Mastering Vaccine Information Boot Camp Course – Fall Enrollment opens SOON!!
Offered by & Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Go to and join the list— they are sending out almost daily quizzes for 5 people to win a free boot camp ($595 value) and next week will be offering 5 people a chance to get 50% discount on enrollment through an application – you can ONLY HAVE ACCESS to this if you’re on the Vaxxter email list. Go too – scroll down – the form is on the home page. 
MVI Fall 2019 Boot Camp Course: What you need to know

Here’s what the course is all about:
The 8-week Mastering Vaccine Info (MVI) Boot Camp Course and Training is an intensive course covers what you need to know to teach others about smallpox, polio, herd immunity, the schedules, the package inserts and the truth about what “safe and effective” really means. Most importantly, you will learn the necessary language skills to communicate key concepts in sound bites, to confront bullies and how to stand your ground. The course information coupled with the language training is what makes the MVI Boot Camp both unique and powerful.

The Boot Camp course is only offered twice per year. Open Enrollment for the Fall 2019 course begins 9amEST on September 26.  Enrollment closes at 11:59pEST on October 1st. No exceptions!

The Course:
The 8-week, Online course begins October 4 and through November 27, 2019. 
  • Modules: Each Saturday, you will receive access to one or two-course presentations (we call each presentation a module). The modules are available in both MP4 and prezi format (a prezi is a powerpoint presentation with a voiceover.)
  • Docbox: Each module has up to 15 documents (pdf files). These are the peer-reviewed medical references that support the module’s information. You are encouraged to download these references and print them for your course manual. This material is available in the public domain, but we gathered the references into one place, your Docbox, for your convenience and additional study.
  • Weekly Online discussion: Every Thursday night at 9pEST, Matt and Dr. Sherri host a LIVE class using ZOOM. The discussion will not be broadcast into the Facebook Group. We will discuss the current week’s module information and have on-going LANGUAGE training. The Thursday night class is really the most important part of the course!
  • If you can’t attend live, no worries! We have students enrolled from all over the world and time zones, so the discussions are recorded.
  • You can submit questions in advance if you cannot attend live.
  • The discussion is NOT streamed to Facebook. It’s private. 
  • Communication: Matt and Dr. Sherri have open, active communication boards and email access during the 8-week course.

Enrollment fee: 
The 8-week intensive + documents + private communication + weekly LIVE discussion and language training is $595 in one payment or $325 in two payments, at enrollment and the second payment is due on November 4, 2019 or access to the Course materials will be denied.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee: If you have enrolled in the course, have participated in Module #1 (Safe and Effective) AND you have participated in the first Thursday night discussion, and then decide the course is not for you, we will fully refund your enrollment fee. The deadline to request a refund in 5:00pEST on Friday, October 11. No exceptions.
If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably ready to jump in.  go here and GET ADDED TO THE OPEN ENROLLMENT LIST. 
Do I need a Facebook Account to participate?  
We will set up a private Facebook Group for Spring 2019 students, but participation in/on Facebook is **completely optional.** Instead of Facebook, we will host a PRIVATE communication board within our website. So, no, you DO NOT need to have a Facebook account to enroll in the course and get the most out of it.

How long will I have access to the course materials? 
You will continue to have FREE access to all course materials for one full year (through November 27, 2020). At that point, if want continued access, there is an annual fee of $65/year.

Can I download the materials?  
These lessons are not downloadable. Why? Well-meaning but over-zealous students may post them on YouTube or otherwise share our copyright-protected information. You will need to log into the Course Portal to view or listen to the modules. BUT the course outline, course notes and materials in the docbox (pdf) ARE downloadable and should be added to your course binder.

Do I need to purchase anything to participate?
Students are encouraged to purchase 3-ring binder that has a 3-4 inch (7-10cm) capacity for notes and course materials. After you have enrolled, we will send you a pdf document with suggestions for your tabs.
I do not live in America. Will the course content apply to me? Yes! The information covered in the Boot Camp has universal applications for every country. In fact, in the Fall 2018 course, we had students enrolled from 8 countries.
Is the Boot Camp available in other languages? Unfortunately, at this time the Boot Camp Materials and the Thursday night discussions are only available in American English.

Are there any bonuses? 
We have put together several cool bonuses for those who enroll – and then complete – the course.    Go here to review the Boot Camp bonuses.
What comes after the Boot Camp Course?  At the conclusion of the Boot Camp, you will receive an INVITATION to join our Page2 Membership – exclusive, on-going training for Boot Camp participants only. Within Page2, there are training lessons and you can continue PRIVATE conversations, brain-storm your plans, and participation with your fellow students. There is a fee for Page2 but you will have FREE access to the Boot Camp materials as long as you’re part of Page2.

What is the enrollment fee?
As previously stated, the 8-week intensive + documents + private communication + weekly LIVE discussion and language training is $595 in one payment or $325 in two payments, at enrollment and the second payment is due on November 4, 2019, or access to the Course materials will be denied.

What if I don’t like the course?
We offer a 100% money-back guarantee: If you have enrolled in the course, have participated in Module #1 (Safe and Effective) and you have participated in the first Thursday night discussion, and then decide the course is not for you, we refund your enrollment fee in full. The deadline to request the refund in 5:00pEST on Friday, October 11. You must participate in Module 1 and Week 1 discussion to request a refund. No exceptions.