Cathedral Bulletin | September 25, 2024


  • The 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Livestream Links)
  • An evening of prayer with refugees TONIGHT, 9/25
  • Book Club: The Soul of America, 9/26
  • Being Catholic in the Public Square, 9/29
  • Ecumenical Prayer with Music from Taizé: Life, 10/4
  • Guitar Concert, 10/4 (following Taizé Prayer)
  • Hospital Ministry Info Session, 10/5
  • Mental Health and Wellness Resource Fair 10/6
  • Amos: God's Messenger of Justice, begins 10/10
  • Film Screening: The Matter of Life, 10/10
  • Morning Mobility with Blake Steller, 10/19
  • Black Catholic Advisory Circle Conference, 11/16
  • Immaculate Conception celebrates 120 years, 12/8
  • Youth Music Program--find out more
  • Poem of the Month: Hopkins' "Pied Beauty"
  • Other News and Notices
  • This Sunday's bulletin

The 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, September 28, 2024


5:30pm MASS


Sunday, September 29, 2024


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12 Noon MASS


4:00pm Vespers


5:30pm MASS 

Prayer with Refugees 9/25

Please join us for An Evening of Prayer with Refugees, an event to honor this year’s National Migration Week. In his message for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis reminds us, “God walks with His people.” So too, we will accompany local migrants and refugees, coming together to pray for migrants and refugees worldwide and for world peace.

A light reception will follow in the Pastoral Outreach Center, 907 Columbia St.

Sponsored by Archdiocese of Seattle Immigrant and Refugee Ministry

The Soul of America: Book Club 9/26

Being Catholic in the Public Square 9/30

Contemplative Evening Prayer 10/4

Guitar Concert 10/4

Hospital Ministry Info Session 10/5

Mental Health Resource Fair 10/6

Bible Study: the Prophet Amos 10/10

Screening: The Matter of Life 10/10

Morning Mobility 10/19

BCAC Conference 11/15-11/16

Immaculate Conception celebrates 120 years!

Youth Music Program is underway!

Poem of the Month: "Pied Beauty"

Poem of the Month is back after its summer hiatus!

Lisa Matchette reads Gerard Manley Hopkins' "Pied Beauty,"

and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary

News and Notices

ON THE COVER Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Moses leads the people through the Red Sea. East Apse stained glass window, St. James Cathedral. Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen, artist.


FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR are offered by a parishioner in thanksgiving for the life of her husband on this special feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.


SUNDAY HOSPITALITY Come to Cathedral Hall after the 10:00am Mass for quiche, fresh fruit, and fellowship.


PROCESSION OF GIFTS Please follow the directions of the ushers and come forward to the altar with your offering. If you give online, you are still encouraged to participate in the procession! Use one of the white visitor envelopes in the pews and simply drop it in the basket.


SPECIAL NOTICE ABOUT PARKING ON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29 On Sunday, September 29 the parking garage at the Cabrini Medical Tower will be closed and unavailable for parking for St. James Mass attendees. However, we have arranged for free parking at the Marion and Minor Garage directly across Boren Avenue from Cabrini Garage. There will be signage directing you to the entrance. One thing to note, when walking to the Cathedral, you will need to exit the garage via the car ramp as the entrance to the office building above will be closed. Please note that the garage will close promptly at 3:00pm.


REGISTER TO VOTE, available in multiple languages, or Members of the Life, Peace and Justice Commission will be outside of the Cathedral’s Marion and Terry doors at all the Masses on September 28-29 if you would like to register to vote in person.


EVENING PRAYER WITH MUSIC FROM TAIZÉ Friday, October 4 at 6:30pm. All are welcome to this celebration of evening prayer with candlelight and the haunting music of the ecumenical community of Taizé, France.


THE FIRST SUNDAY YOUTH CELEBRATION MASS IS OCTOBER 6 AT NOON MASS Children and youth are invited to process into Mass with photos they bring of their pet(s) or an animal they like in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. Please gather in the west vestibule with your photos before the Noon Mass begins. Following Mass come to Cathedral Hall for kid-friendly food and fellowship.


INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Are you, a family member, or a friend interested in joining the Catholic Church? Are you curious about how a person becomes Catholic or do you simply want to learn what Catholicism is all about? Information, John Marquez,, 206-654-4640.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU Several years ago this middle-aged man moved from the Midwest when offered a well-paying job in manufacturing here. He had to leave that job due to heart and other health problems and is now two months behind in rent. He is applying for Social Security Disability, but is upbeat about his situation hopes to transition back to full employment. He has a job interview this week. Those in need of assistance can call the SVdP Helpline (206-767-6449 or apply online Thanks to you, the SVdP ministry was able to help with his rent. Information, Blake Steller 907-244-6683 or


REMEMBERING OUR BELOVED DEAD You are invited to write the names of deceased loved ones in the Book of Remembrance which has been placed near the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This book will be carried in procession at the solemn Requiem Mass of All Souls on Friday, November 1 at 7:00pm.


CARE FOR CREATION  “When we make space for the Lord, we are able to open ourselves to all of Creation and to every creature. We then understand that life is a gift from the Father, who loves us deeply and desires that we belong to Him and to one another.” - Pope Francis. The Cathedral’s Care for Creation efforts were recently spotlighted in national publications. Read about it at



SANDWICH MAKING MINSTRY Healthy sandwiches can be made at home and then brought to the Cathedral to share with men staying at the St. Martin de Porres Shelter. This is a great activity for families with young children, people with busy lives, and anyone who is not able to go out and serve. Information, Patrick Barredo, 206-382-4515 or

WEEKLY MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUPS Open to anyone who needs support, weekly groups are held every Friday, 10-11:30am. The Mental Health and Wellness Ministry is offering different groups for mental health support, including art, board games, a mental health support group, mindfulness, yoga, and prayer, and a movie. Everyone is welcome! Held in the Pastoral Outreach Center. Register with Anisa Ralls 206-382-4269 or

MONTHLY FOOT CARE CLINIC Seattle and King Co Public Health are offering free monthly foot clinics and blood pressure checks, last Wednesday of every month, 1-4pm, held at Pastoral Outreach Center, 907 Columbia St. The next opportunity will be Wednesday, October 30. No registration required.  


MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESOURCE FAIR You are invited to the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry’s Annual Resource Fair on Sunday 10/6, 11am to 2pm in Cathedral Hall. Come and enjoy St. James’ Hospitality, meet representatives from organizations in our community and learn about mental health resources that may benefit you or someone you know! Information, Anisa Ralls, Director of Mental Health and Wellness Ministry 206-382-4269 or


REST IN PEACE Please pray for the repose of the souls of Sister Agnes Le, SNJM, Connie Wink, and Thomas Allsopp.


This Sunday's bulletin

Last Sunday's bulletin

St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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