Cathedral Bulletin | January 24, 2024


  • The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (livestream links)
  • Young Adult gathering at Garage Billiards and Bowl, 1/28
  • Contemplative Evening Prayer for Christian Unity, 2/2
  • Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults, preparation begins 2/6
  • Artificial General Intelligence lecture series begins 2/8
  • Mass for Health Care Professionals, 2/10
  • Ash Wednesday, 2/14
  • Encounter: Lenten Scripture Study Series begins 2/15 or 2/19
  • Cathedral Book Group: The Heat Will Kill You First, 2/15
  • Parish Outing to see the new film Cabrini, 3/14
  • Sacrificial Sunday Giving 2024: only 103 pledges short of our goal!
  • Other News and Notices
  • This Sunday's bulletin and last Sunday's bulletin
  • Events in other parishes

The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, January 27, 2024


5:30pm MASS

Sunday, January 28, 2024


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12 Noon MASS

4:00pm Vespers

5:30pm MASS

Young Adult Gathering 1/28 and 2/4

Young Adults Social

You are invited to an evening of fun and fellowship at Garage Billiards & Bowl! We will be meeting Sunday evening after the 5:30 Mass, Sunday, January 28, from 6:45 PM to 9:00 PM.

RSVP by scanning the QR code and filling out the form or clicking the following link and filling out the form.

Young Adults First Sunday Gathering 

Young adults are invited to our First Sunday gathering. After dinner, the Cathedral’s Assistant Director of Music and Organist, Chris Stroh, will explore the topic of music as it expresses and informs our faith. The meeting begins Sunday evening after the 5:30 Mass, February 4. Come, grow in faith and in community.

Information, Patty Pruitt, or 206-274-3108.


Prayer for Christian Unity 2/2

Confirmation for Adults 2/6

Artificial Intelligence Series begins 2/8

Cathedral Cantorei Concert 2/9

Mass for Health Care Professionals 2/10

Ash Wednesday, 2/14

ASH WEDNESDAY is Wednesday, February 14, 2024


8:00am (livestreamed)

10:10am (with O’Dea High School)



Lent Scripture Study series begins 2/15

Cathedral Book Group 2/15

Cabrini film screening 3/14

Sacrificial Giving 2024

Make your pledge today!

News and Notices

FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR are offered by Debbie Van Olst and family in loving memory of their mother Doris Van Olst.


SUNDAY HOSPITALITY Join us after the 10:00am Mass for doughnuts, fresh fruit, coffee, and a chance to visit with fellow parishioners.


BLESSING OF CANDLES ON THE FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD On Friday, February 2, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. At the 12:10pm Mass, Father Ryan will bless the candles for use in the Cathedral during the coming year. All are welcome to bring candles from home for the blessing.


BLESSING OF THROATS On Saturday, February 3, we will have the traditional Blessing of Throats on the Feast of Saint Blaise during the 8:00am Mass. All are welcome.


YOUTH FIRST SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 4 All children are invited to join the entrance procession for the NOON Mass. Please meet in the west vestibule before Mass begins. Children and Youth are encouraged to wear their red "Cathedral Youth Unite" hoodie if they have one. After Mass, all families are invited to enjoy special hospitality in Cathedral Hall.


CELEBRATE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK from January 28-February 3, by discovering the value of placing your child in a Catholic School. Financial aid could be available to you through the schools. In addition, St. James Cathedral offers help to both the Rainbow Schools and Simperman Scholar High Schools. Information, Patty Pruitt, 


NEW RED "CATHEDRAL YOUTH UNITE" HOODIES STILL AVAILABLE If you haven't picked up a hoodie for your child in the NEW red color, it's not too late. We would like every child to have one! Information, Tami Kowal, Director of Children's Faith Formation, 206-219-5822 or


