The Masthead
December 2022 – Vol. 138 No. 12
Ossining, NY
  Lat 41'09'45"N, Long 073'52'15"W 
3D Cookies at the Annual Party - PattiS
Commodore's Corner:
Andy Biedermann

I hope all have had a joyful holiday season and wish the best for all in the new year.

This will be my last masthead article as my time as Commodore has come to an end. I’m happy to say that your new Commodore, Bob Taggart will be taking over. Bob, I feel is a very levelheaded guy that brings many years of experience in heading larger organizations with larger budgets and issues than our beloved club. I feel he is up for the job and will continue improvements to Shattemuc making it a better place.

I would like to thank the entire board for the cooperation that I had these last two years and all the work that they have done to get the improvements done at the club. I would also like to give a shout out to our Staff, De DeSousa and Bruno Breves, who continue to do an exceptional job with a very friendly and upbeat attitude. They are true gems of the club.

I am glad to say that the two new wave attenuator docks that were damaged this past April have finally come and are in place thanks to the help of De, Bruno, and our fleet captain, Pete Gardner. Soon the electrical work will be done to get them back to being 100% operational.

As many of you know, I have moved to Pawcatuck, CT, and have taken my boat there too. Bea and I sadly have reclassified our membership from Regular to House. We have spent the last 50 years at Shattemuc and raised two sons at the club. It has influenced our lives in ways too numerous to mention and we will forever be grateful for Shattemuc and the friends we have there. I will always consider it home. P.S: You may see the Ilse B in the summer at one of the transient docks for a week or so.

Fleet Captain's Report
Peter Gardner

Hard to believe 2022 is just about over, it went by so quickly. We were able to get a lot accomplished around the marina and club, and we are looking to get more done in the year to come. I would like to take a moment to thank all our club members for their cooperation and support with the projects we have undertaken within the marina and grounds. I especially want to thank all who came out to volunteer their time to help with work parties, grounds and gardens, beach maintenance, events, special one-off projects, etc. The increase in member volunteerism is great to see, it is part of what a club is all about. I would also like to thank the Shattemuc Board of Directors for their cooperation with my efforts. Last, but not least, many thanks to De and Bruno for all their hard work and dedication to Shattemuc and all its members.

A couple of reminders as we all settle into the off season and wait for spring and a new boating season. At the risk of sounding like a broken record (for those of us who remember what that means), please check on your stored boats. With time, boat stands can possibility shift slightly, covers can loosen in the wind, etc. Also, if you have not chained your stands, please make sure that gets done. De and I will check all stored boats on stands for chains and contact members who need them. Also remember that no stored boat should be plugged in to electrical power unless you are onsite at that time. Lastly, we hope to have a few small work parties over the winter and early spring to do dock repair/rebuilding and attenuator maintenance.

Here’s looking forward to a short winter and early spring so we all can get to a new boating season.
Message from the Commodore-Elect
Cdr. Bob Taggart

First and foremost, as the incoming Commodore, I’d like to extend to all our members my wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

Next, I’d like to acknowledge the contributions of those members of the board who opted to retire from their posts after giving years of valuable service: Andy Biedermann, Patti Slobogin, and Joy Brieant deserve a round of applause for a job well done.

Next, my thanks to those stalwart members of the board who agreed to remain and assist in managing the day-to-day business of the club. So much of what they do to keep this ship afloat goes unrecognized, yet they continue to serve year after year. I know that I will have to rely heavily on their advice and support to perform my newly acquired duties.

Finally, I’d like to welcome the newest members of the board, Treasurer Ralph Kuhn and Directors Mark Barth and David Reutter.

We enter 2023 in good standing. We're going forward with a solid budget that will enable us to make many improvements to our club. I trust we can look forward to a wonderful boating season for 2023.

In closing I must call your attention to the kind of dedication to service that our staff and board members provide. On Christmas, a major plumbing problem occurred at the club. It resulted in the flooding of our clubhouse. Without hesitation, our Fleet Captain, Pete Gardner, and our Dockmaster, “De” DeSousa, abandoned their Christmas celebrations and responded to the club. De brought along his wife and his aunt and, working together, the four of them stopped the leak and cleaned up a considerable mess. I cannot thank them enough for the work they did on behalf of all of us.

