Cathedral Bulletin | February 7, 2024


  • The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (livestream links)
  • Announcing our next parish pilgrimage: France and Italy, March 2025
  • In case you missed it: Father Ryan's message about Partners in the Gospel
  • Artificial General Intelligence lecture series begins 2/8
  • Mass for Health Care Professionals, 2/10
  • Ash Wednesday, 2/14
  • Lent at St. James Cathedral: Complete guide
  • Encounter: Lenten Scripture Study Series begins 2/15 or 2/19
  • Cathedral Book Group: The Heat Will Kill You First, 2/15
  • St. Vincent de Paul Year-End Report
  • Other News and Notices
  • Save the Date for Choir Camp 2024
  • This Sunday's bulletin and last Sunday's bulletin
  • Events in other parishes

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, February 10, 2024


5:30pm MASS

Archbishop Etienne will preside at a special Mass for Health Care Professionals and Caregivers

Sunday, February 11, 2024


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12 Noon MASS

4:00pm Vespers

5:30pm MASS

Parish Pilgrimage to France and Italy, 2025

Dear Friends,


I want to invite you to join me and the Cathedral community on a pilgrimage to France and Italy in March, 2025. In France, the highlight will be seeing the completely restored and renovated Notre-Dame de Paris, which has been under construction since the catastrophic fire in April, 2019. In Rome, 2025 is a Jubilee year, a special year of grace marked by the opening of the Holy Door.


Our journey will begin in Normandy, with Omaha Beach and the American Cemetery. After that we will have the opportunity to explore Lisieux, visiting the home of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower, and celebrating Mass at the amazing Basilica of St. Thérèse. From there, we’ll continue on to Bayeux and see the stunning Cathedral as well as the famous tapestry. Making our way to Paris, we will stop to visit Rouen and the church of St. Joan of Arc, as well as Giverny, where we will see Monet’s home and famous garden. In Paris, there will be plenty of time to explore, shop, and enjoy. Highlights will be Mass at the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur in Montmartre, and Sunday Mass at the newly restored Notre Dame de Paris. Before we depart Paris, we’ll share a fun dinner cruise on the Seine.


Our journey continues in Rome, where the Jubilee Year will be underway. We will attend the Holy Father’s general audience, celebrate Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, and process through the Holy Door.


I know this all sounds like a whirlwind, but we have taken special care to build some extra free time into the itinerary--for a meal with friends, a visit to a site not on the itinerary, or just for some quiet time to walk, pray, or nap!


Best of all, we will be celebrating our faith, forming deeper bonds of friendship, and praying in some very holy places. You can download the complete itinerary and details here. Please consider joining us!


Father Ryan

Partners in the Gospel Announcement

Dear Friends,


I know you are all aware of a major restructuring effort underway in the Archdiocese of Seattle called Partners in the Gospel. This process, which began well over a year ago, will group parishes around the archdiocese into “families” of two, three, or more parish communities. The first draft of the proposed families came out in September. In response to that draft, people across the Archdiocese (including many of you) offered feedback and suggestions. Based on that feedback, a second draft was issued at the end of November and a new round of consultation took place. This week, the Archbishop announced the final parish families, which will become a reality in July of this year.


How does this affect us?


Two parishes are going to become part of a “family” with the Cathedral. They are the historic Immaculate Conception Church in the Central District, and Christ Our Hope downtown. Those of you who have followed this process closely know that other options were considered for the Cathedral, but for various reasons, this configuration was determined to be the one that would work best for these three parishes.


What does this mean? It means that over the course of the next 3+ years, we will be looking for ways to work together and to collaborate in ministry. It does not mean – and I repeat, it does not mean - that any of these churches will be closed, or that we at the Cathedral will be absorbing those communities, or making significant changes to the way we worship, or to the way we serve, or to how we spend our financial resources.


Above all, I want to assure you that St. James Cathedral isn’t going anywhere! The Cathedral is strong thanks to your support, and I have every confidence that we will remain strong. I invite you to walk with me into the future and to join me in looking at this new family configuration as an opportunity for us to extend our mission and our ministry even further.

Father Ryan

For more information:

Artificial Intelligence Series begins 2/8

Cathedral Cantorei Concert 2/9

Mass for Health Care Professionals 2/10

Ash Wednesday, 2/14

ASH WEDNESDAY is Wednesday, February 14, 2024


8:00am (livestreamed)

10:10am (with O’Dea High School)



After the 6:00pm Mass, all are welcome to a Simple Supper in Cathedral Hall. Come break your fast with a warm bowl of soup!

Lent at St. James Cathedral

Click here to download the complete guide to Lent at St. James Cathedral!

Lent Scripture Study series begins 2/15

Cathedral Book Group 2/15

Events for Young Adults

Young Adults


Sunday, February 18 after 5:30pm Mass

You are invited to our third Sunday of the month meeting. After dinner, the group will explore and reflect on the lectionary readings for the first Sunday of Lent. The meeting begins Sunday evening after the 5:30 Mass, February 18. Come, grow in faith and in community. Information, Patty Pruitt, or 206-274-3108.

Sunday, March 3 after 5:30pm Mass

You are invited to our first Sunday of the month meeting. After dinner, former Cathedral staff and spiritual director, Roseanne Michaels will explore the topic of Ignatian Spirituality. The meeting begins Sunday evening after the 5:30 Mass, March 3. Come, grow in faith and in community. Information, Patty Pruitt, or 206-274-3108. 

