City Council and Planning Commission Prepare for Review of Master Plan Policies
ReImagine Reno will reach an important milestone next week when the Reno City Council and Planning Commission review the draft policies that form the foundation of the updated master plan. Up for discussion at the May 31 meeting are the draft Design Principles and Citywide Policy Framework.
These policy documents have been updated since they were released for public review and are an example of how your feedback matters in the master plan update process. Over the last few months, more than 750 people attended community events and participated in online surveys that focused on these two essential pieces of the updated master plan.
Much of the feedback reflected key themes we’ve heard from the community throughout the entire process, including:
Prioritize infill and redevelopment over development at the urban edge. This is seen as a mechanism to discourage sprawl.
Expand housing options to include concepts like accessory dwelling units and other small home models, live-work options and co-housing. This is viewed as one important component of addressing housing affordability.
Create a connected, walkable city with neighborhood amenities such as parks, public use areas, and neighborhood centers within walking and biking distance. The community supports focusing on “missing links” in existing systems (i.e. sidewalks, bike paths, greenways, trails, etc.).
Efforts to revitalize Downtown Reno are considered vital to the city’s future, especially those efforts to connect Downtown Reno and the University of Nevada, Reno.
Residents support Reno becoming a technology center and attracting headquarters, but are concerned about the impact of warehouse/distribution jobs regarding wages.
Strong support exists for sustainable development practices that can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, such as renewable energy generation, low impact development techniques, shade trees, electric vehicles, green building standards, alternative transportation, and local food production.
There is strong support for transit, bicycle and sidewalk enhancements, but also a reminder that we need to maintain a balanced perspective regarding automobiles and alternative modes. We continue to hear both perspectives.
Community members see arts and culture as vital to the City’s future, and some would like to see a more direct reference in the title of Guiding Principle 7: Quality Places and Outdoor Recreation Opportunities.
Preserving natural resources and open space areas as well maintaining access to public lands are key components to building recognition as a base for outdoor activities.
Residents highly value the public realm and support preserving open space opportunities, maintaining and enhancing parks, and improving streetscapes with additional street trees.
Preserving neighborhood character in established neighborhoods with policies that guide compatible infill development, as well as renovations and additions, is strongly supported. Additionally, design standards specific to the Newlands Heights National Register District are also desired.
There is continued interest in food policies and a desire to support policy and/or incentives for preservation of working lands, edible landscapes, composting, opportunities for food production in private projects, and the role of food processing.
Strong support exists for the master plan vision, and the community would like to see increased accountability in enforcing the master plan and consistency in decision making.
The ReImagine Reno team reviewed and updated the language in the policies to ensure these themes are included and emphasized. Other input and common suggestions were also incorporated into the Design Principles and Citywide Policy Framework where appropriate. Many of your ideas are also being used to draft implementation strategies, which are scheduled to be released for review later this summer.
Please feel free to join us next week as the City Council and Planning Commission take the next step in the master plan update process. The meeting starts at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31 and will be held at Reno City Hall in Council Chambers.
Thank you, The ReImagine Reno Team
Check out the Proposed Land Use Map
We are excited to announce that the draft land use map is available for you to review!
This important aspect of the master plan is a tool that identifies the types and locations of preferred development in the future. Each parcel in the city is classified in one of the master plan land use categories, such as single-family neighborhood, urban mixed use, or industrial.
Why is this important? First, the the land use map allows everyone to see the types of future development desired in locations throughout the city and its sphere of influence. Additionally, the land use plan allows the City to track demand and capacity for the different types of land uses citywide. Finally, it can help address different types of compatibility concerns.
As with every step of the master plan update process, your feedback is important! We’ve launched the land use comparison map so you can easily search by address and compare the existing land use category to the proposed category. The map also includes a simple form so you can enter comments or questions.
It is important to note that the land use categories are different than a property’s zoning designation. We encourage you to read the land use plan FAQs to learn more.
775-334-INFO (4636) RenoDirect@Reno.Gov Reno.Gov