WOMEN’S LENTEN FAITH GROUP For all women at the Cathedral! Would you like to join with other parishioners to make new friends and build community as we share scripture and our faith journeys? We will gather in the Holy Names Room at the Pastoral Outreach Center for five Saturdays starting February 17, 3:00-4:30PM, attend any or all of the groups. Refreshments will be provided. Information and registration, Anisa Ralls (206)382-4269 or


WELCOME BACKPACKS FOR 2024 Please help Immigrant Assistance continue to provide welcome backpacks to migrants arriving our community. To donate, visit our Target registry link: With your help, the St. James Respite Team shared nearly 40 backpacks, filled with essential supplies and gift cards, in the second half of 2023. The backpacks are offered to clients at our initial meeting, where the Respite Team also provides referral information to connect newcomers to resources in our community. Thank you for helping us extend a warm welcome to our new neighbors! Information, Erica de Klerk, or 206-382-4511.


THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN HAS RETURNED TO IN-PERSON DINING, welcoming over 100 dinner guests each night. (Since Covid, we have focused on takeaway meals.) Volunteers are needed to help serve, every weekday, from 3pm to 5pm. We also have a special opportunity for a pianist who could play from 4pm to 4:30pm any weeknight. Music is a wonderful gift to our guests. Would you consider helping out in the Kitchen? Information, Mick McHugh, Director, 206-949-6114.


OUR CALL TO SERVE VULNERABLE POPULATIONS IN OUR COMMUNITIES Last week, the Washington State Bishops published a statement advocating for our neighbors in need. In it, the bishops urge you to join the Washington State Catholic Conference ( to call on our state legislators to continue to invest in care for individuals who are experiencing homelessness. In addition, they call for measures to address the current drug epidemic in Washington state that has affected so many residents, not just the homeless. Bishops’ letter, 

TELL CONGRESS TO PASS FAIR AND JUST IMMIGRATION REFORM The U.S. bishops need your voice to encourage Congress to enact immigration reform that truly furthers the common good and respects the God-given dignity of all. Currently, H.R. 2 has been proposed, which would hinder the free exercise of religious organizations like the Catholic Church from serving newcomers. Our country can maintain its borders, while recognizing the God-given dignity of immigrants. Immigration reform is needed that works for vulnerable people seeking protection, families, and communities alike. Ask your elected officials to enact bi-partisan legislation to achieve a just reform of our immigration system that recognizes the positive role faith communities have played in welcoming newcomers since our nation’s founding. Take action¸


WEEKLY MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUPS Open to anyone who needs support, weekly groups are held every Friday of the month, 10-11:30am. The Mental Health and Wellness Ministry is offering different groups for mental health support, including art, board games, a mental health support group, mindfulness, yoga, and prayer, and a movie. Everyone is welcome! Held in the Pastoral Outreach Center. Registration, Anisa Ralls, 206-382-4269 or


ALL ARE WELCOME TO DINE AT THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN! Dinner: Monday to Friday, 4pm - 4:45pm. Sunday Breakfast: 7am – 8am.


OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY NEWSLETTER Learn about upcoming events and opportunities as well as stay informed on Catholic social teaching by receiving this monthly newsletter. Subscribe,


FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816,, or

TEEN, YOUNG ADULT AND ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FAITH FRIENDS MINISTRY Faith Friends is a unique blend of our Faith Mentor, children’s faith formation program, and an inclusion ministry. The ministry's goal is to give children and teens ages 7- 18 with physical, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities access to the parish community, social events, and faith formation. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Faith Friends program is the Faith Peer program. Faith Peers are teens and young adults who have chosen to live out their discipleship and share some of their personal time in dedication and service to the goals of the program. Adult volunteers are needed for the Adult Leadership team. Consider getting involved! Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816,


VISIT THE CATHEDRAL BOOKSTORE Located in Archbishop Murphy Courtyard on the south side of the Cathedral, the Cathedral Bookstore is open weekdays 11-3 and after each weekend Mass. Information, Caroline Okello, 206-654-4650 or


This Sunday's bulletin

Last Sunday's bulletin

Events in other parishes

St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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