MAY  2016           

Women Moving Forward®


Graduate Newsletter

In This Issue


Women Moving Forward®
 June 8-10, 2016
Westlake Village, CA $3750
2 spaces left

Advanced WMF® October 20-21 Westlake Village, CA
4 spaces left
Women Moving
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2016
Westlake Village, CA

2017 Workshops

Women's Leadership
May 2-4, 2017
Santa Barbara, CA
  8 spaces left


To bring WMF® or Advanced WMF®

to your town or company contact us  




                           20 16    
Public Workshop Schedule   

All prices are in US Dollars
2016 Workshops 

Women Moving Forward®
June 8-10
Westlake Village, CA
2 spaces left 
Advanced WMF®
October 20-21
Westlake Village, CA
4 spaces left

Women Moving Forward
November 29- Dec. 1
Westlake Village, CA
2017 Workshops

Women's Leadership Retreat®   
May 2-4
Make-up day May 1 
$4175 for returnees
$4950 for Newbies 
8 spaces left


Spouses and Partners of Course Graduates can attend the Courses for half price
(this offer does not include the Advanced Men's Course or WLR) To register for any course, retreat, or conference, contact our office. We accept MasterCard, Visa & American Express
There is a $500 discount when two or more people attend the same $3,750+  workshop from the same company and location.
You must register together and attend together
All prices are subject to change. No refunds are given

Special Women Moving Forward®
Graduate Programs

Observing WMF®

All graduates are able to observe any WMF® public workshop

Availability is based on space
cost: $250 total ($450 US in Another country)
To Observe contact Susan to reserve space.

Reviewing WMF®

Any graduate can attend a WMF® public workshop and be a full participant in the workshop

You will need to fully participate and be present for the entire workshop.

cost: 50% of the workshop cost
(currently $1875 in the US)

Reviewer spaces are based on availability.

Contact us for more information.

2017 Women's Leadership Retreat©  
May 1-4, 2017  
Vail, CO 
May 1 Make-up day  
Must have attended WMF® & Advanced WMF® 

Men Relationships and Work©

For those of you who want to bring this very special workshop to the men in your company contact us to schedule one.

This is the Men's version of WMF®

Men all over the world have taken this workshop and have been surprised by the results.

The cost:

$35,000 for up to 14 men

We strongly recommend
this workshop be done in locations and
companies where WMF® has been held.

If you only continue to train women but do not also re-train men you just make women more frustrated.


                    Graduate Feedback  RETIREMENT 

Apparently this topic touched a central issue for some of you.
Here are the comments of one WMF® graduate. 
 Hi Susan and John!
Great topic. I am 8 weeks into "retirement" and have been doing a lot of thinking about this too. I am taking this opportunity to put some of these thoughts into words and create something new for myself to "try on".
-          After 24 years of working for KC I do not miss anything or anyone. Many friends outside of work were concerned about my transition from not just working full time but also being overly invested in my work and my identity so wrapped up in being part of that corporate / company family. It is not a problem at all. I am amazed and surprised and pleased.
-          I am grateful for what this career and income provided, and I see I could have taken it so much less seriously. I knew it was not my passion or mission in life, but this goes beyond that. It is nice to be outside the bowl looking in and I am not beating myself up about this...just noticing and learning. I know I still left my own legacy regardless of what others remember or recognize. I am proud of who I was and who I am. I am looking forward to who I may become, knowing I have all the "say" about that.
-          The absence of stress is a wondrous and healthy thing. My sleeping immediately improved.
-          I am not angry all the time anymore.  
-          I always had a knack for taking the time to appreciate moments and be grateful, however this ability is growing significantly.
-          The freedom I feel is awesome and sometimes overwhelming. I did start out with a rough plan which I continue to review and adjust frequently. I also love the flexibility and lack of "shoulds". I can be a night owl and who cares <smile>. I can change my mind. But it is not just a freedom of time. It is a freedom to BE.
Possible new personal commandments / directions for life:
-          Live consciously. Live with integrity.
-          Take care of myself and my home. Is every choice I make in line with being a healthy person in body, mind and spirit?
-          Have fun!  Do the things on my bucket list.  Be bold and outrageous and silly. Read a lot. WRITE.
-          Be around people who are like minded -- think for themselves, adventurous, generous, authentic and with integrity.
-          Give back and make a difference. Be a role model.
-          Be debt free and financially secure.
First year goals:
-          Repair/maintain everything that is needed around the house. I am still the project manager, just using those skills for myself now and learning how to be a general contractor <smile>.
-          Learn and apply more about nutrition and eating healthy for me. Move more!  Wow my doctor with the results of my annual physical at the end of the year.
-          Lots of time at the beach relaxing.
-          Pay off the credit cards.
Second year goals:
-          Fully explore multiple volunteer opportunities - girls, women, pets, health care.
-          Travel to a new place.
After that who knows!
Now that I have written this, maybe I am too much still in work mode? I have so much yet to discover and create!
Thanks to Laura for this perspective. 
 Let us know what you think. 