And I thank you too, our membership, for all you do to make this the wonderful club that it is.

Treasurer's Note
from Patti Slobogin;

This will be my last communication to you all as Treasurer as I am stepping down December 31st, and leaving the club in the very capable hands of the new Treasurer, Ralph Kuhn. Thank you to every member for your support over the last two + years. It’s been a real honor to serve the club this way.

A couple last minute notes:

The membership voted at the Annual Meeting on December 9th to approve the proposed dues, initiation fees and Property Improvement Fund contributions for 2023, and as a result, the budget is operational and there will be no change in dues and fees for the year.

We ended the year in a strong financial position, with a healthy and growing Property Improvement Fund and a significant Operating Reserve.

Please remember our staff in your end of year giving — they do a tremendous job for us throughout the year. See the notice in your December statement if you would like to make a contribution to the Staff Holiday Fund.

Finally, we have a link on the website for credit card/PayPal payments for your monthly bill as a convenience. However, these services append a processing fee to all transactions ranging from 3% to 5% which we unfortunately have to charge against those payments. We instituted this policy in 2022 as we paid about $20,000 in processing fees the prior year.

As always, you can instead make payments by check either mailed to the club address or placed in an envelope marked “Accountant” and put through the slot in De’s office door.

Thank you all, and I hope you have a very happy holiday season! 
Welcome New Members

Bernard and Jennifer Vaughan
and their kids Jonah, and Grace

residents of Ossining are joining as of Jan 1. Bernard's a writer and Jennifer a clinical psychologist, and they are excited to get involved in everything happening at the club!

Sebastian Just and Jessica Harris

Are keeping their newly acquired Catalina Capri 22 at Shattemuc for the winter, and are planning to reclassify to Regular early in 2023.
Officers and Directors for 2023
Pursuant to Article VIII of the Bylaws of Shattemuc Yacht Club, the
Regular Membership elected the following Regular Members as Officers and Directors, effective January 1:

Officers 2023
Commodore - Bob Taggart 
Vice Commodore - Lenny Lombardi
Rear Commodore - Sandra Lowe
Treasurer - Ralph Kuhn
Secretary - Peter Oden
Fleet Captain - Peter Gardner

Directors 2023-2024
Mark Barth
Benny Linneman
David Reutter

Past Commodore Directors 2023
Coulter Young for Past Commodore Andy Biedermann
David Westcott for Past Commodore Bill Levy
Past Commodore Bill Goldsmith will continue for his full term.

2022-2023 Directors
will all continue for their full terms
Marc Berman
Dave Longo 
Mick McGuire
The editors take this opportunity to wish everyone a
Joyous Holiday Season
and a Happy and Wonderful New Year.
Benny Linneman
Bennett Linneman

Season Greetings to all! I hope that each of you enjoyed wonderful times with family and friends in this holiday season. Below are highlights of December’s social activities.

On December 9th, the club held its Annual Membership Meeting. In addition to voting on budget items, officers, and directors, the efforts of retiring board members were acknowledged. Coulter Young and Patti Slobogin were recognized for all their work in service to the Shattemuc community. They both have been a great support for social activities throughout the year. Lenny Lombardi was also recognized for his leadership and his work “behind the scenes”. A special thank you as well to so many other members who volunteered at the many events during the year, especially the larger picnics and Regattas during warmer months.
Coulter Young and Patti Slobogin receiving award from Commodore Andy Biedermann
Lenny Lombardi receiving award from Commodore Andy Biedermann
Friday night Happy Hour remains popular, and the bartenders have continued to volunteer their time to create wonderful beverages. Their efforts make the clubhouse a welcoming place.
Michelle Herko and Roger Battacharia
“inside’ decorating crew
“outside” decorating crew
The clubhouse was busy on December 10th in the morning with volunteers decorating for the holidays. A special thank you to all who volunteered.
We held SYC’s Holiday Party on December 16th and over 65 members braved the rain and wind to celebrate together. For the second time this year, members Mike and Miriam Risko offered their musical skills and provided great entertainment with holiday songs. (Click on image to see a brief video.)

