In This Issue
SBAC Testing
Academic Centers
2017-18 Registration
Dress for Success
8th Grade Updates

Flower Day
General Meeting
Executive Board Slate
Teacher/Staff Gifts

Service Awards              
Relay for Life

Schoolhouse Rocks 5K

Q uick Links

Questions? Email:
This Week thisweek 
Monday, May 15 - Thursday, May 18
  • SBAC Testing
Tuesday, May 16
  • After School Exchange Concert with La Entrada for 7/8 Band and pizza afterwards, 3:30 p.m., Hillview PAC
Wednesday, May 17
  • 6/7/8 Chorus spring concert, 7:00 p.m., Hillview PAC
Friday, May 19
  • Hillview 6/7 Dance, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Hillview PAC
  • Relay for Life, 9:00 p.m. - midnight, Hillview Track
  Looking Ahead lookingahead

  Sunday, May 21
  •  Schoolhouse Rocks 5K, 9:00 a.m., Hillview
  • Jazz Band, 9:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m., MP Farmers Market
Monday, May 22 - Thursday, May 25
  • Hillview Book Fair 2017, before school 8:00 - 8:30 a.m., during brunch and lunch, and 30 minutes after school.
Monday, May 22 - Friday, May 26
  •  Greek Olympics - 6th grade PE
Thursday, May 25
  • Hillview PTO General Meeting, 8:30 a.m., Hillview PAC
  • Hillview Flower Day - bring flowers to drop-off 
  • Open House, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Jazz Band performs, Bake Sale Fundraiser

Monday, May 29

  • No School - Memorial Day
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Hillview School Newsschoolnews

SBAC is coming to Hillview this week! 
The entire school will have only four days of SBAC testing and special schedules this year from May 15-19. Please make every effort to schedule or reschedule appointments that may cause your student to miss the assessment window. Make-ups for absences will be done until June 2, feel free to contact Mrs. Martin at  with any questions around SBAC testing at Hillview.

Academic Centers at Hillview - Annual Survey  
Academic Centers at Hillview are funded by our PTO with support from the MPAEF, however we also receive a grant from the San Mateo County Office of Education. They send out an annual survey for staff, students, and parents each year. If your student attends Math Clinic, Homework Center, Flight School, or Hawk Stars, please complete the survey at 2016-17 Academic Center Parent/Guardian Survey by May 16.

2017-18 Registration  
The registration window will be open for Hillview 2017-18 school year until May 15. Use the Quick Link that will be provided on the Hillview Homepage, and will also be sent home to you via School Messenger. 5th grade parents will be sent the username and password for their students in a separate email. Please take time prior to registering to review the Electives and PE Course Catalogs on the Hillview website within each grade level, as well as the video catalogs to best select the Electives and PE courses for your student. There is a Quick Link to help with the registration process.
Dress for Success Norms
As the weather warms up, it is important that students dress for success at Hillview.  In the Hillview Handbook, we stress the importance of choosing the appropriate attire for different contexts, one of which is school. Our gender neutral dress for success norms are listed below and the Dress for Success Norm section in the handbook is linked to here.
  1. All students must be covered completely from mid-thigh to top of chest in non-see-through materials
  2. The front and back of a shirt (or top of any kind) must be connected over both shoulders.
  3. Clothing must cover all undergarments.
  4. Hats and head coverings (except those worn for religious purposes) are only allowed outside of classrooms.
  5. Clothing must be free of obscene or inappropriate words and/or logos.
LAST CHANCE: 8th Grade Graduation Gown Orders
If you would like to PURCHASE your own graduation gown, you have ONE LAST CHANCE this weekend! The "Purchase your own gown" window will be open until   MONDAY, May 15, at 11:59 p.m. if you would like to purchase a gown for your student to wear at graduation.  Please click the link here  to purchase your gown.
If you would like to borrow and return one of our gowns, please add your information to the Google Form linked to here.
All of this information, and other 8th grade end of year information, can be found at the Hillview website under the   Parents tab  or in the   Quick Links section.

