, the past Education Coordinator and current Master Gardener Training Coordinator for the Massachusetts Master Gardner Association leads the program

Upcoming Events
Beach Reads: Erin's List
Erin's 2022 Beach Reads list is called "Golden Girls" and features books where loving and complex female friendships abound. Erin is a sucker for a good relationship story, and she's not always looking for a clean and tidy ending. Here you'll find books about old friends, best friends, and work friends (who might better be labeled "frenemies"). There's something here for nonfiction lovers too. A manifesto for teamwork, an academic look into why friendship is fundamental to our lives, and a heartbreaking story of losing a beloved long-time friend. You might want some tissues for this list!

You can check out the rest of Erin's list here.