Members brought a wide array of appetizers and food to share which added to the festivities.
food table with Dave W. and Ralph K.
Ed Herko and his mother Betsy
John and Debra Van Steen]
David R and Ralph K. and others
Paula Westcott and Mary McGuire and others
      Jim Fleming and Pattie M. and others
Thanks to SYC members who donated to the Ossining Boat and Canoe Club toy box this month.

Here are a few upcoming events in January and February:

  • Chili Cook-off Party on Saturday January 14th during Happy Hour from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.
  • Super Bowl Party / Wing Fest on Sunday February 12th.

I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events. Please sign up to participate and volunteer. It remains a fantastic way to meet new members.

 Stay safe,
Marc Berman
Hello to all and Happy Holidays.

We've had to officially close the clubhouse for a few days due to a frozen sewer line and a water leak. We'll re-open as soon as possible, but repairs are ongoing and things should be back to normal by the New Year. Please be respectful of the repair workers, and mindful the of areas under repair. 

There are items that we use seasonally around the clubhouse that may appear to be unused and/or unattended, but we need everyone to be aware and leave such items in place. For example, there is an extension cord under the clubhouse at the east end of the building that is dedicated to a heater element for the house water drainage pipe. Unfortunately, the extension cord and heater strip are gone and now need to be replaced.

Going forward I'll ask everyone to leave all items in and around the clubhouse in place, and if you need an extension cord or hose to please please ask De, Bruno or myself to find one. You never know if the one item you "borrow" may cause catastrophic damage to the clubhouse, property or grounds. Thank you for your continued care and attention to keep our home on the river in good condition and looking beautiful. 

Thank you for a great year, 
We'll look forward to seeing each other next year! 

For questions, comments, or information, please contact me at
Junior Sailing Academy

Dates for 2023 Sailing Academy

July Session: June 26 through July 21

August Session: July 24 through Aug 18

Awards Dinner: August 17, 2023
Reminder: Junior members who wish to continue their membership in 2023 need to file a request to do so by December 31. Use the form here.
We need YOU! Contact any committee chair to find out how you can volunteer. 
The Gardens
Year in Review
Here are some of the highlights of the garden year
Montauk Daisy
Butterfly Bush
Selene Camp
Rosa Chinensis
African Daisy
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Very High Tides Threaten SYC

Unusually high tides came along with the storm last Friday (12/23.) You can see more photos courtesy of Pete Gardner herel.
Flagpole Awash
Clubhouse Moat
Abandoned paddle craft stored on the property and on the beach racks:
  • There are a number of unidentified lasers, sunfish and kayaks on the property. Every craft MUST be labeled with membership name. Please do so by November 30th or your craft will be removed or sold. 

Next Board of Directors Meeting:
Tuesday January 10th, 2023
at 7:00 pm

(For the Zoom link, check the members' page under
"Meetings of the BOD.")

All members of all membership levels are welcome at the Club's monthly board meetings. Please join us at the next meeting, and bring your suggestions, comments and ideas (the agenda will be posted on the members' web site).
Coulter & Patti Receive the Bill Sparacin Service Award at the annual meeting.

If you hear of members who are not getting Shattemuc's emails, please ask them to check their spam filters and folders, and send a note to so that we can investigate. {Eds.}

The up-to-date SYC calendar is on the front page of our website. Add it to your desktop or smartphone calendar! 

December photos and attachments are here

Walking by flashlight
at six in the morning,
my circle of light on the gravel
swinging side to side,
coyote, raccoon, field mouse, sparrow,
each watching from darkness
this man with the moon on a leash.

Ted Kooser (Poet Laureate of the United States 2004-2006) {look here...}
The National Lifeguard shortage persists and Certification courses are expensive. 
Give a teenager you love a Holiday or birthday gift that will keep on giving.
Available courses can be found and other internet web sites

Sandra Lowe
(917) 991-0659 (text only)
Hudson River Almanac December/22
Highlight of the Week

12/5 – Hudson River Watershed:
Fish-of-the-Week for Week is the Atlantic moonfish (Selene setapinnis) on our Hudson River Watershed List of Fishes.

