Master Gardeners of

Greene County Newsletter

November 2023

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NOTE: Daylight Savings Time Change

Get Your Soil Tested

Fall Gardening Questions

To STOP a Plant Poacher

Gardening/Landscaping Q&A

Wastefulness of the American Lawn

Planning Your Garden: Cold Frames

Fall Color Report


Buy Native Trees and Shrubs (MDC)

Frost/Freeze Probabilities Guide

Organic Gardening Online Course

Veterans Can Learn Beekeeping Skills for Peace and Income

Beekeeping Information

Conventional Vegetable Production Series - Zoom Classes

Ecology & Management of Missouri's Woodland Communities

Food Preservation Ongoing Online Classes

Create a Habitat for Stem Loving Bees

Weekly Lawn and Garden Hour with MU Extension

Home Gardeners: Webinar Series Classes

Author's Corner: Frank Shipe

Florals and Their Care

In the Garden: Fruits and Gourds

Missouri Native Plants and Trees


What is Agricultural Literacy?

Invasive Plants

Missouri's Birds

Newsletters of Interest

Garden Links

Get Your Soil Tested Now

One Last Thought

Previous Month's Newsletter Link

Need a Speaker for One of Your Meetings or Groups?

Gardening Questions Hotline - Phone, Email and Web Questionnaire

Subscribe to the Newsletter

(Forward this newsletter on to a friend)

NOTE: Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 5th. Reset your clocks! That’s when we will fall back one hour. 

Get Your Soil Tested Now

Getting your soil tested now for both your lawn or garden is great. This way the nutrients have plenty of time to dissolve for the growing season. It is best to get it tested from November through about February or early March. See bottom of page and call the hotline for more information on soil testing and where to take your sample.


Fall/Winter Gardening Questions?

Readers statewide can pose questions by calling 417-874-2963 and one of the trained volunteers staffing the Master Gardener Hotline will call you back. Please leave a message at 417-874-2963 or email us at with your question and information to contact you or fill out an 'Ask A Master Gardener' form. This is our off season and Master Gardeners check the Hotline several times per week to answer calls. Learn more here. There will be someone in the office on Thursdays to collect soil samples for testing. Call before coming in.

To Stop a (Timber & Plant) Poacher

By Francis Skalicky for Missouri Conservationist Oct 1, 2023: Thus, timber theft, illegal digging of plants, forest arson, and the illegal collection and trafficking of reptiles and amphibians are among the crime's conservation agents are called upon to investigate in addition to violations related to hunting and fishing.

Learn more here.

Gardening/Landscaping Q & A

by George Deatz Oct 11, 2023

Why don't more people use waterwise and native plantings around their home and business? We could write a book on the topic; this is the short version:

The need for additional landscaping education on the advantages of waterwise and native plant landscaping, including community and Homeowners Association (HOA) support. It takes years with plenty of low-cost water aviable from, rain and public utilities to change landscaping methods people have developed over generations.

If you want to see the advance of waterwise and native landscaping in a community change more rapidly keep raising water rates, starting with a low base rate, escalate the rate as the use goes up. Add restrictions like odd-even water use days for lawns, car washing, etc. Community and HOAs must update their landscaping rules and regulations while implementing waterwise and native plant use on public and common areas. Also, offer property owners a 10% service discount and/or conversation rebate if they convert their landscaping to waterwise and native plantings. 

Before you realize it, neighborhoods begin to change, property development changes, the landscaping industry changes, etc. Another benefit, a reduced use of expensive and harmful chemicals, herbicides and pesticides. Let's also not forget the positive impact on birds, bees, other pollinators, and wildlife. Those that make the change seem to adapt, realizing the monetary and environmental value, they become important promoters. I have witnessed this more than once! 

Start your journey, explore information here: review 'Native Landscape Plans' by Grow Native! here. 

Visit the Master Gardeners of Greene County 'WaterWise Garden' near the corner of South National at Linwood St in Springfield, MO. Learn more of this garden's unique details here.

--Photo source unknown: Shared by a reader.

Planning Your Garden:

Building and Using Hotbeds

and Cold Frames

Revised by David Trinklein MU Horticulture Extension State Specialist: Consider constructing a low tunnel, cold frame or hot bed to grow salad greens during the cold months to extend the growing season. Learn more here.

Fall Color Report

Discover Nature this Season with MDC’s Weekly Updates on Fall Color: Find the best places to see it here. There is still plenty of fall color left to see for early November.

