Dear Members,
Each year our League takes action to involve and educate not only our members but the community at large. At the 2015 May Annual Meeting, ideas were generated to attract younger members, improve diversity, increase visibility, form partnerships, increase participation, and improve our civic and governmental study process. Please examine the document 2015-16 Year in Review to see how we transformed those suggestions into actions and programs. Members can be proud of how we continue to work year after year to improve ourselves and our communities.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support for the past four years. Being President of our League has had its rewards and challenges. But nothing could have been accomplished without the commitment and hard work of our Board and Committee Chairs. I would like thank Board members Heather Cunningham, Joan Fiscella, Dale Fitschen, and Ann Marohn as they go off Board but certainly not off League. It was pleasure to work with you on a monthly basis. And to long time Committee Chairs Laurie Huget, Carolyn Hayes, Dale and Marilyn Fitschen, and Mary Rose Lambke as they leave their posts, thank you is hardly sufficient for your years of service. Please know that having you all as chairs has made my job so much easier.
I look forward to seeing you all at our May 10 Annual Meeting to continue our good work. Remember to R.S.V.P. your attendance!
Peggy Kell
Second Tuesday
On May 10, from 9:30-11:30 am, Arnie Steber, from Vietnam Veterans for Peace, will be our resource person. Please join the discussion at the Nineteen Century Club, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. Bring a friend!
Drinks & Dialogue
Our evening program of Drinks & Dialogue will be taking a break till the fall. Plans for timely topics in a social setting, fueled by food and refreshments, will take place over the summer. See you in September!
Mothers and Others for Peace
Book Bike
On Saturday, May 7, think about adding a little peace to your Mother's Day weekend by joining our celebration of "Mothers and Others for Peace." Starting at 11:00am in Mills Park at Marion Street in Oak Park, you will learn about the original Mothers Day Proclamation, share songs and words of peace, and enjoy live story time and peace books from the OPPL Book Bike. This event is truly for all ages. Share the Peace Flyer with friends and neighbors.
Our first "Tough Topics Series" presentation will be on Saturday, May 21, from 12:30-3:30 pm in the
Oak Park Village Hall Council Chambers, 123 Madison St., Oak Park. The first installment will be "The Red Zone: Addressing Sexual Violence within the High School Community." The aim of this event is to stimulate a dialogue between students, organizations, and the greater community on tangible measures that can be taken to prevent sexual violence, provide students and parents with information on how to identify sexual violence and prevent it, and learn more about recent policies addressing sexual violence intervention and prevention. We are partnering with OPRF HS and Sarah's Inn to address this timely topic. This event is free and open to the public. Please share and/or post the
Tough Topics Flyer
We need your attendance and engagement at our Tuesday, May 10 Annual Meeting. This is the one meeting we don't want you to miss! Besides your dues, we need your input and ideas. We need an RSVP because we will be ordering food for a light supper between the business(5:00-6:00 pm) and working(6:30-8:30 pm) meeting. If you haven't replied yet, do it now!
Annual Meeting RSVP
Please review the following information before the meeting:
Shop and Share at Good Earth
On May 13, 14, and 15, the Good Earth Greenhouse, 7900 W. Madison, River Forest, will have "Shop and Share" days for our League. What do you do? Stop there and buy plants or other garden needs. Mention that you are from the OPRF League and we will then receive 10% of the sale. Easy-peasy! No coupon needed, just remember to stop and shop on those three days. It will be warm soon......get out there and garden!
Stickney Plant
Have you always wanted to visit a water reclamation plant? Understand what it does? Well the Environment Committee invites you to join them on Saturday, May 21, from 9:00am-Noon to tour the Stickney Plant, 6001 W. Pershing Rd., Cicero, to celebrate Infrastructure Week. Learn how these vital plants recover resources and transform water. You need to RSVP Chair Marsha Borders
before May 16
if you are interested in attending the tour or need more details. Space is limited. You do not want to miss this once a year event!
Chamber Economic Luncheon |
The 3rd Annual OPRF Chamber of Commerce Economic Luncheon will be held at Dominican University, Parmer Hall, 7900 W. Division, River Forest, on Monday, May 16, from 11:30am-1:30pm. Featured Speakers will be Tom Dart, Chris Taliaferro, and John Lynch. Cost is $50 for chamber members and $60 for non-members. RSVP by May 6 to 708-613-0550 or register online at
Great Decision topics for the month of May are "Climate Change" on May 5 and 10, followed by "Cuba and the U.S." on May 19 and 24. Check the Great Decisions Schedule for specific times and locations. These are the final topics and meeting dates for 2016. What a great year of engagement on these various subjects! Thanks to Jean Peterman, Carolyn Decoursey, Ed White, and Ann Marohn for their time and leadership. |
Thanks to Debby Preiser for putting together the wonderful portrayal of Rachel Carson by Leslie Goddard at the Oak Park Library. What a dedicated and insightful woman Carson was! It was a great way to celebrate Earth Day. Besides "Silent Spring", Leslie spoke of the other books that Rachel Carson wrote about the sea. Truly an inspired performance.