Moonfish get their name from their profile, a bright silvery-white rhombus that looks to some like a full moon, or to others as a shiny new silver quarter. They have the undeniable look of a tropical fish, one that is designed to escape predators by speed rather than concealment. They are a yellowish color, silvery, with a blue tinge. Moonfish have a nearly vertical facial profile with a blunt snout. Their body is very deep making them a strongly compressed fish with a deeply forked caudal fin and a narrow caudal peduncle.

Craft Beer at Shattemuc Continues!   
by Peter Horree

If there are any issues with draft beer at Shattemuc, please do not hesitate to text or call me.

Pete Horree – (914) 703-8554

New Craft Beer & Spirits distributor

For the past several years I have been developing a very successful craft beer program for SYC. This involved my ordering kegs from a retailer in Brewster, NY, picking up the kegs, bringing them to Shattemuc, then returning the empties back to the retailer. This has become a burden and with today’s gas prices, expensive for me. We are excited to announce that we have opened an account with a craft beer & spirit distributor out of New Paltz, NY. They will deliver to us once a week, bring the kegs inside, and pick up the empties. This will save me a lot of time, money, and work. They carry most of our favorites and have very competitive prices. I will still be hands on with selection and ordering as well as maintaining the draft beer equipment. Look for upcoming new craft beer cans, new canned cocktails, as well as some craft spirits, & non-alcohol craft beers in the future.

Our current selections are…

Fiddlehead Brewing Co. Shelburne, VT – Fiddlehead IPA “Fiddlehead IPA is a hazy, well-balanced American IPA with mellow bitterness and a dry, refreshing finish..”

Peekskill Brewery Peekskill, NY – Skills Pils “Classic American Lager, crisp and refreshing.”

Coming on Tap Next…

Bronx Brewery, Bronx, NY – “World Gone Hazy” IPA

Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers, Framingham, MA – “Post Shift” Pilsner

New Canned Beers Available Now - Sloop Brewing - Super Soft IPA & Juice Bomb IPA, Von Trapp Brewing Golden Helles Lager.

New Canned Cocktail - Maine Craft Distilling “Maine Mule Sparkling Cocktail”

New Cider – Downeast Cider “Original Blend”

New Non-Alcoholic Beer – Athletic Brewing “Upside Dawn”


2015 Ocean Series Mercury RIB with Evenrude 50hp - June 2022

Pacific Seacraft 1988 Flicka 20; Rosebud; Jonathan Dopkeen; (312) 925-5381

AquaSport - 914-378-0286 Zabonik

Swimming Pool
Junior Saling Academy
Transient Boaters
Ship Store

Check back frequently -- new merchandise is being stocked all the time. Let us know if you'd like something that you don't see at the store.

-Paula Westcott
Ferry Sloops
For Sale @ SYC
Boat US
Freedom Boat Club

Transient Dock Reservations

If anyone needs help connecting, please call or text their helpline:
The (New!) Shattemuc Art Gallery

Thanks also to our Shattemuc artists, who continue to contribute photos of their work for the virtual Shattemuc Art Gallery found on the website at News tab.

Please check it out; we think you’ll be impressed with the talent here. Artists, keep your photos coming to

The Masthead
 Shattemuc Yacht Club
 P.O. Box 29, Westerly Road, Ossining, NY 10562
(914) 941-8777


Commodore: Andy Biedermann
Vice Commodore: Lenny Lombardi
Rear Commodore: Sandra Lowe
Fleet Captain: Peter Gardner
Treasurer: Patti Slobogin
Secretary: Peter Oden

Masthead Editors: Rich Wojtyna, Peter Oden.

Photos sent to the Masthead need photo credits and consent.
Photos of children must have consent.

Send all Masthead news, announcements, letters to the editor, etc., to
We'd like to have the publication date be a week after the monthly meeting
of the Board of Directors.
Please consider the Sunday following the meeting to be a deadline for submissions.

Archive issues of the Masthead are in the Members website area.