Urban America is
Filling Up

Opportunities for Rural America
From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean there is a vast continent that since the 1600s has empowered the movement of European and Spanish American settlers to constantly be on the move in search of new land and opportunities. The forces were at work as a once rural-dominant U.S. experienced massive migration to America’s growing cities. Americans are actively seeking the right place to work, live and play. As America’s cities have grown, they have become costly and congested. Many city workers like teachers and police officers cannot afford to live in the very communities where they work. Today there is a counter trend, particularly for younger families and retiring Boomers moving to less urban and often rural communities where costs are lower and there is less congestion. Our paper Urban America is Filling Up explores this increasing rural development opportunity.
Listen to Urban America Is Filling Up Podcast Episode
In our newest episode of Pathways to Rural Prosperity podcast, Don Macke explores one of the most significant trends driving urban America to rural communities and provides illustrations of the motivations that are causing the relocation trend. Don also addresses what your community should be doing to tap into this development opportunity and trend. Download accompanying resources.
New! Four-Part Entrepreneurial Development Podcast Series
Last month we launched our four-part episode series on e2's Development Framework for entrepreneurial ecosystem building. This series features Don and Shelley Paasch, who draws from her NetWork Kansas experiences as a community coach. In each episode, they will share the keys to development success.
Part 1 - Readiness for Entrepreneurship and Organizing for Action. Shelley and Don explore the elements of community readiness needed for engagement in entrepreneur-focused development and entrepreneurial ecosystem building. They also explore the foundations for organizing a community to undertake this work. Listen and download accompanying resources now!
(April 27th) Part 2 - Assessments to Strategy. Shelley and Don discuss the role of strategic assessments in helping communities find their “starter” or “next stage” entrepreneur-led development strategy. They cover development opportunity assessments, entrepreneurial talent assessments, and relevant entrepreneurial development resources to create smart strategies. 

(May 25) Part 3 - Working with Entrepreneurs. Don and Shelley talk about organizing communities to effectively and efficiently engage with entrepreneurs, network them to resources, and generate desired community economic development impacts. They address how communities can learn from entrepreneur interactions to inform smart entrepreneurial ecosystem building.
(June 22) Part 4 - Metrics, Stories and Sustainability. This episode focuses on how communities can gather metrics, short stories and testimonials to create a compelling narrative for its stakeholders. Funding the metrics and story capture work at a robust level and ongoing basis is often a big challenge but demonstrating the impact is central to the sustainability of entrepreneurial ecosystem building efforts. 

Don't miss an episode! You can subscribe to the podcast by visiting our webpage or search for it on your favorite podcast app.
Other e2 News
CEDS, Recovery, and Resilience Webinar Series
The recording and slides from the March 23rd webinar with Don Macke for the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) are now available by clicking HERE. You can learn about trends in rural economic development, e2's Community Prosperity Development Framework, and much more.
Global Connections Television
In a recent interview with Bill Miller on Global Connections Television, Don describes how rural areas are being challenged by climate change, lack of healthcare facilities, minimal broadband, and leaders who are not meeting the needs of rural dwellers in the 21st Century. You can listen to this interview HERE.
Field News
Rural America Chamber of Commerce Opens Its Doors for Business. A new national organization has formed with a focus on rural entrepreneurship. The Rural America Chamber of Commerce will support members with access to training and networking but will also address other rural issues, such as broadband access and diversity. More info.

Community-rooted economic inclusion: A strategic action playbook. The Brookings Institute has introduced a playbook of tools for community leaders to address systemic barriers to economic and racial equity through “community-rooted economic inclusion” built on a systems approach to reinvesting in communities and building broader regional economic development.

Three Critical Issues: Rx for Success. Healthier Rural America released this report identifying issues and potential policy ideas that can help build a plan to address rural health and healthcare challenges.

The American Jobs Plan Fact Sheet. On March 31st President Biden announced the first of two packages to rebuild the economy and create good-paying jobs for American workers, including an investment in creating prosperity for rural communities. Accompanying this announcement is a detailed Fact Sheet for the American Jobs Plan.