8th Grade Awards Assembly Time Change:   
The 8th grade awards assembly will be held from  8:40 - 10:20 a.m.  on  Friday June 9 , not in the afternoon.  Due to the Decades Dance Assembly, the time will change from an afternoon awards assembly to the morning time.  

8th Grade Grad Party Update
With just six weeks to go, planning is almost complete, for what should be a night to remember for every Hillview 8th grader! Few reminders about the night:
  • All 8th grade students are invited to this special party, taking place in the gym immediately following the graduation ceremony. There will be food, a DJ and a variety of games and other entertainment.
  • We are thrilled to report that two-thirds of the class has generously made donations to support the event. As a reminder, the party is 100% paid for by 8th grade families. This is our last plea... if you haven't had a chance to donate yet, click here to do so now. However, please remember that all students are welcome, regardless of a donation! 
  • We'd like to give a great big thank you to the McCombs family for generously sponsoring the DJ for grad night! In addition, thank you to the Kennedy and Camens families for generously sponsoring some of the wonderful decorations that will transform the gym into another place.
  • Calling all 8th grade parents: We need your help to decorate the gym the week of June 13-16. We need all hands on deck to transform the gym and make this a night to remember. Please click here to sign up and help. We need everyone to put in a few hours if possible! For any questions, please contact Sharon Purcell or Cristy Barnes.
6th and 7th Grade Parents - Please Volunteer to Chaperone
It is a long standing Hillview tradition that following the graduation ceremony, all 8th graders head into a Grad Night party. The party takes place in the gym, which is transformed in the days prior, according to a surprise theme. To pull off this night for the graduates, we especially need the help of the 6th and 7th grade parents. Much of the final touches and food prep takes place while the 8th graders and their parents are attending the graduation ceremony. Please help pay it forward! Tell a friend and  Sign-Up for one of the shifts during the late afternoon or early evening of  Friday June 16.

8th Grade End of Year Information
The end of the school year is fast approaching!  For our 8th graders, we have a number of great activities coming up, including the class trip to Great America, the 8th grade Awards Assembly, the promotion ceremony, and the Grad Night Party! On the Hillview Webpage, under both  QuickLinks and  Parent Information, please find the Parent Letter, Great America Permission Slip, and other important end of year information.

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Hillview PTO Newshillviewptonews

Hillview Flower Day on Thursday, May 25
Please help make the Hillview campus beautiful for Open House and show your teachers and staff how much you appreciate all that they do by bringing in flowers on Thursday morning,  May 25. You can bring flowers from your garden or store-bought bouquets. Even greenery (if you have no blossoms in the yard) will be most helpful to our parent volunteers who will arrange all of the donated flowers into lovely bouquets for each teacher and staff member on campus. We hope that all students will participate in this great effort. Volunteers will be collecting flowers at drop off and if parents wish to stay and help, you are most welcome! 
Hillview PTO Spring General Meeting
All members of the Hillview PTO are invited to attend the Spring General Meeting on Thursday, May 25, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Hillview PAC. The membership will vote on next year's Executive Board Slate, approve the 2017-2018 budget and proposed stand rule changes.  Copies of the proposed budget and standing rule changes are available in the Hillview office or you can review the 2017-2018 PTO budget here
Hillview PTO Executive Board Slate for 2017-2018
The Hillview PTO Nominating Committee is pleased to present the slate for the 2017-18 Hillview PTO Executive Board. The PTO's General Membership will vote on this slate of officers at the Hillview PTO General Meeting on Thursday, May 25 at 8:30 a.m. in the Hillview PAC.

Co-Presidents: Chris Sewell & Ashley Wagstaff
Co-Vice Presidents: Suzanne Watson & Laura Paul
Treasurer: Christine Tonsfeldt
Vice Treasurer: John Donald
Financial Secretary: Gina Skinner
Auditor: Matt Ericksen
Recording Secretary: Julia Molise
Communications Chair: Johanna Woll
Volunteer Coordinator: Nancy Witeck
After-School Activities Coordinator: Jamey Hawkins
Parliamentarian: Julie Nelson         
Note: Co-Presidents and Treasurer were elected to serve 2 year terms in May 2016; the Parliamentarian is appointed by the Co-Presidents.   

