Summer is in Full Swing
It's a beautiful day in Fairbanks and folks are out and about enjoying all the activities around town. I love being in the Interior in the summer with the long sunny days and the buzz of the community. Everyone is outside being active and enjoying the many exciting activities available to the community during summer. My Fairbanks office is now open at the Legislative Information Office. Anyone is welcome to stop by and visit (kitty corner from Home Depot) at 1292 Sadler Way, Suite 306.
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After ringing the opening bell, members of the Interior Delegation, Representatives Mike Prax, Maxine Dibert, Will Stapp, Ashley Carrick, Sen. Scott Kawasaki and Rep. Frank Tomaszewski present a proclamation to the Tanana Valley Farmers Market recognizing its 50th anniversary celebration. Brad St. Pierra, market manager, is pictured (center) accepting the citation. | |
Farmers Market turns 50
It's hard to believe the Farmers Market has been in operation for 50 years. Over the years it has become a fantastic resource for locals and tourists alike. Customers are able to purchase locally grown products, arts and crafts, or to grab a delicious bite at one of the many food venders. Many of us make the trip every Wednesday and Saturday during the spring into fall months. I was honored to help present and to be a co-sponsor on a citation given by the 33rd legislature recognizing the Farmers Market for its achievements, growth, and service. An FDNM article on the anniversary explores the Market in greater depth. You can see more FDNM Images here. As an aside, there is a Seniors Farmers Markets Coupon Program available in Alaska to those who qualify. The program guidelines and a list of farmers market locations and times statewide is available on the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Web site, or call Family Nutrition Services in Juneau, 907-465-3100.
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Disappointing and Disheartening Vetoes
On June 19th the Governor announced $200 Million in vetoes directed at the bipartisan and bicameral compromise budget that my colleagues and I worked so hard to pass. His vetoes included an incredibly impactful and disappointing $87 million cut to the one time education funding the legislature adopted, cutting the $680 BSA (one-time funding) that we approved by 50%! This cut will directly and dramatically impact class sizes, student learning, teacher retention, and will likely result in school closures across the state. The Governor issued several other hurtful vetoes that are frustrating and disappointing. These include: $10 million cut to major maintenance at our schools, $36 million cut from the University's budget, significant cuts to childcare benefits, cuts to community assistance programs and cuts to Alaska Public Radio. It seems as though the Alaskans who are in the greatest need and who have the least political power suffered the most impact from the Governor's veto pen. These cuts and the public education cuts are a devastating blow to families and educators alike. I will work my hardest to garner support to override these vetoes. These vetoes drive home the message more than ever that we must secure a permanent BSA increase next session as proposed in SB52. This will remain a top priority of mine as we move into next session. To reiterate, I am in strong support of holding a brief special session to override these draconian vetoes that have been directed at our families and our public education system in Alaska.
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Representatives Dibert and Carrick joined over 75 community members at a rally at the LIO calling for an override of the Governor's devastating vetoes of public education funding | |
Out in the Community, Maxine to visit Neighbors
Look for me out walking neighborhoods this summer and into the fall. Follow me on social media to see in which areas I will be each week. I hope to walk the Aurora, Downtown Fairbanks, Lemeta, Taku-Westgate, South Fairbanks, and Riverview neighborhoods over the next 12 weeks. I will be visiting constituents at their doors listening to voices, ideas, and concerns to take back to Juneau with me. If you'd like me to be aware of any neighborhood events, contact me or my staff and let us know. Pass the word to your neighbors and have them sign up for this digital newsletter, Maxine's Message. Follow me on social media for more details on my visits. I will leave an informational constituent post card for anyone I miss. Additionally, most District 31 residents will be receiving my summer edition mailer soon that recaps the 2023 legislative session and that highlights the activities and legislation I view as top priorities.
Small Business Listening Tours
I will be scheduling opportunities to visit small businesses of all shapes and sizes that are located in District 31, especially those that are owned and operated by constituents. It is my hope to spend 15 or 20 minutes with as many businesses as possible just listening to owners' needs as well any ideas or suggestions that owners and operators might have for how I can best continue to serve the business community. Please let my office know directly if you are interested in a listening visit with me over the next 5 months.
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Imagination Library Celebrates 15 Years
It was great to stop by the Children's Museum in downtown Fairbanks a few weeks back to help celebrate and promote Dolly Pardon's Imagination Library Program and its availability to Fairbanks Families. The program mails free books to kids through age five and is highly acclaimed across the country. This past legislative session I advocated for an increase in matching funds for this program so that more children across the state have access to books free of cost. See the FDNM article here which details the event and the Imagination Library.
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Representative Dibert with Emily Vockeroth, President of Northstar Imagination Library (left), retired teacher Wendy Ward (center) celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the program's presence in the FNSBSD. | |
Citation for CO-OP Market
It was an honor to present the Fairbanks Co-Op Market in downtown Fairbanks a proclamation from the 33rd Alaska Legislature recognizing their 10 year anniversary serving the community of Fairbanks. The Co-Op provides us all an opportunity to purchase healthy and locally grown food. Whenever I can, I stop by and pick up wholesome food for my family and friends.
