Dear Preschool and Lower School Parents,

We are happy to announce that we are ready to open the Walker’s Gate for afternoon dismissal, beginning Monday, October 5. Adherence to all of the following procedures and safety protocols will allow us to safely dismiss students from this gate each day. 

  • The Walker’s Gate will be for afternoon dismissal only and will be open from 3:15-3:30 p.m. 
  • In the event of rain, the Walker’s Gate will be closed, and all families must use the car line. 
  • Parents must register their student for the Walker’s Gate by completing the registration form by next Wednesday, September 30. Select each day of the week you will be using the Walker’s Gate.
  • The Walker's Gate will only be available for Preschool and Lower School students. Little Hearts students will not dismiss from the Walker's Gate.
  • The line will extend from the Walker’s Gate, in front of the Nims Center, toward Napoleon and the Lower School playground.
  • Parents or named guardians:
  • must have a sign (large print) with the child’s full name and grade. People without signs will have to wait until all with signs have “collected” their child or children. 
  • are to stand six feet apart and wait for students to exit the Walker’s Gate. 
  • must wear a mask when approaching the school and continue to wear the mask until they have exited back across General Pershing, St. Charles or Napoleon.
  • cross at the intersections of St. Charles and General Pershing Streets or at the stoplight at the intersection of St. Charles and Napoleon. 
  • There are to be no pets, even if on a leash or being held by the person picking up the child or children. 
  • There is to be no foot traffic on General Pershing between Carondelet Street and St. Charles Avenue during carpool so as to not interfere with car line dismissal.
  • Parking is available on the Milan Street side of the parking lot; however, you must walk down St. Charles Avenue to go to the Walker’s Gate. The pedestrian gate of the parking lot will not be open to walkers. 

The process above has been designed with our school community's safety in mind, as well as the efficient flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic around our campus. Anyone not following these guidelines will be asked not to use the Walker's Gate. Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation as we re-introduce this option for dismissal.

We will send additional reminders through Little Cardinal Courier to register for this option, which will begin on Monday, October 5. Thank you!
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