"Our weekly fall color updates are a great resource for the public,” said MDC Forestry Field Programs Supervisor Russell Hinnah. “Foresters begin posting reports in mid-Sept that show users where trees are beginning to turn and even suggest great places to see changing leaves”.

More details here.


Wicked Halloween Plants by Michele Warmund, MU Plant Science & Tech Oct 2, 2023: Some of these frightful plants have terrifying names, while others are poisonous, emit a rotting flesh odor, or are just plain scary in appearance. Beware! These plants may haunt your dreams. Learn more here.

Halloween's Irish twist begins with 'Stingy Jack' by Linda Geist for MU Extension Oct 12, 2023: Americans are projected to spend more than $800 million on Halloween pumpkins this year, said MU Ext horticulturist David Trinklein. The U.S. pumpkin industry can thank Irish immigrants and a mythical character named “Stingy Jack” for Americans’ rush to buy carving pumpkins in October. Learn more about the history and today's jack-o’-lanterns here.

Buy Native Trees and Shrubs

From Missouri Dept of Conservation (MDC) State Forest Nursery. Place orders now here.

PLUS: Need trees and shrubs for your landscape? Go native with tree and shrub seedlings from the Missouri Dept of Conservation (MDC). They can help improve wildlife habitat and soil and water conservation while improving the appearance and value of property. Continue reading here.  Pictured is the American Fringe Tree.

Missouri Frost/Freeze Probabilities Guide

I am continuing this article again because there are possibilities of freeze and frost in the near future.

FALL STARTED SEPT 23, 2023: Although near-freezing temps aren't currently in the forecast, daily temp normals are dropping about one-half degree daily, and daylight is dwindling at 2-3 mins daily. The median dates of frost-freeze probabilities vary by region in Missouri, but based on historical data, northern counties could experience the first frost in about two weeks.

Consult the Missouri Frost/Freeze Probabilities Guide to estimate the first frost in your area here. 


Access anytime (Still available)

Information shared by David Trinklein, MU Extension, Missouri State Master Gardener Coordinator July 31, 2023: Oregon State University Extension has just announced the availability of a new online course in organic gardening.

The course builds on the basics of gardening and provides students with a better understanding of organic gardening techniques & methods and how to apply them to your own garden.

On demand, access any time, 15-30 hours online, price $250. For additional details, go here.

Veterans Can Learn Beekeeping Skills for Peace and Income

Heroes to Hives - Veterans find peace, skills and income with MU Extension FREE program.

This program seeks to address financial and personal wellness of military veterans through professional training and community development centered around beekeeping.

Learn more details about MU Extension’s 'Heroes to Hives' program here.

Beekeeping Information

TWO LINKS Beekeeping Tips for Beginners by Moneen M. Jones for MU Extension: Also note: Take a beginning beekeeping class before you invest in bees and equipment. Check with your local county MU Extension center about assistance from a regional field specialist and/or upcoming classes or workshops online or in-person. Learn more here.

PLUS Review, Honey Bees as Pollinators, Their Habitats and Products by MU Extension: Continue reading here.

Conventional Vegetable Production Series

Between August 28 and November 28

Self-Paced - Online Zoom

MU Extension - This 21-class self-paced series takes a deep dive into conventional vegetable production and is designed for aspiring or existing growers selling vegetables for profit, although all interested gardeners are welcome to register.

Cost is on a sliding scale.

More information and registration here.

Ecology & Management of Missouri's

Woodland Communities

Free MPF Webinar

Wednesday, November 22nd at 4:00 pm.

In this presentation, learn about woodland natural communities and their ecological and historical attributes from MDC Ecologist Mike Leahy, and learn the nuts and bolts of restoration and management practices that help keep woodland communities healthy and intact from MDC Biologist Susan Farrington.

More details and register here.

Food Preservation

This ongoing self-paced course provides research based information needed to safely and successfully preserve food at home. Participants of all levels of food preservation experience are welcome, including individuals with little or no previous food preservation experience. This course covers pressure canning, boiling water bath canning, steam canning, dehydration, and freezing. Highlights include preserving salsas, pie fillings, pickling, sweet spreads, and harvesting and storage of produce.

Registration is $30.00

Click here for more information and registration.