Hillview Teacher and Staff Year End Gifts
Wondering how to recognize your child's teacher at the end of the school year? At Hillview, we have a tradition of gifting to the staff as a community. Parents are encouraged to contribute to a centralized Teacher/Staff Gift Fund (organized by PTO volunteers) and ALL proceeds are used to buy gift cards for the entire Hillview team.

The benefits of this approach are that:
  • It's what the teachers and staff prefer.  With gift cards, they can pick out something they really want or need.
  • No one is overlooked. The Gift Fund is used to recognize all 80+ Hillview employees, including the academy teachers, elective teachers, specialists, custodians and staff.
It's easy!  Just make a contribution and the committee does the rest! Gift cards are delivered on the last day of school on behalf of the entire Hillview community.
There are several ways to participate. PayPal here Cash can be left at the Hillview Office. Check (made out to Molly Gibbons) can be left in the Hillview office or mailed to Molly Gibbons,  115 Pineview Lane,  Menlo Park, CA 94025. Any questions? Contact Molly Gibbons Thank you!
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MPCSD News mpcsdnews

2017 MPCSD Service Award Winners
Please join us in congratulating our  2017 Menlo Park City School District service award winners . These are parents, community members, teachers and staff who have gone above and beyond to help our schools and district. Many school programs would not exist were it not for this talented and dedicated group of volunteers.
District Council
Measure X Team:
   Honorary Service Awards Stacey Wueste, Amy Coolican, Jennifer Levey, Scott Saywell
   Continuing Service Awards:   Stephanie Chen, Katie Ferrick, Liliana Perazich, Tamara Russel,    
    Parke Treadway
Other Honorary Service Awards:  Sherwin Chen, Al Hart, Ginny Maiwald, Ken Wang
Golden Oak Awards:  Traci Brinton, Neela Gentile, Christine Keefer, Kate Kennedy, Jo Lofthouse, Elizabeth Ouren, Mark Box, Jeff Child, Maria Hilton, Dr. Maurice Ghysels
President's Award:  Kate Kennedy
Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation
Honorary Service Awards:  Bill Thompson, Cambridge Associates and Katherine Armstrong-Hochstetler, Cambridge Associates
President's Awards:  Alka Gupta, Jennifer Dahmus
Hillview Middle School
Honorary Service Awards:  Helen Chen, Aimee Mathenia, Tracy Piombo
Continuing Service Awards:  Deanna Schroder, Steve Shaw, Regina Skinner
Golden Oak Awards:  Michelle Box, Andrea Luskin, Maria Mills, Beth Shvodian
President's Awards:  Jody Buckley, Julie Nelson
Encinal Elementary School
Honorary Service Award:  Avani Khatri
Continuing Service Awards:  Emily Moberg Robinson, Sara Davis Teeple, Jill Vizas
President's Awards:  Claire Burks, May Matsui
Laurel Elementary School
Honorary Service Awards:  Beth Chopra, Theresa Fox, Shelley Winters, Jennifer Wolosin
Continuing Service Awards:  Christine Chan, Desiree Vogt
Golden Oak Award:  Cilla Seely
President's Award:  Joseph La Cava
Oak Knoll Elementary School
Honorary Service Awards:  Emily Chiet, Sherrie Feinstein, Janell Sanford, Amy Thornborrow
Continuing Service Award:  Tamara Russel
Golden Oak Awards:  Allison Chao, Susan Sanchez, Jan San Filippo, Heidi Veneman
President's Award:  Janelle McCombs 
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Programs & Activities Programs 

