Master Gardener Monthly Newsletter

August 2024

Featured Article

Six Ways to Reduce Water Use Without Killing Your Garden

UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

To conserve water and meet California's new water-use restrictions, one place to start is literally in one's own backyard. More than half of all household water use is typically used outdoors on landscape, according to University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources experts. For homeowners, there are six key things to do to conserve landscape water, says Karrie Reid, UC ANR Cooperative Extension advisor, in San Joaquin County. Read more

Upcoming Events

Checklists for


UC Master Gardeners

Find information for the current season, or view other seasonal checklists using the left panel of our main website.

Serramonte Farmers Market

Serramonte Mall

133 Serramonte Center

Daly City, CA 94015

August 3, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Serramonte Farmers Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. The Farmers Market is located behind Macy's. For more information visit their website. Registration is not required.

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Arundel Living Campus Lower Garden

2010 San Carlos Avenue

San Carlos, CA 94070

August 3, 2024, 11am-12:30pm

Join Each Green Corner (EGC) and UC Master Gardeners at the Arundel Living Campus Lower Garden for a free Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop. UC Master Gardeners will demonstrate the ins and outs of pruning fruit trees in the summer. Attendees will be provided with garden gloves and pruning tools as needed, and are advised to bring a notepad as you will receive practical and detailed information about tree pruning methods, tree health and identifying diseases. Registration is required

San Mateo County Disaster Preparedness Day

San Mateo County Event Center, Cypress Hall

1346 Saratoga Drive

San Mateo, CA 94303

August 3, 2024, 11:00am-3:00pm

The San Mateo County Department of Emergency Management is hosting a Disaster Preparedness Day. Visit the UC Master Gardener education table to learn how to protect your home through creating defensible space and choosing the right plants. This event is free. For more information, visit their website.

Plant Clinic at the San Mateo Arboretum

San Mateo Arboretum in Central Park

101 9th Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94401

August 4, 2024, 12:00pm-3:00pm

Come anytime between 12:00-3:00pm for this walk-in plant clinic. UC Master Gardeners will be available to answer your questions from general information to advice about specific problems. Bring samples of your problem plants in clear plastics bags for better diagnosis. If you suspect insect damage, try to include some of the insects so they can be correctly identified. Registration is not required.

East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market


2555 Pulgas Avenue

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

August 7, 2024, 8:30am-12:30pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. For more information, visit their website. Registration is not required.

Exploring the Connection Between Greenhouse Gases and Soil Health

Lyngso Garden Materials/UC Master Gardeners

Zoom presentation

August 14, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm

Discover how healthy soils can sequester carbon dioxide, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to a sustainable environment. Learn about the dynamic processes within soil that impact atmospheric greenhouse gas levels and how proper soil management practices you can carry out in your garden can enhance the soil's ability to act as a carbon sink. Registration is required.

Serramonte Farmers Market

UC Master Gardeners

Serramonte Mall

133 Serramonte Center

Daly City, CA 94015

August 15, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Serramonte Farmers Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. The Farmers Market is located behind Macy's. For more information visit their website. Registration is not required.

Divisadero Farmers' Market

San Francisco DMV Parking Lot

1377 Fell Street

San Francisco, CA 94117

August 18, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Divisadero Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available every third Sunday to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. For more information, visit their website. Registration is not required.

Gardening Education Center

San Mateo County Event Center

2495 South Delaware Street

San Mateo, CA 94403

August 21, 2024, 10:00am-12:00pm

The UC Master Gardener Gardening Education Center (GEC) will be open to the public on Wednesday, August 21, from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Come see what's growing in the garden, learn some gardening techniques, and meet the Master Gardeners who tend the GEC garden. For parking, enter the parking lot from South Delaware Street (parking lot for the Jockey Club). After entering the parking lot, turn to the left and drive towards the lawn area and large eucalyptus trees (the side backing Saratoga Avenue). Parking is free. Registration is not required.

Rose Propagation by Stem Cutting

San Mateo County Event Center

UC Master Gardener Gardening Education Center

2495 South Delaware Street

San Mateo, CA 94403

August 24, 2024, 10:00am-11:30am

In this workshop you will learn about the many different type of roses, why some roses are better for propagating than others and the different ways to propagate depending on the season. A Master Gardener will demonstrate rose propagation by stem cutting. Afterward, you will have a chance to prepare your own cutting and container. Please bring your hand pruner. Registration is required.

Fall Vegetable Gardening

Civic Garden Club of San Carlos

737 Walnut Street

San Carlos, CA 94070

August 24, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm

It may be warm outside, but it’s time to plan your fall and winter vegetable garden. You can grow vegetables year round in the Bay Area, but you need to understand the constraints. Learn about what to plant and when, soil maintenance, cover crops, and crop rotation. Bring your questions. Registration is required.

Serramonte Farmers Market

UC Master Gardeners

Serramonte Mall

133 Serramonte Center

Daly City, CA 94015

August 29, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Serramonte Farmers Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. The Farmers Market is located behind Macy's. For more information visit their website. Registration is not required.

East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market


2555 Pulgas Avenue

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

September 4, 2024, 8:30am-12:30pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. For more information, visit their website. Registration is not required.

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Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement: To extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of San Mateo and San Francisco Counties, guided by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Gardening Resources


Choose the affected plant from photos displayed, click on the photo, remove any selections that do not apply, click on the plant names, and continue to filter selections to view the results for a possible diagnoses. Learn more.


Select links to access gardening resources, California Backyard Orchard, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), publications, and finding a local Master Gardener program.  Learn more.


Do you need help picking plants for your sustainable home garden? Selecting from the “Arboretum All-Stars” list is an easy way to start making “green” choices for your great looking garden. Arboretum All-Stars are top plants recommended by the horticultural staff of the UC Davis Arboretum. They thrive in California’s Mediterranean climate and have qualities that make them great choices for sustainable home gardens. Use searchable plant database to pick the perfect All-Star for your garden conditions. For more information, view their website.


Looking for plants native to California that are not only pretty but are pollinators and drought resistant? A few resources are: Xerces SocietyCalifornia Native Plant Society, and Calflora, Or try a native plant database for plants within your zip code. This website will help you find the best native plants specifically for your area that attract butterflies and moths and the birds that feed on their caterpillars, based on the scientific research of Dr. Douglas Tallamy and Research Assistant Kimberley Shropshire.


Browse the website to see all plants on the California Invasive Plant Council inventory, including both invasive plants and “watch” species. Clicking on the scientific name will take you to the Plant Profile where you will find links to more information on the plant.

Ask a Master Gardener

 UC Master Gardener volunteers are ready help you and your garden. Have a question about gardening? Have a pest problem? Curious about what will grow well in your region? Submit your inquiry online. Or visit the Master Gardener Helpline by phone, email, on the web, or in person. For more information visit our website.

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