St Vincent de Paul Year End Report

Rainbow Schools and Scholarships

News and Notices

SUNDAY HOSPITALITY Join us after the 10:00am Mass for parmesan bacon biscuits from Macrina Bakery, fresh fruit, coffee, and a chance to visit with fellow parishioners.


CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION CLASSES AND PARENT GATHERING THIS SUNDAY Classes will take place at O’Dea after the 10:00am Mass. Parents and Guardians, after you drop off your child at class please head across the street to the second floor of Cathedral Place for our monthly Parent Gathering. Corinna Laughlin, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy, will speak on “Why Mass Matters” and there will be hospitality to enjoy together. See you there! Information, Tami Kowal, 206-219-5822 or


THIS MONTH, WE BEGIN OUR LENTEN JOURNEY WITH CRS RICE BOWL We’ll encounter communities in Uganda, El Salvador and Indonesia who are overcoming hunger and the impacts of climate change. Your family can participate through prayer, fasting and almsgiving! Please check the St. James bulletin each Sunday for more information about how CRS supports communities across the globe. 25% of all money raised through Rice Bowl stays in our diocese, providing grants for food banks, community kitchens, and projects like the St. James Cathedral Kitchen Garden which help alleviate hunger and poverty right here at home.

ALL ARE WELCOME TO DINE AT THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN Dinner: Monday to Friday, 4pm - 4:45pm. Sunday Breakfast: 7am – 8am


CATHOLIC ADVOCACY TODAY Washington State is in the middle of its legislative session in Olympia. Stay abreast of important, proposed legislation by following the Washington State Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of the Washington bishops, Subscribe,


CELEBRATING BLACK CATHOLICS DURING FEBRUARY, BLACK HISTORY MONTH Servant of God Thea Bowman (1937-1990) was born into a Methodist family but her experience at Catholic school led her to convert to Catholicism at age nine. At only 15, Bowman entered the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, the only black Sister in the community. Sister Thea went on to teach all ages, eventually getting her doctorate and becoming an English professor. She was a powerful voice against racism and eventually began to work full-time in black Catholic ministry, explaining the beauty of African American Catholic spirituality to individuals as well as to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. She died of breast cancer at only 51.


WOMEN’S LENTEN FAITH GROUP For all women at the Cathedral! Would you like to join with other parishioners to make new friends and build community as we share scripture and our faith journeys? We will gather in the Holy Names Room at the Pastoral Outreach Center for 5 Saturdays starting February 17, 3:00-4:30pm, attend any or all of the groups. Refreshments will be provided. Information and registration, Anisa Ralls, 206-382-4269 or


MENTAL HEALTH STATIONS OF THE CROSS Presented by the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry, Stations of the Cross with a focus on mental health concerns, held after the 12:10pm Mass on Friday, March 8 in the Cathedral. All are welcome!


WEEKLY MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUPS Open to anyone who needs support, weekly groups are held every Friday of the month, 10-11:30am. The Mental Health and Wellness Ministry is offering different groups for mental health support, including art, board games, a mental health support group, mindfulness, yoga, and prayer, and a movie. Everyone is welcome! Held in the Pastoral Outreach Center. Register with Anisa Ralls, 206-382-4269 or


VISIT THE CATHEDRAL BOOKSTORE Located in Archbishop Murphy Courtyard on the south side of the Cathedral, the Cathedral Bookstore is open weekdays 11-3 and after each weekend Mass. Information, Caroline Okello, 206-654-4650 or


FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816,, or


ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU A young man covered his rent costs by working at a downtown restaurant and by splitting his rent expense with a roommate. His financial condition changed when his roommate died unexpectedly. In addition to this sad event, his work hours were cut at the end of the tourist season. Unable to meet his rent obligation, this neighbor called the ST VINCENT DE PAUL Helpline (206-767-6449 or online Thanks to your support we were able to give this neighbor enough assistance to catch up with his rent. Our visit ended with the young man expressing hope to get more working hours and to find a prospective roommate. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or


WELCOME BACKPACKS FOR 2024 Please help Immigrant Assistance continue to provide welcome backpacks to migrants arriving our community. To donate, visit our Target registry link: With your help, the St. James Respite Team shared nearly 40 backpacks, filled with essential supplies and gift cards, in the second half of 2023. The backpacks are offered to clients at our initial meeting, where the Respite Team also provides referral information to connect newcomers to resources in our community. Thank you for helping us extend a warm welcome to our new neighbors! Information, Erica de Klerk, or 206-382-4511.


MONTHLY ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION EDUCATION Hosted by the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center, held every 3rd Wed of the month, 1-2:30pm, The Memory Hub 1021 Columbia St. Registration, Kimber Behrends or 206-529-3865.


Choir Camp 2024--Save the date!


August 12-16 and Sunday, August 18 (10:00am Mass) marks the annual Youth Music Program choir camp for unchanged (treble) voices. All children entering grades 1 through 8 in the Fall season of 2024 are eligible to enroll. Enrollment will be opening soon! Email the Youth Music Office directly at to reserve a spot for your child(ren) at camp, or to be added to the choir camp contact list. Call 206-382-4876 with any questions.

This Sunday's bulletin

Last Sunday's bulletin

Events in other parishes

St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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