If you plan to attend the May 1-4, 2017 Women's Leadership
Retreat® you will need to register NOW.
It will be full by May 5, 2016!!

WMF® June 8-10 in Westlake Village, CA is almost full.
If are planning to register someone for that workshop do that by
May 5 as well!!

The Couple's Course®  


Join Us In Paradise, February 3-5 , 2017!
  Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island Hawaii  

 3 couples are signed up! Only 3 more can sign up!!!
 If you want to attend reserve your spot NOW!!

$2750 per couple.  
Prerequisite: One of the couple has to have attended another SVVCI® workshop and you need to be in a committed relationship for 5 or more years.

To get one of the   spaces in 2017 call us at our office; 303-660-5206 or Send us an E-mail;

We look forward to seeing you on The Big Island in 2016!

To register for any of our workshops go on line to, call our office at 303-660-5206 or E-mail us!

All spaces are available on a first come first serve basis! Don't wait
to register These workshops will fill soon!!

Click on link below and register or e-mail or call! 

2015 DISTRIBUTOR MEETING Robin Elston, Lorrie Teitze
and Kate Johnson

Our new office:
31416 Agoura Rd. Suite 255
Westlake Village, CA. 91361


If you are thinking about becoming a V2 / SVVCI® Distributor you need
to act quickly.

There are only 2 Distributorships left.

More importantly, we will only train new Distributors until:

 DECEMBER 31, 2017

That means you need to purchase your Distributorship in 2016 to
get the training you will need to be successful!!

Start by scheduling a conversation with Susan & John


As you know there is limited space and it will go quickly!!


JUNE 8-10, 2016     WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA  2 spaces left

NOVEMBER 29-30- Dec. 1, 2016      WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA

OCTOBER 20-21       WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 4 spaces left


MAY 2-4, 2017    SANTA BARBARA, CA 

8 spaces left 



After May 2 SPACE will be VERY LIMITED!!! 

  Continuing your Women Moving Forward® experience 
 The April Advanced Women Moving Forward Group from Cincinnati
Nichole, Anne, Joyce, Susan, Kaoru, Jill and Anna 

If you have ever thought, "I wish I could hear Susan's voice again" or "I want to re-visit what I learned in WMF® now that my life has changed" then

Advanced Women Moving Forward®
could be an option for you!

Because women's lives occur in stages: singledom, marriage, kids, etc. we always had the option for women to return to the workshop when they entered a new stage.

Here are the 3 options graduates can use to attend WMF® again:

Attending Advanced Women Moving Forward®

The 2 day workshop will have you focus on:
Your purpose in life and how to live a more purposeful life.

Completing your old Declarations of Self

Creating new Declarations of Self


In this option you are actually a full participant. You do a pre-call and pre-work and participate as a full participant!

You will need to be present for all 3 days and do all the workshop exercises.

The cost is 50% of the total cost of the workshop. So here in the US reviewing currently costs $1875


In this option you sit at the Observer Table and do the exercises from that vantage point. You can "observe" where you are now and where you need to be next. You participate only silently from the back of the room.

