Hello Guacamole Fund Friends.


We are so saddened by the tragic fires in Maui that have taken many lives, and hundreds of homes and businesses. Maui needs all of us now, to give anything you can to help. Every $1 helps. We have picked out a few non-profit organizations that are coordinating efforts for the residents of Maui, including our dear animal friends. Local, boots on the ground groups. Please help if you can.


Hawaii Community Foundation – Maui Strong Fund; www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org

Maui Food Bank; www.mauifoodbank.org

Maui Humane Society; www.mauihumanesociety.org

Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement; www.hawaiiancouncil.org


Let’s show Maui some love.


Tom, Paula, Diane & Jeffrey

The Guacamole Fund
PO Box 9921
Truckee, CA 96162

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