Get your Lawn and Garden Questions Answered

at the Garden Hour with MU Extension

Virtual Town Hall: Mandy D. Bish - MU Extension Specialists will address lawn, garden, and insect questions during the 'Garden Hour' with MU Extension. NOW EVERY Wednesday of the month from 12-1pm. The virtual event is free. To register for the virtual event and/or ask a gardening question, please visit.

To see recordings from previous events, please check out the YouTube videos on the MU Extension IPM channel here.

For more information visit.  Or contact Mandy D. Bish, MU Plant Science & Technology at (573) 882-9878 or email: 

HOME GARDENERS: Webinar Wednesday

A Series by Kentucky Extension Hort News - Review the current and last 3.5 years of archived videos with home gardeners in mind. Take your time, watch the ones that are beneficial to your gardening needs:

FIRST SEE what other webinars are coming this season here.

ALSO: Click here to view Season Four Videos. (current season – 2023

ALSO: Click here to view Season Three Videos. (2022)

ALSO: Click here to view Season Two Videos. (2021)

ALSO: Click here to view Season One Videos. (2020)

Or watch them all on our YouTube Channel here.

Author's Corner: Frank Shipe

Republished in memory of Frank Shipe, friend, writer and a Master Gardener in Greene County, who passed away October 16, 2023. 

Gardening calms, gives creative outlet by Columnist Frank Shipe from Springfield Business Journal (SBJ) archives posted online April 15, 2007 | Frank Shipe shares his love of gardening and the stress-relieving benefits it can provide. SBJ online here.

Dig in: Must-have tools for hobby gardeners by Frank Shipe from Springfield Business Journal (SBJ) archives posted online February 19, 2006 | With outdoor living and gardening now such a great part of American life, it might be worth taking a quick look at the most useful gardening hand tools. Here they are, based on the consensus of many Ozarks gardeners. Learn more from SBJ online here.

Renewal in the Garden by Frank Shipe from Springfield Business Journal (SBJ) archives posted online Oct 15, 2006 | For Ozarks gardeners, it’s time for the renewal that comes with fall and winter gardening. To learn more about garden care, read SBJ online here.

Florals and Their Care

Rose Rosette Disease by Christopher J. Starbuck, MU Division of Plant Sciences: Rose rosette is a fatal disease of plants in the genus Rosa which is caused by a virus-like pathogen, spread ... easily dispersed on wind currents. The most common host plant is the noxious weed, Rosa multiflora ... over the years, there have been increasing reports of rose rosette infecting domesticated roses. Learn more here.

How to (Propagate) Grow and Care for Oakleaf Hydrangea by David Beaulieu for The Spruce: See section 'Propagating Oakleaf Hydrangea' Oakleaf hydrangea shrubs can be successfully propagated through stem cuttings. (This plant also spreads through suckering; the suckers that can be potted then transplanted.) Follow these propagating steps and also learn more about how to grow and care for your oakleaf hydrangea plant here.

How to Grow and Care for Liriope by David Beaulieu for The Spruce Sept. 9, 2023: The Liriope genus includes a small number of grass-like flowering perennial plants native to East and SE Asia. Two of the most commonly grown species in the U.S., L. Muscari (lilyturf) and L. spicata (aka creeping liriope or monkey grass). Learn more including the invasive L. spicata here.

TWO LINKS: How to Grow And Care for Mums (Chrysanthemums) by Patricia S York for Southern Living Sept 6, 2023: Keep your yard dazzling with vivid reds, golds, and yellows with the addition of mums. Learn more here.

PLUS: Watch video to get tips on mums • How to choose • Using them as annuals vs. perennials • Caring for and watering them. View here.

How to Grow and Care for Purple Heart Plants by Southern Living May 22, 2023: Pretty, purple, and practically indestructible (in hardiness Zones 7-10). Mostly grown as house plants in Zone 6 and colder climates. The 'Purple Heart' (Tradescantia pallida) is a hardy plant with a stunning color payoff. It's a beautiful perennial with long, trailing stems that resemble rambling vines. Plant tops die back when in temps under 40 but roots can survive. Learn more here.

How to Grow and Care for Crocosmia aka Coppertips by Jamie McIntosh for The Spruce June 29, 2023: A perennial flower that grows tall pigment-rich blooms in the summer just when other spring bloomers are entering dormancy. Crocosmia grows best in somewhat drier climates with less humidity, full sun, and well-draining, slightly acidic soil. USDA Hardiness Zones 6-10. Learn more here.