Hillview ASB
6th/7th Surfs Up! Dance on May 19
Hillview ASB welcomes  all 6th and 7th graders to the Surfs Up! Dance on Friday, May 19 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. That's right, this dance includes our 6th graders!!! For parents new to the Hillview dance scene...a few important reminders:
  • Students must bring their Student ID as only Hillview students are allowed.
  • Students are released at 8:00 p.m. Any early releases must have a parent meet the student in the PAC Lobby.
  • Please be on time picking up your child as our chaperones and staff supervision would love to get home to their families after the fun!
  • Late arrivals after 6:30 p.m. must be accompanied by an adult to the PAC Lobby.
  • School Dress Norms are enforced....please review the handbook. Students out of dress code will not be allowed inside the dance floor and will need to be picked up to change.
  • Dress is CASUAL/'s a beach themed dance, so consider coming dressed to fit our theme. 8th Grade ASB will be wearing Hawaiian shirts, board shorts, and comfy shoes to dance in.
  • Discounted ticket sales begin at lunch all week in the student store. Tickets are also sold at the door on the night of the dance, but the price goes up to $8. 
  • Keep the traffic circle moving for the safety of all students at the end of the night...think of it like the end of the school day, but at night!
There is a game room with board games for those who need a break from the dancing and of course we have yummy concessions for sale benefiting the 8th Grade Grad committee as a fundraiser. Bring small bills! We also have a free adult supervised 'bag check' for students to keep their belongings safe while they are dancing. 

6th and 7th graders...don't miss out on the last dance of the year...the  Surfs Up! Dance on Friday, May 19, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Any questions, e-mail Activities Director Mr. Darmanin.

Dance Chaperones Needed!
No experience required. If you can volunteer for the dance, please contact  Nancy Witeck.

Relay for Life - Hillview Edition
Nearly 300 students have signed up to participate in the  3rd annual Relay for Life - Hillview Edition taking place on Friday, May 19 from 9:00 p.m. to midnight. The students have formed teams, attended informational meetings, created team posters and started fundraising. As of May 4, they have received $17,500 in donations for the American Cancer Society in the battle against cancer (Goal is $40,000). We sincerely appreciate all support and encouragement that you can provide for this valiant effort in making the world a better place!  

Please click here to review the schedule for the 6th and 7th grade dance and for Relay for Life and for the time in between.

PARENTS ARE NEEDED  to help us on May 19 for the following jobs. Sign up here .  
  • Make and bring baked goods for the concession stand
  • Work at the concession stand
  • Help with Event Security
  • Help at the first aid station (particularly for those with medical backgrounds)
  • Set-up and/or Clean-up
Intramural Sports
Intramural sports continues with indoor soccer and hockey on Wednesday and Thursday. All students welcome. If there are too many players, we'll rotate. Spectators please stay on the bleachers or stage. As always, no food/drink in gym.
After-School Tennis Program  
The program has now been completed for this season. We thank all volunteer parents, high school assistant coaches, players, and especially Coach Yasuo for making this season so successful. Coach Yasuo managed to coordinate over 90 players to play in at least 3 matches and practice numerous times. Congratulations to everyone involved and best of luck in future tennis programs.

After-School Boys Volleyball
The league season has ended. Playoffs will occur next Monday or Tuesday. Finals will occur on Thursday, May 18 at Tierra   Linda Middle School in San Carlos. 
Girls Spring Volleyball Clinic
Spring Volleyball Clinic for girls continues this Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. This will be the final week of the program. We thank Coach Kutlu Aricanli and his assistants for offering this program allowing interested volleyball players the opportunity to participate.

After-School Track 
After School Track continues this week on Monday and Wednesday, May 15 and 17. May 15 will be a meet. May 17 will be practice. Both will be at M-A High School from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.  

