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Massage CEUs due in 20 DAYS!

We're officially down to 20 days until your massage CEUs are due to the Georgia Board.  Some of our classes are filling up quickly.  Don't wait too long to register.

Georgia Massage Board FAQs and quick links can be found on our Massage CEU Web Page

This Week at Gwinnett!

At our Marietta Campus:

Carl Christie - Demystifying Neuromuscular Therapy - Th/Fri October 13th & 14th

Space Limited

Dr. Marc Ellis - MyoSynaptics - Torso - at/Sun October 15th & 16th

Space Limited

At our Lilburn Campus:

Craig Knowles - Lymphatic Drainage Part 1- Sat/Sun October 15th & 16th


At our Sandy Springs Campus:

Pam Nichols - Myofascial Isolation Lower Extr- Sat/Sun October 15th & 16th

Stepheny Diaz - Manual Resistance Stretching- Sat/Sun October 15th & 16th

View Our Calendar

And we're going strong til the end! If you have a favorite CEU Provider, check out what they have coming up.

Craig Knowles

Bradford Donnaud

Stepheny Diaz

Sam Irwin

Dr. Marc Ellis

C. Mayumi Hawthorne

Carl Christie

Pam Nichols

Carrie Taylor

Continuing Education at

Check out Late October!