Observing affords you the flexibility to come and go as you please (except during the completion exercise).

You do not participate fully and only speak to the room if asked to by Susan

The cost to Observe is $250 in the US and $450 in other countries.

In every workshop we do we have limited spaces for Reviewers and for Observers.

If you think you will want to Observe or Review please let us know so we can reserve your space.

Next Opportunities to Observe or Review are next week in Cincinnati and in October in Geneva. I look forward to the possibility of seeing some of you soon!

Watch for new schedule of Advanced WMF® in 2016!


2016 Women's Leadership Retreat 
2015 was an incredible year for the  Women's Leadership Retreat®

In 2016 we will be discussing POWER!

One of our participants said:

"Feeling so privileged and grateful for an amazing gift and life changing experience. Thank you Susan!!"


The women attending came away feeling more empowered then ever before. The completion of some very difficult experiences coupled with telling the truth set
them on a more purposeful course

It was a magnificent group of women! 
2015 Women's Leadership Retreat® Participants  

Susan & Leisha are also pictured 

& Have Dinner 
A Graduate Lunches & Dinners are Scheduled for:

Monday April 11, 2016  Noon lunch Marriott Mason, OH

  Linda, Chris & Sharon Dinner NJ

Graduate  Lunch in Princeton, Jersey
Graduate lunch August 2 in Princeton, NJ  
Join us at the next Graduate Lunch in Cincinnati
Dec. 9  

Graduate Lunch in Cincinnati September 16
Kaye Weiner, Carol Stacey, Susan, Ann Brack & Jeryl Proudfit


 If you plan to refer someone or attend yourself let 
us know ASAP!!!! 


  April 12-13, 2016         Cincinnati, OH  1 space left 
OCTOBER 20-21, 2016      Westlake Village, CA 

Meltem & Janice discussing purpose Geneva AWMF®
Here are some quotes from the evaluations of the last
Advanced Women Moving Forward® Workshop:

"I understand the boundaries that go along with my role,
I will be able to make more efficient decisions"

"I have a greater sense of clarity over my life....this has given
me the opportunity to start with a clean slate. I am more in touch with myself..."

"I am more purposeful and can lead from a higher level....
I am more 'in the moment' because the distractions are being

"...(I'm) not alone in my experience, support is so helpful...
like a renewal of WMF® to a further degree"

"I will live more on purpose at work which will make me more
effective in my a leader. This will benefit my company.."

"I plan to move through breakdown as quickly as possible"

"I am more centered and more on purpose which will help me
make clearer decisions and improve productivity"

"Knowing that breakdowns are opportunities to learn
information to move back into creation vs viewing them as a
dead end"

"I will focus on 'who owns the problem' and delegate the
solution to them"

"I have let go of old declarations and am refocused on the
path forward"

 Birgit & Tatjana pairing up to talk about purpose Geneva AWMF®

The 2015 Retreat© last group Dinner on Thursday PM

We used this year's Retreat to discuss what completion regarding death
really is. It was a safe place for the women who attended to complete
some difficult life experiences for themselves.  

That is what The Retreat© is; a place for women,
at director level and above, to be so they can
feel the support of other women and personally
and professionally grow from that experience.

No matter how successful you are there is always
more to develop and grow.

A Light moment in the 2015 WLR® 

To attend in 2016, May 3-5 (make up day May 2)
 you must be a graduate of Women Moving Forward®
 for at least a year and you must also attend
 Advanced Women Moving Forward® 

Advanced Women Moving Forward® is scheduled for:

August 19-20   Thousand Oaks, CA
September 8-9  Geneva, Switzerland
(unless you have attended The Women's Leadership Retreat before).

You will also need to attend the make-up day May 2. You will have 26+
concepts to master and 60+ pages of pre-work.

We will bundle the price of the workshops together so you can meet the prerequisites with a discount.
2016 only has 1 space left!

Fee for new participants or participants who missed a year; $4950 US
Returning participants; $4150 US

I look forward to speaking with you about this
incredible program!




