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This Leadership Team Newsletter is published every two weeks by the Dean's Office in the College of Health at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

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The UAA College of Health advances the health and well being of people and communities
May 14, 2015
  COH Curriculum Committee to Meet Wednesdays


The COH Curriculum Committee will hold its regular meeting on Wednesdays, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm. The deadline for submission of materials for committee review is Monday at 9am, the week prior to the meeting. Submit electronic files in Word format to Harriet Paule ( To assist you in submitting materials to the curriculum committee, download the " COH Faculty Curriculum Submission Guide AY 14/15" (doc).


Unit Updates
Department of Health Sciences - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Faculty and Students Inducted into Delta Omega Honor Society


The MPH Program is proud to announce that faculty member Philippe Amstislavski and students Natasha Pineda and Melissa Viator were inducted into the Gamma Iota Chapter of the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health. Delta Omega elects new student, faculty, alumni, and honorary members based on high academic standards and outstanding performance in scholarship, teaching, research, and community service. Election of membership in Delta Omega is intended to not only recognize merit, but also to encourage and further excellence in and devotion to public health work. We congratulate Dr. Amstislavski, Natasha, and Melissa on their public health accomplishments! 


Justice Center  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Panel Takes Place on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Dr. Lindsey Blumenstein, Justice faculty, participated in the April 22 panel discussing the ABC 20/20 documentary "The Party's Over."The documentary, which aired in January 2015, tells the true story of a sexual assault on the campus of Vanderbilt University and the impact the incident had on the victim, the perpetrators, their families, the university, and the community. Program panelists also included Stephanie Whaley, Title IX Investigator and UAA Dean of Students Office, and Camilla Hussein-Scott, UAA student and former president of the UAA NO MORE Alliance, as well as a survivor of domestic violence. For more information, visit: .


Justice Center Staff Nominated for Professional of the Year Award
(l-r) Tuyet Tran, Melissa Green, and Amy Perkins
The following Justice Center staff members were nominated for the UAA Campus Bookstore 2015 Administrative Professional of the Year Award: Melissa Green, Publication Specialist; Amy Perkins, Fiscal Technician; and Tuyet Tran, Academic Program Specialist. Each of these individuals is an invaluable member of the Justice Center team . For more information, visit:

Justice Major Presents at UAA Community Engagement Forum

Daniel Reinhard (l) and Dr. Troy Payne (r) .
Daniel Reinhard
, Justice major and graduating senior, presented a poster at the 6th Annual UAA Community Engagement Forum sponsored by the Center for Community Engagement and Learning (CCEL). Mr. Reinhard discussed his research project "Crime and Disorder at Town Square Park," which is related to the research he has been doing with Dr. Troy Payne , Justice faculty. For more information, visit: .

Justice Faculty Members Receive Chancellor's Awards for Excellence
Prof. Kristin Knudsen, JD, was named under the category of Excellence
in Teaching.
Dr. Brad Myrstol was named  under the category of Excellence
in Academic Research/
Creative Activity.

Dr. Brad Myrstol, Justice faculty and director of AJSAC, and Prof. Kristin Knudsen, Legal Study faculty, were announced as recipients of the 2015 Chancellor's Awards for Excellence, thus recognizing their outstanding contributions and exceptional service to the university. For more information, visit:

Dr. Payne Interviewed by Alaska Dispatch News on Police Staffing Levels


Dr. Troy Payne, Justice faculty, was interviewed by the Alaska Dispatch News for the article "Tough task ahead for Berkowitz to boost Anchorage police force to 400" (May 10, 2015) about police staffing levels in Anchorage. Dr. Payne remarked that there is no nationwide standard for police staffing levels, but it does appear APD is understaffed. Read the article at For more information, visit:


Justice/Paralegal Studies Grad Highlighted in UAA Alumni Spirit Magazine


Leila Kimbrell, BA, Justice, and Paralegal Certificate '02, is a legislative assistant to Senator Lisa Murkowski in her Washington, DC office, and was recently highlighted in the spring issue of UAA Alumni Spirit magazine. Born in Soldotna and raised on the Kenai Peninsula, Leila joined the Senator's staff in 2013 and has been working on economic policy matters. Leila is a member of the UAA Justice Center Paralegal Studies Certificate Program Advisory Committee. Read the full article here:


Congrats to the Spring 2015 Justice and Legal Studies Graduates!

Thirty-nine Justice Center students celebrated their graduation on May 3, 2015. The Justice Center faculty and staff congratulate all of their graduates and wish them every success going forward!










Interprofessional Health Sciences Simulation Center  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interprofessional Simulation Worksho p to Take Place August 17

University faculty and healthcare educators are invited to "create, facilitate, and debrief interprofessional simulations to enhance clinical competency." This workshop will provide participants with the knowledge and experience to create original scenarios to meet clinical objectives, implement simulation scenarios, and conduct effective debriefings with confidence.


Monday August 17, 2015

8:30 am - 4:45 pm

UAA Health Sciences Building


For more information, download a flyer (pdf). Or contact Pat Sammartino, 786-6589 / or Ryan Shercliffe, 786-6106 /


Upcoming Events/Deadlines

  • May 18 - Summer 2015: First 5-wk session, first day of classes
  • May 20 - Bike to Work Day
  • May 25 - Memorial Day holiday
  • June 25 - Summer 2015, Second 5-week session, first day of classes
  • July 2-3 - Independence Day holiday