Master Gardener Monthly Newsletter

October 2024

Featured Articles

Tropical Milkweed -- A No-Grow

Milkweed is in demand, and that demand has been filled in recent years by "tropical" milkweed, a non-native species. But is planting tropical milkweed potentially doing more harm than good? Tropical milkweed becomes a problem when planted in temperate areas where it does not die back in winter. A protozoan parasite of monarch butterflies, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha or OE for short, can travel with monarchs visiting the plants and become deposited on leaves. When caterpillars hatch and start eating the plant, they ingest the OE. High OE levels in adult monarchs have been linked to lower migration success in the eastern monarch population, as well as reductions in body mass, lifespan, mating success, and flight ability. Tropical milkweed can also interfere with monarch migration and reproduction. When grown in northern areas, where it can grow later in the year than native species, the presence of tropical milkweed may confuse monarchs into breeding at a time when they should be migrating. In California, where this milkweed is widely planted, it can be growing near overwintering sites along the coast and may spur monarchs to breed when they should be overwintering. Read more.

Plant Notes and Slides

The Master Gardener Plant Notes and Slides webpage has two formats: Notes and Slides. The "Notes" format includes detailed information and multiple photos. Some notes are for individual species, while others provide a higher level overview by presenting a genus. The "Slides" format includes a single slide with essential information and a single photo. The webpage topics include: California Natives, Edibles, Succulents, Herbs, and Ornamentals.

Upcoming Events

Checklists for


UC Master Gardeners

Find information for the current season, or view other seasonal checklists using the left panel of our main website.

East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market


2555 Pulgas Avenue

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

October 2, 2024, 8:30am-12:30pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the East Palo Alto Community Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. For more information, visit their website. Registration is not required.

Plant Clinic at the San Mateo Arboretum

San Mateo Arboretum in Central Park

101 9th Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94401

October 6, 2024, 12:00pm-3:00pm

UC Master Gardeners will be available to answer your questions from general information to advice about specific problems. Bring samples of your problem plants in clear plastics bags for better diagnosis. If you suspect insect damage, try to include some of the insects so they can be correctly identified. Registration is not required.

Rose Propagation

Lyngso Zoom presentation

October 9, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm

In this workshop, you will learn about the many different types of roses, why some roses are better for propagating than others and the different ways to propagate depending on the season. The demonstration given by a Master Gardener will include rose propagation by stem cutting. Registration is required.

Serramonte Daly City Farmers' Market

Serramonte Mall

133 Serramonte Center

Daly City, CA 94015

October 10, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Serramonte Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. The Farmers' Market is located behind Macy's. For more information, visit their website. Registration is not required.


Flowercraft Garden Center

550 Bayshore Blvd.

San Francisco, CA 94124

October 12, 2024, 10:00am-11:00am

Learn about houseplant care essentials, easy houseplant options and troubleshooting common problems. Bring your questions and experiences for discussion. Registration is not required.

Yoga for Gardeners

Elkus Ranch Conference Center

1500 Purisima Creek Road

Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

October 15, 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm

Gardening helps strengthen your body, increase flexibility, and cultivate inner peace; however, some of the more repetitive motions can also take a toll on your body, like folding forward and lugging heavy soil bags, which can lead to tight muscles, and aches and pains in your joints.  Please bring a yoga mat to place under your chair. You may choose to practice also without the provided chair. You can practice with or without shoes. Please wear clothing that you can move in comfortably. Follow the directions on the Elkus Ranch website. Class fee is $15.00, and enrollment is limited to 30 participants. Enrollment deadline is October 14, 2024, at 6:00pm. Registration is required.

Divisadero Farmers' Market

San Francisco DMV Parking Lot

1377 Fell St.

San Francisco, CA 94117

October 20, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Divisadero Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available every third Sunday to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. For more information, visit their website. Registration is not required.

Growing California Wildflowers

San Carlos Library

610 Elm Street

San Carlos, CA 94070

October 20, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm

Now is the time to plant native wildflower seeds for spring and summer blooms. UC Master Gardeners will discuss growing California annual wildflowers, the benefits of growing a variety of native wildflowers, and how to get started, followed by a hands-on demonstration in the adjacent native plant garden. Participants will be given a packet of seeds to start their own wildflower garden of annual wildflowers. All ages are welcome. Registration is not required.

Serramonte Daly City Farmers' Market

Serramonte Mall

133 Serramonte Center

Daly City, CA 94015

October 24, 2024, 9:00am-1:00pm

Please visit the UC Master Gardener education table at the Serramonte Farmers’ Market. Master Gardener volunteers will be available to answer questions regarding plants, planting techniques, garden pests and more. The Farmers' Market is located behind Macy's. For more information visit their website. Registration is not required.

Preparing Your Winter Garden: Composting- Cover Crops and Winter Vegetables

Belle Air Elementary School

450 3rd Avenue

San Bruno, CA 94066

October 26, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm

In this beginning class, participants will learn how to prepare their garden for winter by composting, planting cover crops, and planting winter vegetables. Enrollment is limited to 30 participants. Registration is required.

Coastal Native Plant Education Event

Pacifica Gardens

830 Rosita Road

Pacifica, CA 94044

October 26, 2024, 11:00am-2:00pm

Interested in planting native plants in your home garden? Join us for a community education event focusing on the benefits of growing natives in your own backyard. UC Master Gardener native plant experts will discuss California natives that thrive on the mid-peninsula coast, along with best practices for planting and caring for your plants. Pacifica Gardens’ Native Plant Nursery managers will demonstrate techniques for propagating native plants. You also will have an opportunity to tour the native plant nursery and the garden. Registration is required.

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Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement: To extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of San Mateo and San Francisco Counties, guided by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Gardening Resources


Choose the affected plant from photos displayed, click on the photo, remove any selections that do not apply, click on the plant names, and continue to filter selections to view the results for a possible diagnoses. Learn more.


Select links to access gardening resources, California Backyard Orchard, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), publications, and finding a local Master Gardener program.  Learn more.


Do you need help picking plants for your sustainable home garden? Selecting from the “Arboretum All-Stars” list is an easy way to start making “green” choices for your great looking garden. Arboretum All-Stars are top plants recommended by the horticultural staff of the UC Davis Arboretum. They thrive in California’s Mediterranean climate and have qualities that make them great choices for sustainable home gardens. Use searchable plant database to pick the perfect All-Star for your garden conditions. For more information, view their website.


Looking for plants native to California that are not only pretty but are pollinators and drought resistant? A few resources are: Xerces SocietyCalifornia Native Plant Society, and Calflora, Or try a native plant database for plants within your zip code. This website will help you find the best native plants specifically for your area that attract butterflies and moths and the birds that feed on their caterpillars, based on the scientific research of Dr. Douglas Tallamy and Research Assistant Kimberley Shropshire.


Browse the website to see all plants on the California Invasive Plant Council inventory, including both invasive plants and “watch” species. Clicking on the scientific name will take you to the Plant Profile where you will find links to more information on the plant.

Ask a Master Gardener

 UC Master Gardener volunteers are ready help you and your garden. Have a question about gardening? Have a pest problem? Curious about what will grow well in your region? Submit your inquiry online. Or visit the Master Gardener Helpline by phone, email, on the web, or in person. For more information visit our website.

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