For those of you who want to attend The Women's
Leadership Retreat© for the first time in 2016 there is
now a prerequisite; Advanced Women Moving Forward®

We use to be able to do a make-up day for The Retreat©
to cover all of the previous year's concepts.

This is not possible any longer. With 60+ pages of
concepts to learn before the first day of The Retreat©
we must have another way to get potential attendees
up to the current year's concepts.

The 2 day format will cover:

1. The participant will start to identify or identify
their purpose in life.

2. The participant will know the properties of purpose

3. The participant will know how this supports their
work and how to maximize their work contribution
using their purpose

4. The participant will know and know how to use
intention to attain higher levels of productivity.

5. The participant will be able to bring in to being
bigger results using their knowledge of Creation,
Intention and Purpose.

Who Should Attend This Workshop?

1. Any woman who is a graduate of
Women Moving Forward® and who wants to
improve her productivity and lead a more purposeful life.

2. Any woman who plans to attend the Women's
Leadership Retreat© and has not attended before.

3. Any graduate of Women Moving Forward® who
wants to continue the process they start

Cost: $2750 ($4750 in Geneva)
To register: E-mail us at
or register via our website: 

Graduate Programs: 

Observing is a WMF® graduate program that includes 
attending the workshop and looking at how far  
you have come since taking the workshop. It also helps  
you to keep the learnings you got as impactful as they were  
when you took  
the workshop. 
 The side benefit of Observing is supporting the women  
attending by modeling what it is to complete the workshop.

If you would like to Observe any of the community based  
workshops in 2011 all you need to do is contact us to make  
a reservation and pay the $250 fee. Seats in each  
workshop are limited and are given on a first come  
first serve basis.
Four Graduates in Europe Observed the Frankfurt workshop
last year. 
You do not have to be at all three days of the workshop.  
You can  be at one day or several or you can come for an afternoon.
The schedule is up to you when you Observe.

Some Graduates bring their workshop buddies with them  
to Observe and some bring their old notebooks!

     2017 Women's Leadership Retreat®                                                                               
       May 1-4
       only 8 spaces left
If you have never attended before you will need to attend  
the Advanced Women Moving Forward®    
as a prerequisite.
Cost: $4950 US
$4175 US for returning attendees  

Bring Women Moving
Forward® or Advanced Women Moving Forward® To Your Area  
To have us schedule a  Women Moving Forward® 
Public Workshop or an Advanced Women Moving Forward®
 in your  area  you will need to register  10+ women
Prices differ by country and US state.

We will then fill the rest of the spaces with women from
other companies and areas unless you purchase all 12
spaces for your company.

For more information contact Susan 
Women Moving Forward®
For Your Company or
To have a Women Moving Forward®  workshop  that
 is just for your  Organization the fee is $45,000+ USD
any where in the world for up to 12 women!
For more information contact us at
Women Moving Forward® Website!!!

  Visit it for all the updates & news about
Women Moving Forward® and
the Women's Leadership Retreat©. Refer your friends to it.

When you google us we are in the first 5 listed as:
Original Women Moving Forward®.

All of the back issues of the  WMF Newsletters are also there.


Follow Susan on Twitter
Google and make a request to follow
Susan Van Vleet

on twitter

Linked In

Become a business link to us on Linked In
Request a "link" to Susan Van Vleet


Become a  friend on Facebook
Request becoming a "Friend" to Susan


Graduate Lunches & Opportunities for Graduates

Any Graduate of Women Moving Forward from
company can attend. There is no cost to the

Watch for times to be scheduled

Come and join your fellow grads for a lively conversation and

RSVP Via E-mail to by September 1

Observing Women Moving Forward®

Observe any US Community Based
Women Moving Forward®
for $250 in US $450 elsewhere

Space is limited so reserve your chair to observe  NOW!!


About Susan Van Vleet
Consultants, Inc.
Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.®
An International Consulting Company
Agoura Rd. Suite 255
Westlake Village, CA 91361
phone: 303.660.5206 