Friendly reminder If anyone has any after school sports uniforms that need to be
returned (basketball, girls volleyball, flag football, track) please do so immediately.  
Questions regarding any of these programs should be directed to Harry Bell, Athletic Director, at 650-483-4049. Scholarships are available for all Hillview supported sports.
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MPAEF Newsmpaefnews  

Get Ready to Rock! Join the Schoolhouse Rocks 5K : Sunday, May 21

Our school district fun-run, the Schoolhouse Rocks 5K, is next Sunday, May 21, starting 9:00 a.m. at Hillview Middle School. Choose between a chip-timed 5K or a 1 mile family walk/run. Arrive between 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. for packet pick-up and last minute registration, to volunteer, or to simply get a coffee and cheer on the runners! There will be music, a pre-run warm-up and a coffee cart.   

Family fun awaits at our Wellness Fair following the run! Please join us on the Hillview campus from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. as the community comes together to celebrate the conclusion of the MPAEF Schoolhouse Rocks 5K. This year's after-party promises to be fun for everyone-runners, walkers, big kids, little kids, and adults!!  There will be something for everyone:   
  • Music to warm everyone up before the run and wind down afterwards
  • 3 fabulous food trucks: Sunny Side Up, Waffle Roost, Crepe Em Coming and ZoomCafe coffee
  • Bounce house, obstacle course, bubble soccer, Hungry Hyppo & football bungee battle will cater for kids of all ages.
  • Free chair massages from Altos Mobile Massage
  • And many other local business sponsors
While the after-party does include many free activities and give-aways, you will need $$ for food & beverage trucks.

It's not too late to to be a family sponsor! Click here:  Family Sponsor - with a donation of $500, you receive five race entries and the gratitude of every child in our schools!

Register and learn more about the run here!

Volunteer! Sign up here to volunteer to help the day of the run. We only truly "run" by parent power and support!

Where do I pick up my race packet? Packet pick up will be at Menlo Park Fleet Feet Sports on Friday, May 19, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Packet contains run t-shirt, bib and timing chip (timing chip will only be included on the bibs for the 5k registered runners). On race day, packet pick up will be available between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. at Hillview Middle School.

The Course
- This year is a new, exciting course! The 5K Competitive Run starts at Hillview down Santa Cruz, cuts right on University, then winds back through the neighborhood along Creek and Bay Laurel, turns right on Olive Street and finishes the run back on Hillview Middle School campus. Water stations will be available throughout the course. No bikes, skates or dogs permitted. Strollers are welcome.
For more info on the day of the race, routes, activities and more, click here.

The Schoolhouse Rocks 5K for education is being organized by the MPAEF, in support of the Menlo Park City School District: Encinal, Laurel, Oak Knoll and Hillview schools.  Funds raised will support our children's education. To register and learn more about the run, visit our website.
Thank you to all our generous sponsors! The run 2017, supported by: Nelson Roberts, Gullixson, Omar Kinaan, Gold Arrow Camp, Pollock Financial, Jacobson Gould Dermatology, iD Tech. 

Sip & Stroll on Santa Cruz Avenue Saturday, June 3
Join us for the 3rd annual Menlo Park  "Taste of the Mountains" Wine Walk on Saturday, June 3, 2:00 - 5:30 p.m. "Taste of the Mountains" showcases wineries of the Santa Cruz Mountains and is organized by the Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association with all proceeds going to the MPAEF.

Participating wineries include: Burrell School Vineyards & Winery, House Family Vineyards,  Kings Mountain Vineyards, Left Bend Winery, Mindego Ridge Vineyard, Portola Vineyards,  Roudon Smith Winery, Russian Ridge Winery, Silver Mountain Vineyards, Silvertip Vineyards,  Wrights Station Vineyards

Buy tickets for this limited space event by clicking here.

Participating Santa Cruz Avenue businesses include: Art Ventures Gallery, Cheeky Monkey Toys (A MPAEF Business Partner), Fleet Feet Sports, Frosch, Gitane, Harvest Furniture, Menlo Hardwoods, Peabody Fine Art & Framing, Rococo & Taupe, The Oriental Carpet

Restaurants waiving corkage fees: BBC, Galata Bistro, LB Steak, Left Bank

Stroll Santa Cruz Avenue and  enjoy local wine!
Thanks to Our Realtor and Business Partners
We want to take the opportunity to  shout   out  some appreciation to just a few of our many realtor and business partners in the community. Thank you for your support!
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 Community News community  
Community News
AYSO Fall Soccer Registration: Click here to register for AYSO! Walk-in registration is on May 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Hillview Middle School Library. First-time players must register in person. Returning players simply register online. $150 for first grade and older. All participate, regardless of level (no try-outs). See you on the field!

