St. James Cathedral Bulletin | March 7, 2020
Guidelines for the celebration of Mass
during the coronavirus outbreak
I want to share with you the directives we have received from Archbishop Etienne regarding celebrating Mass during this time we are dealing with the coronavirus. As you will see, the precautions and practices he recommends are very sensible and very much in order at this time and I ask that we all observe them. Most of all,
I ask you to pray
for all the people around the world, including here in our own area, who have been affected by the virus or who have died from it. And please pray for the scientists and medical professionals who are looking for remedies and caring for the sick. --Father Ryan
The Archdiocese of Seattle has issued the following guidelines about the celebration of the Mass during the coronavirus outbreak. We strongly urge you to read and follow these recommendations out of an abundance of caution:
- If you are sick or feel you are getting sick, stay at home and do NOT attend Mass. Missing Mass due to illness is not sinful; it is prudent and shows care for your brothers and sisters. Please note that the CDC encourages older adults (60+) and those with chronic illnesses to stay at home as much as possible.
- During Mass, at the Sign of Peace, simply say, “Peace be with you,” instead of offering your hand.
- During Communion, the Eucharist will only be offered in your hand, rather than on your tongue. Additionally, we will refrain from offering the Precious Blood from the chalice at this time.
- You will notice that we have drained the holy water in the church, until further notice. Please simply bless yourself with the sign of the cross as you enter and exit the church.
- Please practice respiratory etiquette and good health hygiene with these recommendations from the CDC.
Event cancellations/postponements
The following events have been canceled or postponed in observance of recommendations about limiting non-essential gatherings:
- Inclusion Ministry Mass on 3/7
- Marriage Enrichment Dinner on 3/7
- New Heart, New Spirit Lenten Series on 3/9, 3/16, 3/23
- De-Escalation and Personal Safety Workshop on 3/10
Youth Night continues Sunday, March 8
Join us this Sunday at 6:30pm in the Pastoral Outreach Center as Luke Henkel will speak to us about the vital need of the Care for Creation Ministry. Luke will be giving an interactive and informative presentation on the importance of taking up Pope Francis' call to be better "stewards of the earth." Information,
"Stuff the Truck" for St. Vincent de Paul Society
On Sunday, March 15, the SVdP truck will be in the O'Dea Parking lot, ready to accept your donations of clothing, books, CDs, DVDs, bedding, lamps, kitchen items, framed artwork, TVs, radios, DVD players, and sports gear.
If you are an adult Catholic who has never been confirmed, you are invited to consider participating in this 10-week preparation series. A wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your faith! Classes begin Wednesday, March 18 and continue through early June.
Father Ryan's homily for the First Sunday of Lent
We Catholics like Lent. We may not always say so, but we do. We like the ashes of Ash Wednesday and we even like sacrifice and self-denial. We don’t always do them so well, but we like the thought of them! We like Lent. But Lent is more than ashes, sacrifice and self-denial, fast and abstinence. In the early Church, Lent was about preparing for baptism. It still is. And for those of us who are already baptized, Lent is the ideal time for us to get in touch with the meaning of our baptism.
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104