In the Garden: Fruits and Gourds

Boysenberry Plant Info: Tips on Growing a Boysenberry Plant by Amy Grant for Gardening Know How: If you love raspberries, blackberries, and loganberries, then try growing a boysenberry, a combination of all three. How do you grow boysenberries? Read on to find out about growing a boysenberry, its care, and other boysenberry plant info. Read more here.

The gourd life begins with this grow-your-own utensil by Linda Geist for MU Extension Oct 3, 2023: The dried fruit of several members of the cucumber family proved useful for many purposes, said David Trinklein MU Extension. We call these plants gourds, and they may be among the first domesticated plant species, dating back as early as 13,000 B.C. Learn more here.

Strawberry Cultivars and Their Culture: Home Fruit Production Michele R. Warmund Fruit State Specialist MU Div of Plant Sciences: Strawberries are well adapted to our climate, require a very small investment, and will produce a good crop of fruit within 13 months of planting. Read on here.

Growing Blueberries in Missouri This pdf guide by Patrick Byers & others for Dept of Ag / MSU should help you here.

PLUS: Missouri Blueberry Production with Patrick Byers, MU Extension · YouTube Video for SCG here.

Growing and Marketing Elderberries in Missouri by Patrick Byers and others. This pdf from MU Extension's website may help you in a number of ways including propagation. Learn more here.

Apple Cultivars and Their Uses by Michele Warmund MU Dept of Hort: When selecting apple cultivars to grow, you need to consider their disease-resistance, harvest dates and uses — eating fresh, baking, freezing, etc. Learn these details and more about several cultivars adapted to Missouri in this guide here.

Conserving Missouri's Wild and Managed Pollinators by MU Staff: At the heart of the pollination issue lies our bounty of foods such as peaches, strawberries, squash and apples. These and other foods requiring pollination have been staples in the human diet for centuries, and their pollinators have been highly revered since ancient times. Also see Related Publications, continue here.

Missouri Native Plants and More...

TWO LINKS: Sunscald aka southwest injury, occurs in late winter / early spring on the southwest side of thin bark trees. Learn more about this annual problem, 'Sunscald of Woody Plants' by Missouri Botanical Garden here.

PLUS: Sunscald Injury or Southwest Winter Injury on Deciduous Trees by USU Forestry Extension: This injury presents a significant threat to the trunks and limbs of certain deciduous trees. Although it can happen on shrubs it is more common on trees. Learn more here.

Brown Rot in Wood by Penn State Extension Sept 18, 2023: Brown rot, sometimes called cubical brown rot, is one type of decay fungi that can attack wood that leaves the wood with a reddish color and small, cube-shaped pieces of wood. Learn more here.

Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms (Laetiporus sulphureus) by MDC: Sulfur-colored 'chicken of the woods' is an edible fungus with layered, fan-shaped, fleshy caps that are orange on top and sulfur yellow below. It grows in overlapping clusters on stumps, trunks, and logs of dead or dying deciduous trees, stumps, buried roots, or living trees. May–November. Never eat mushrooms, etc. unless you are 100% certain of the ID and they are safe. Learn more here.

Jack-o'-Lantern Mushroom (Omphalotus illudens) by MDC: ARE POISONOUS. Bright orange to yellowish orange, with sharp-edged gills descending the stalk. July–October. Grows in clusters from wood or buried wood. Learn more here.

Pollinator Island by Bob & Barb Kipfer for Springfield Plateau Chapter of the Missouri Master Naturalist™ Oct 9, 2023: Sitting in our backyard reading, my mind wandered off to the aromatic asters (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium) along the patio edge. Watching it closely over 5 minutes I counted over 25 species of pollinators flitting from flower to flower. Continue reading here.

TWO LINKS: Blue Mistflower aka Blue Boneset (Conoclinium coelestinum) by Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder: In Missouri, it is primarily found south of the Missouri River in low wet woods, at bluff bases, and in moist ground along streams, ponds, sloughs and ditches. A species native to Missouri, learn more here.

Plus: Blue Mistflower by David D. Taylor, US Forest Service for KNPS. Read on here.

Red Berries Brighten Fall Landscapes by David Trinklein MU Plant Science & Tech Oct 6, 2023: Long after the showy leaves associated with autumn have faded or fallen, plants with colorful berries continue to brighten the countryside. (Including native species.) In many cases, they further enhance the garden by attracting colorful birds who use the berries as food. Learn more here.

