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December 2020
Maureen's story: #justB Brave
Maureen recalls the moment she learned that her soon-to-be adoptive daughter tested positive for hepatitis B. Now entering adolescence, that young lady and her adopted sister (who is also hepatitis B positive) are leading happy, healthy lives.

"I’ve always been really open with the girls about their status," Maureen says. "I’ve said, 'Most people have been immunized, now, so it’s not that a big deal.' And I’ve reminded them to be careful about blood, just in case."

Please click here, for more of Maureen's story and others in our #justB collection.
All of Us, an NIH initiative to boost diversity in
research and health care
The Hepatitis B Foundation and Hep Free Hawaii are proud to partner with the Asian Engagement and Recruitment Core (ARC) to help disseminate information about the All of Us Research Program, an initiative of the National Institutes of Health, to increase diversity in scientific research and to tailor medical diagnoses and treatments to particular groups and individuals using precision medicine.

The project aims to approach health holistically, accounting for factors such as biology, lifestyle and environment. It involves the collection of information like body measurements, health data and biological samples.

Everyone is welcome to join this initiative, but ARC is particularly focused on the recruitment of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. This holiday season, give a gift to future generations! Learn about the All of Us Research Program and how you can contribute to increasing data, adding to scientific understanding and improving health. Visit to learn more!
Hepatitis B Foundation co-founders chosen for major
new award recognizing their patient advocacy work
Hepatitis B Foundation co-founders Joan and Tim Block received a wonderful honor last month during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD).

They were presented with AASLD’s first-ever Distinguished Advocacy Service Award, which “recognizes service provided to the hepatology community over an extended period that raises awareness or garners public and federal legislative support and promotes liver health and quality patient care.” Please read more here.
The Foundation announces the next Blumberg Prize Recipient
The Hepatitis B Foundation recently announced that Wenhui Li, Ph.D., has been chosen as the recipient of its 2021 Baruch S. Blumberg Prize for outstanding contributions to advance the science and medicine of hepatitis B.

Dr. Li is being recognized for his discovery of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) receptor on hepatocytes, a breakthrough that will have a major influence on the future of therapeutics for people living with chronic hepatitis B infections. To read more, click here.
Nobel Prize awarded to scientists affiliated with the Hepatitis B Foundation and Blumberg Institute
Two longtime advisors to our organizations are among the three scientists chosen for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology. Harvey Alter and Charles Rice, along with their collaborator Michael Houghton, were chosen for discovering the hepatitis C virus, which is a landmark breakthrough that the Nobel committee said had “made possible blood tests and new medicines that have saved millions of lives.” Please read more here.
30th Anniversary of the Hepatitis B Foundation!
Founded in 1991, the Hepatitis B Foundation will launch a yearlong celebration of our 30th Anniversary in January. Our annual Gala dinner, set for April 30, 2021, will be a focus, along with a special capstone event toward year’s end.

We’ll spread the word widely about this major milestone and, more importantly, the Foundation’s many accomplishments, through a series of videos, social media content, a 30th Anniversary website and feature stories in our newsletters. Please keep an eye out in the months ahead and help us celebrate 30 years together in service to the hepatitis B community.
Eighth annual Hep B United Summit a success
The 8th annual (and first virtual) Hep B United Summit, held Dec. 2-4, was an engaging and enjoyable experience for all. The 2020 summit theme was “Standing Up for Hepatitis B: Creative Collaborations to Amplify Awareness, Access and Equity.” More than 200 guests attended from around the U.S., including community leaders, public health professionals, advocates living with hepatitis B and scientists. There were over 20 poster presentations on topics from ranging from providing hepatitis B services in the midst of COVID-19 to raising awareness of hepatitis B among different communities nationwide.

A wide variety of presentations were delivered, encompassing topics such as progress toward a hepatitis B cure, strategies for incorporating hepatitis B into state and local viral hepatitis elimination planning, expanding hepatitis B outreach in non-traditional settings, and the manifestation of unconscious bias and systemic racism in health care. The Summit wrapped up with an awards ceremony, honoring nine community Hep B Champions and one Federal Champion. Recordings of all presentations and each day of the event will be available next week on the Hep B United YouTube channel.
Hep B United honors former HHS official
Hep B United and the HBV Forum honored Corinna Dan, RN, MPH, as the 2020 recipient of the Hepatitis B Federal Champion Award for her commitment to eliminating hepatitis B. She received the award at the Hep B United Virtual Summit on Dec. 4. Ms. Dan was honored for her long-time championship of policies and programs to prevent hepatitis B and improve the lives of communities disparately impacted by the disease. Read more here.

A great way to give is by joining our Champion's Club!
It’s easy to become a Hep B Champion! We rely on support from friends from all over the world to keep our programs and research going. By giving a small, monthly gift, you can help us find the cure and improve lives of people living with hepatitis B throughout the year! To become a Champion today, click here.
Free research seminar series continues online
The Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, which is the Hepatitis B Foundation's research arm, has a strong lineup of prominent
researchers in hepatitis B and liver diseases for its online Distinguished Speaker Seminars. The series is free-of-charge and open to everyone interested (pre-registration is required).

Upcoming seminars are listed below in "Events" and on the Institute's website here, where you also can watch recording of prior Blumberg 2020 Research Seminars.
Hepatitis B Foundation journal pick of the month
The lived experience of chronic hepatitis B:
A broader view of its impacts and why we need a cure
Tu T, Block JM, Wang S, Cohen C, Douglas MW
Viruses, 2020

Chronic hepatitis B (CHB), a worldwide challenge, not only currently is incurable and can lead to liver cirrhosis and cancer, it has major societal impacts. CHB causes death, health complications and economic loss. Additionally, and less appreciated, are the psychological and social issues for those living with hepatitis B. This article reviews the broad range of these issues, including fear and anxiety, financial loss and instability, stigma and discrimination, and rejection by society. As the authors discuss, these issues can hamper patients’ diagnosis and treatment. The article, which is behind a paywall, is here.
Jan. 14, 11 a.m. EST
Emilio A. Emini, Ph.D., FCPP, FAAM Director TB and HIV Program
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
"Controlling the Global HIV and TB Epidemics: Challenges and Opportunities"
Jan. 21, 11 a.m. EST
Prof. Ronald T. Hay, Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression
University of Dundee
"Molecular basis of arsenic treatment for acute promyelocytic leukaemia"

Jan. 28, 3 p.m. EST
Chari Cohen, DrPH, MPH, and Yasmin Ibrahim, MD, PhD, MBA
Hepatitis B Foundation
 "The first Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) meeting
dedicated to hepatitis B: Results and next steps"

Feb. 4, 11 a.m. EST
Prof. Aleem Siddiqui, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health
University of California, San Diego
"Regulation of HBV/HCV infection by N6-methyladenosine modification"
April 30, 11 a.m. EST
Wenhui Li, Ph.D., Investigator
National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing
2021 Blumberg Prize Recipient

Learn more about our research and education programs at
The Hepatitis B Foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for those affected by hepatitis B worldwide. Our commitment includes funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives, and serving as the primary source of information for patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public.
Hepatitis B Foundation I 3805 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 I
215-489-4900 I [email protected]