Volume 5 Issue 1
Master Management arranges for COVID testing within the Village
As an extension to its commitment to enhance safety in the Village, and as a continuation of efforts one year ago to provide COVID-related services, Master Management has now made arrangements to have a COVID test site in the Village.

The testing is for everyone, including Canadians (who must bring their passport for the test), staff, and vendors. All insurance is accepted. No copays. If you do not have insurance, you may still receive the test (you will need to fill out a special form).

The tests will be given at LeClub from 8:00am to 4:00pm on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - January 11th thru 13th

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - January 25th thru 27th

For more information about the testing, you may TEXT Malky Moas at 954-899-0516.


New Fleet of buses coming to CVE
This year, Master Management is upgrading the entire fleet of CVE buses!

The new buses will be safer and more fuel efficient. Specifically, they will have the ability to "kneel," making getting on and off much easier for passengers. They will also have next generation lifts in the rear that can handle heavier loads, including most scooters.

Look for the new buses on the roads coming soon!

No Parking Allowed!
Please remember that parking your recreational vehicle (RV) in the Village is prohibited. If you have an RV, please make arrangements to have it parked off site at a storage facility or similar location.
Need a bar code?
Do you need a new bar code? If so, click below for information on who may need one, and how to receive it.
Did you receive your 2022 coupons?
You should have received your 2022 coupons by now. If you are set up on direct debit with Master Management, you will not be receiving a coupon book. If you do not use direct debit and have not received your booklet, please contact Master Management.
Bike safety reminder
With so many residents returning to the Village, more residents than ever are biking around CVE. An increase in both walkers and bikers means it is even more important to know the "Rules of the Road."
  • While bikers may use the paths, bikers are asked to use the road.
While you are permitted to bike on the paths, an increase in the number of walkers has made it more difficult to ensure the safety of everyone. If you can, we ask that you bike on the side of the road WITH THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC.
  • Bikers must yield to walkers on the paths.
Bikers must yield the right-of-way to walkers on the paths and give an audible signal before passing them.
  • If on the road, stay to the right.
Bikers on the road should stay to the right except when passing other bikers, when preparing to turn left, or when avoiding a hazard in the roadway.
Watch out for the buses
When you are pulling out of a parking spot, please remember to look out for our buses in the parking lot.

If you back out into the path of a passing bus, not only will you be at fault, but you could cause serious injury. Please be careful.
New tech will ease gate traffic
Keep an eye out for new technology at the gates that will ease traffic during busy times.

Security guards will soon have tablets that can be used to check in cars while in line before reaching the gate house.

This will speed entry and reduce lines.
Miss the 2022 paving preview?
The upcoming summer will be the final phase of our multi-year project of repaving the Village. If you missed the Town Hall meeting going over all the details of the upcoming work, click below to watch.
Message from the Executive Director
This will be the year of finished business!
It's amazing how a pandemic can force you to delay plans. This past year we were able to accomplish so many improvements and projects. Yet there remained a few high-profile items that were not completed due to pandemic-related issues.

This year those projects are on the top of the priority list. Item number one: our new main gate house and entry. This year, with the construction of a new main entrance, we will reach our goal of updating and rebuilding all three village access points.

The designs for the new main gate are complete. Now all we need are materials, labor, and scheduling.

This upcoming year will also include the construction of a new wall on the northern edge of the village along Hillsboro Boulevard. The wall will be similar to the one recently completed along Military Trail.

I am also looking forward to the addition of a right turn lane into the East Gate from Military Trail. This will both increase safety and decrease traffic backups.

We have other projects planned for 2022, and I am looking forward to sharing them with you as the year progresses. In the meantime, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Be well. Stay Safe.

Vallen A. Smikle, LCAM
Executive Director
CVE Master Management Company, Inc.

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Email Master Management
LOOK FOR THIS LINK ON OUR WEBSITE, www.CenturyVillageEast.com
Keep up to date on news from the City of Deerfield Beach
You can always check the latest information from Deerfield Beach City Hall by visiting the city's news page on its website. CLICK THE RED GRAPHIC TO VISIT THE CITY'S SITE.