Winged Elm - One of Missouri's Elm Trees The Missouri Dept of Conservation Field Guide notes, "Winged elm (U. alata), also called wahoo. Scattered mostly south of the Missouri River. Usually occurs as a shrub or small tree in dry upland areas, but when it grows in bottomlands it can grow large enough to be a mid-story or canopy tree. In wetter habitats, this species tends to develop fewer corky branches. But usually, the corky wings that form on the young branches and twigs of this species are quite noticeable, more so than the corky wings that form on several other elms." Learn more about Missouri elms here.

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) by Grow Native! A Missouri native attracts butterflies like the magnificent Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly to your garden. Learn more here.

Spicebush Swallowtail from Big-Eyed Caterpillar to Beautiful Butterfly by Noppadol Paothong for Missouri Conservationist July 2020: The spicebush swallowtail ranges throughout the eastern US but is more common in the south. You can find this butterfly in most places in Missouri — except the northwestern part of the state... In a typical year, two to three broods are produced. Learn more here.

Save the leaves and they hibernate in fallen leaves.

Missouri Oaks

Oak Decline by Dan Dey and Robbie Doerhoff for Missouri Conservationist October 1, 2023: Drought, insects, fungi contribute to loss in oak forests. Learn more here.

Oak Decline in Missouri by Missouri Dept of Conservation: Large numbers of northern red, southern red, black and scarlet oaks are declining and dying in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. Learn more here.

OAK by Joshua Heston for State of the Ozarks -Archives: There are so many species of oak in the Ozark Mountain region that identifying them all is a bit daunting. This is only a partial list. White Oak, Black Oak, Pin Oak, Bur Oak, Shingle Oak, Post Oak. Continue Reading here. 

What is Agricultural Literacy?

By USDA NAL - Alternative Farming Systems Information Center Sept 27, 2023

October is National Information Literacy Month! ...The National Research Council defines an agriculturally literate person as one who understands, "the food and fiber system, and this would include its history and its current economic, social and environmental significance to all Americans."

Learn more here.

Missouri Invasives

Japanese Honeysuckle Control by Missouri Dept of Conservation: Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) is a perennial semi-evergreen vine native to Japan... This aggressive vine seriously alters or destroys the understory and herbaceous layers of the communities it invades... Learn more about this plant including control recommendations here.

Wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei) - Invasive Species Spotlight by MDC for MU Extension Natural Resources Live. Learn. Grow: This invasive species has escaped from landscaping where it has been used as a groundcover. It can suffocate native plants and trees. Learn more here.

Missouri's Birds

Dining Out -- Cooper's Hawks by Bob & Barb Kiper for Springfield Plateau Chapter of the Missouri Master Naturalist™ Oct 23, 3023: We recently looked out our patio sliding glass door and saw this juvenile Cooper's hawk sitting on our bench 6 feet from us (photo below). It wasn't bothered by us, more intent on our bird feeders which had been hosting a bunch of English sparrows. Read on here.

Blue Jays by Noppadol Paothong for Missouri Conservationist October 1, 2023: Blue jays are among the most recognizable backyard birds in Missouri. Whether you’re an experienced birdwatcher or just interested in these beautiful songbirds that are frequent visitors to your backyard or at the edge of a forest, they are fun to watch. Learn more with text and photos here.

Newsletters of Interest

The Garden Spade Newsletter October 2023 by MU Extension

The Garden Spade Newsletter October 2023 Articles include: Wicked Halloween Plants + Pumpkin Recipe + Fall Maintenance of Lawns + Advantages of Row Covers + On the Bookshelf + What is It? + Kids Ask Dr. Bug + Gardening Tips & Tasks + Upcoming Events & Flyers + 3 MU IPM YouTube Video Links. Read pdf here.

Missouri Produce Growers Video Newsletter by MU Extension Hoert Team Oct 6, 2023 - Topics: Fall Field Cleanup to Reduce Overwintering Insects +Paw Paw Cultivars + MO Fall 2023 Climate Outlook + Maximizing Microgreens + Weeds in Pumpkins Got You Down? + Growing Organic + Upcoming Classes, Publications & Articles + More here.

Natural Resources Newsletter October 2023 by MU Extension NR Team Oct 10, 2023 -This Month in Natural Resources: Forestry Assistance for Landowners + Bats of Missouri + Twig Girdler & Twig Pruner Beetle Species + White Oak (Quercus alba) + Webinars and In-Person classes. Details and more here.