Bollywood Dance Classes: Shruthi Reddy, a teacher and performer of Bollywood and Bhangra as well as a certified BollyX instructor, will be offering Bollywood dance classes in the Hillview Middle School Gym on Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Click here for more information or contact at Shruthi by email  or at (408) 341-5645 for more information and to register.

Children's Champions Fundraiser: May 20, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Menlo College Football Field.
Children's Champions is a fun, family-friendly event benefiting Bay Area at-risk children. This year, the event will feature 10 Stanford athletic teams, professional athletes, and Fit Kids activities. There is a VIP hour from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. More information and tickets can be purchased on the  event website .

Free Website - from Boys and Girls Club: Are you a local business, club or organization? Do you need a website? The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula (BGCP) is partnering with  Hack the Hood  to train low-income youth to create beautiful, mobile-friendly websites for local small organizations during 6-week boot camps. This is an opportunity for the youth in East Palo Alto to gain extraordinary experience while providing a free service to local businesses. Spanish speaking youth developers are also available. Click here to apply today! 

SamTrans Summer Pass:  The Summer Youth Pass allows kids and teens to be independent with safe and affordable transportation to fun summer destinations. The pass costs only $40 and is good for unlimited travel on any SamTrans route for kids 18 years and younger from June 1 through August 31. Details about this year's Summer Youth Pass program are online here.

SUHSD Parent Education Mini-Series: "Safe and Healthy Teens": In a series of four SUHSD Parent Education Mini-Series events on "Safe and Healthy Teens," attendees will learn from leading mental health professionals, psychologists, and nonprofit organizations. Free admission; parents, students, faculty/staff, and community members welcome! See the lecture titles and dates, as well as, register  here. Speaker series presented at  Sequoia Union High School District Office - Birch Room,  480 James Avenue, Redwood City.
Summer Camps
Summer Program for Students with Learning Differences:  June 12-30 , Compass High School. Compass High School is offering a 3-week summer program for students in grades 6-12 with learning differences. Writing and math workshops, in addition to a focus on executive functioning. All offered in a fun, supportive environment by experienced, engaging teachers.  Click here  for registration information.

Mid-Pen Water Polo Club Summer Session and Free Clinic:  Registration , running May 16 - July 23 at M-A, is now open. First-time players may attend a free clinic on May 20, 10:00 - 12:00. Participants need to sign up on the Mid-Pen  website  and have USAWP Membership  for insurance purposes: 14-day Trial Athlete Membership (available only once in a lifetime and as first-time membership) is free. Mid-Pen Water Polo Club ID is 24253.

Legarza Sports Camp:  Register  here for Legarza Sport camp.  Our camp provides a service that everyone in our community can afford. Our goal is for all campers to work hard and feel good about themselves in a safe, disciplined, highly structured and motivating environment of learning and fun. Players learn to work together in a team setting while playing games and tournaments.
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Newsletter DetailsNewsletter
T his newsletter is published by Hillview School parent volunteers every Sunday of the school year, except for Sundays preceding a full week of vacation.
Submissions : The deadline to submit for the Sunday Hillview Newsletter is the preceding  Wednesday at noon . Please email your submission to . Please note that submissions may be edited for content and/or length. Submissions received after the deadline will be eligible for inclusion the following week. Submissions are eligible to run for up to two weeks.

To submit an announcement for an off-campus community event, please email your announcement to The submission deadline is  Wednesday at noon for the following Sunday newsletter. 

Archives: Missed an exciting edition of the Hillview Newsletter or other communications from the school? Look up past issues in our  online archive.