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Representatives Dibert and Stapp presenting a citation recognizing the Market's 10 year Anniversary. | |
Interior Delegation Meets with Chamber
In June, the Interior Delegation met with the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce recapping the recent legislative session. Legislators took a few minutes to highlight the accomplishments of the session and to answer questions posed by the Chamber members and guests.
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Representative Dibert (center) pictured with other members of the Interior Delegation, and staff, after meeting with members of the Fairbanks Greater Chamber of Commerce at a delegation meeting at the Legislative Information Office in Mid June. | |
So Long to the Voice of the 'Nooks
It's hard to imagine what it will be like with out Bruce Cech, “Cecher," living among us in Fairbanks. As many of you know, he has called UAF Hockey for the past 34 years and graced many Fairbanks shoppers with his "speaker calls" at Safeway East for the past three decades. Bruce has left the state now and moved to Michigan with his wife Gloria to be closer to family. It was an honor to join Representative Will Stapp recently at Growden Park in presenting him a tribute and official proclamation from the legislature to the 'Voice of the Nooks.' Cecher will be missed. Bruce hopes to continue doing as much play by play as possible for the 'Nooks remotely from his home in Michigan and quite possibly directly from venues UAF Hockey visits in Michigan and throughout the Midwest. Good luck, enjoy your retirement Cecher [Goodbye to Bruce in the FDNM].
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Representative Dibert with Bruce Cech and his wife Gloria at Growden Park after receiving his congratulatory citation from the 33rd Legislature. | |
Representative Dibert enjoying the Midnight Sun Game with friends. On right, Rep. Dibert is pictured with one of the pilots from Eleison who returned to Growden Park in late innings after performing the amazing F-35's fly-by during the National Anthem. | |
Midnight Sun Game -- Panners Win! | |
Noel Wien Library Expansion Ground Breaking | |
Members of the community, Library Foundation Board members, design and construction contractors, as well as legislators and staff posed together (left) at the Noel Wein Library expansion ground breaking ceremony. Representative Dibert is joined by her fellow Fairbanks freshman Representatives after the ceremony (right). Pictured from left to right: Rep. Tomaszewski, Rep. Dibert, Rep. Stapp, and Rep. Carrick. | |
Rep. Dibert pictured standing below the UAF Nanook (left) and enjoying her Golden Girls costume (right) along the route of the Midnight Sun Run as it snakes through Riverview on its way to the finish line at Pioneer Park. | |
Fairbanks Enjoys The Midnight Sun
So much happens during the summer solstice week that it's hard to keep up. Thousands of Fairbanks residents, along with thousands of visitors come out to celebrate the midnight sun in the Golden Heart City! Residents and visitors alike can enjoy the one of a kind Midnight Sun game, the Midnight Sun Run, the Downtown Solstice Street Fair, the 3v3 Basketball Tournament, and many other activities under the midnight sun. With music and sports and all kinds of events taking place, the opportunity to be out in and enjoy the midnight sun and to be among community members is second to none. This year the weather was fantastic and I was able to take in and enjoy many of the weekend's events. It was great to be out in the community visiting, listening, and participating.
| Representative Dibert shown here with Ray Ward, a run volunteer, after competing in the Race against Racism Run earlier in June. | |
William "Bill" Black's Memoriam
While attending the Chickenstock Music Festival in Chicken Alaska, I was incredibly honored to present a memoriam honoring Bill Black to his family and friends. In a solemn moment, I was joined on stage by some of Bill's family to honor and celebrate his amazing life. Bill served as a teacher in Alaska for more than 40 years. He was a public school teacher in Nenana for 34 years. He truly loved his students and their families and they loved him back. After retiring he lived in Fairbanks for the rest of his life where he continued to teach at the Boys and Girls Home, an adolescent residential center. While living in the villages of the interior, Bill was taught the values and beliefs of the Alaska Native people who taught him to hunt and fish, pursuits that he came to love and pursue for the rest of his life. He had a very deep appreciation and knowledge of music. He loved music passionately and was a talented musician, playing harmonica, guitar, and leading vocals in his band, the Skidmarks, known as a house-rockin’ blues band. He also played with the bands Hot Denali Harps and the Rumblers. Playing music with his bandmates, friends and loved ones was a favorite pastime of Bills. I was fortunate to count Bill as a friend. He found himself at Chickenstock almost every year, thus it was here we chose to present his family this memoriam. He is truly missed.
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In a sad moment at Chickenstock, Representative Dibert on stage presenting a memoriam from the 33rd Legislature to Bill Black's Daughters (left). If you attend Goldpanners games this summer you might see this stadium seat in the bleachers at Growden Park (right). The seat was made by a friend in memory of Bill. Bill could often be found in the stands enjoying summer baseball and signing along to the Panners' traditional song Happy Boy. | |
Thank you for reading my message. Please feel welcome to visit my office in person or to give me a call anytime. We are here to help.
In humble service to the People of Fairbanks,
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Stay in Touch and Stay Informed | |
Contact Our Office
• Representative Dibert:
• Chief of Staff:
Office Phone: 907-465-2138
1292 Sadler Way
Suite 306
Fairbanks, Ak 99701
Alaska State Capitol
Room 424
Juneau, AK 99801
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Connect with Representative Maxine Dibert on Social Media | | | | |