Cornell Lab eNewsletter October 2023: Go Birding + Duetting Owls + When Trees Attack + America's Arctic + A Quiz Bird, and Much More! Details, Continue Reading Here.

Missouri Produce Growers Video Newsletter By MU Hort Team Oct 20, 2023 Topics: Garlic Planting + Sweet Potatoes - Harvest, Curing & Storage + Growing Native Trees from Seed + Grow Your Ag Business + Upcoming Classes + Produce Growers Bulletin + New Publications. Details on this and more here.

Missouri Prairie Foundation News Oct. 24, 2023 Topics: Leave the Leaves for Overwintering Wildlife + 'Ecology & Management of Missouri's Woodland Communities' Free Webinar Nov 22nd + 23 Plant Records Added to Grow Native! Database + Rattlesnake Master (Erynigium yuccifolium) Not Just for the Pollinators + Grow Native! Conference Nov. 8 + Details and more here.

November Gardening Tips, Tricks & Tasks News by MU Extension Staff Oct. 24, 2023: Temps are starting to drop. Find these tips, tricks and tasks to keep you busy in and around the garden throughout the month of November. Topics: Outdoor Flowering Plants & Ornamentals Vegetable Gardening Fruits and Nuts Indoor Plants Turfgrass. Learn more here.

November's Tips and Tasks

Best Seeds to Plant in Fall

Why You Shouldn't Clean Your Garden

How to Save Pumpkin Seeds Video-Youtube

Complete Guide to Growing Trees

House Plant Care Guides

15 Bulbs to Plant this Fall Not too late to do so

How to Deadhead Mums for Beautiful Blooms Next Year

10 Perennials to Cut Back in Fall

8 Low Maintenance Shrubs That Never Need Pruning

How to Overwinter Mums

What's in a Name - The Naming of Plants Very interesting article

Get Your Soil Tested Now

Basic soil testing analysis is done by the MU Soil Lab in partnership with our Master Gardeners of Greene County. Results include fertilizer and lime recommendations. Additional tests are available for nutrient management plans, environmental issues, potting mixes, compost, manure and water usage. Each sample should contain a total of 2 cups of dry soil and from 6 to 7 inches deep and about 5 or 6 different areas. Results are typically provided within two weeks.

Bring the soil sample(s) to the Greene (or your local county office) County Extension office between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Thursdays. Master Gardeners can complete the paperwork and submit your test. One of our extension specialists will review your results. In most cases, gardens, lawns and fields should be tested every two years.

The cost is $30 per sample. Feel free to call if you have any questions:


A LAST THOUGHT Have you been to the Springfield Botanical Gardens at Nathanael Greene/Close Memorial Park, 2400 S. Scenic Ave, Springfield, MO? If not plan a group or family fall's visit today. In addition to the many beautiful floral and demonstration gardens, a number of gardening organizations are headquartered there, including MU Greene County Extension office and the Master Gardeners of Green County Hotline. Questions call 417-891-1515 or tour the gardens and all of the other attractions online.

View previous newsletter

Need a Speaker for a Meeting or Group?

Master Gardeners of Greene County are available at this time to speak to garden clubs, civic organizations, schools and other groups on a wide variety of topics within the world of gardening, horticulture, landscaping and the environment.

Please keep us in mind for a future date.

For more information.

Email Us

Donating to MU Extension

Without MU Extension, there would be no Master Gardeners.

Gifts from individual donors support MU Extension's educational programs in Greene County. Primarily, we receive cash donations by check or online with a credit card and the non-cash donation of vehicles.


For more information

Donate Online

Tax deductible donation


Explore MU Extension's Website for Information

on Programs, Events and More, Including Plants and Insects

For all your gardening questions,

please call our Hotline: 



The Hotline volunteers will be calling you back.

These are our winter hours and volunteers check calls several times weekly.

There should be someone in the office on Thursdays to collect soil samples.

Please call before coming in with a question, sample or pictures.

Questions welcome state wide.

Continue to call, email us or send pictures to

These are three separate ways of contacting us.

More Hotline Information

Be sure to LIKE us on Facebook and forward to a friend!

Thank you!!


Master Gardeners of Greene County, Missouri


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Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center

2400 S. Scenic Ave.

Springfield, MO 65807

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Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!