May 14, 2024

In this edition of ENews:

  • Don't forget to take the Revival Survey
  • Day of Discernment Scheduled for Saturday, June 1
  • 2024 Diocesan Convention Dates Set
  • Episcopal Foundation Grant Fund Applications Now Open
  • General Convention Committees hear testimony on additions to the church calendar, proposed hymnal supplement

Around the Diocese

More images from the Fearless Faith Revival

We will be posting videos of the Revival and Workshops to our website very soon. In the meantime, here's a cool drone shot of the Revival Worship service that also captures the entire Revival set up.

Watch the video

We want to hear from You

If you attended the Fearless Faith Revival and haven't yet completed the attendee survey, please click on the link below and share your experience.

Take the Revival Survey

Office of the Bishop

Day of Discernment: Saturday, June 1

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

On Zoom only


Interested in being a priest, deacon or a member of a religious order? Want to know more about what it’s really like, or family and time commitments? Join us for Day of Discernment on Saturday, June 1 from 9:00am – 12:30pm on Zoom.


This is the first step if you are interested in being in the Ordination process. A sponsoring clergy person or Senior Warden must join you.


Registration is free, but requested:

2024 Diocesan Convention Dates Set

This year's Diocesan Convention will be conducted entirely on zoom on Saturday, November 9. The Deanery Convocation is scheduled for Saturday, October 12 from 9:00am – 11:00 am. This will also be conducted on zoom only.

Registration information for clergy and delegates will be sent out mid-June. Applications for candidates for Standing Committee and Board of Trustees, as well as Resolutions will open at that time. Stay tuned for more details in upcoming editions of the ENews and on the Diocese website.

General Convention

Committees hear testimony on additions to the church calendar, proposed hymnal supplement

The Rev. Steve Costa, (bottom) archdeacon of the Diocese of Hawai’i, during a May 8 meeting urges the Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music committees to support adding Liliʻuokalani of Hawai’i to the church calendar. Also pictured are the Ven. Stannard Baker (top left), chair of the deputies’ committee, and the Rev. Philip Dinwiddie, timekeeper. Photo: Zoom screenshot

By Melodie Woerman | Episcopal News Service

The legislative committees on Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music tackled a weighty agenda during its May 8 meeting, receiving testimony on eight of the 23 resolutions scheduled for a hearing.

Most of the people who signed up to testify addressed resolutions that would add people to the official church calendar. Because the calendar, often known as Lesser Feasts and Fasts, is considered part of the Book of Common Prayer, any changes require action by two consecutive General Conventions.

Resolution C021 would affirm a second reading and place Élie Naud on the calendar. Naud was a French Huguenot who came to New York in the 1700s after spending time as a galley slave. He became a member of Trinity Church, Wall Street, where for 15 years he worked with Black slaves and Native Americans to prepare them for baptism. He later became a member of Église du Saint-Esprit, a French-speaking Episcopal parish in New York, and he also started a school for poor children and the children of slaves.

Read more

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

I Will With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice Workshop – Registration Now Open


This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be loving toward our neighbors, to address racism in our communities and build the Beloved Community. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth.


This workshop meets the requirement for licensing for Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, and unlicensed lay leaders (such as vestry members and ministry leads) in the Diocese. Other lay licensed ministries need to take Sacred Ground to meet Diocesan licensing requirements.

All Classes are on Saturdays from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm:

MAY 11 | St. Michael's, Carmichael

JUNE 8 | Zoom

JUNE 22 | St. Peter’s, Red Bluff

SEPTEMBER 14 | Trinity Cathedral

OCTOBER 19 | St. Paul’s, Healdsburg

Click here to register.

For more information, contact Jo Ann Williams (

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

Now Accepting Applications!

Apply for grant funds today!

The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has joyfully committed to continue their Foundation Grant Program available to churches and missions throughout our Diocese in 2024. Supporting the Diocesan mission of making disciples, raising up saints, and transforming communities for Christ, the Foundation will endeavor to enhance ministry and outreach in the Diocese in the following four categories: Creation Care, Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, and Community Outreach.

Apply for a Grant today!

Upcoming Events around the Diocese

Memorial Service Scheduled for Rick Harrison-Smith

A Memorial Service for Rick Harrison-Smith will be held Tuesday, May 21 at 1:00 pm at All Saints Church in Redding. Bishop Megan will preside at the service. Rick was very active at All Saints, also serving as an EfM mentor for over 20 years. Rick served the diocese for many years as the Executive Director of the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California.

A reeception will follow immediately after the service. The service will also be available on the All Saints Facebook page.

Camp Living Waters

Sunday, July 21 - Friday, July 26 | Cookson Ranch

Camp Living Waters is set for Sunday, July 21 through Friday, July 26 at Cookson Ranch in Redwood Valley. The Camp is open to youth ages 9- 15 and youth ages 16-17 serve as counselors. Join us this year for a week of Real Super Heroes, full of madcap cape adventures, identifying our God-given super powers and discovering the real superheroes all around us.

Read more.

Capital Deanery Vacation Bible School 

June 24 - 28th | 9 am - 1 pm | St Michael's, Carmichael

Churches are welcome to participate in our Capital Deanery Vacation Bible School (VBS) Day-Camp this summer at St. Michael's in Carmichael. Planned in collaboration between Faith Cameron Park, St Michael's, and Trinity Cathedral - this day camp will be a place of celebration and fun for kids 4 years old - entering 5th Grade. Entering 6th graders and up are welcome to attend as camp helpers for free!  

Cost is $50 for each child, with a cap of $90 for every family. The day will include outdoor play, chapel time, a focus for each day (art, STEM, drama, cooking, water) that provides learning, enrichment, and most importantly fun! All campers are expected to bring their own lunch.  

Click here link to register.

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

Trinity | Folsom is seeking a Full-time Rector

View Job Description here.

Ascension | Vallejo is seeking a Full-time Interim Rector

View Job Description here.

St. John's | Petaluma is seeking a Full-time Interim Priest

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Christ Episcopal Church | Eureka is seeking a Music Coordinator/ Organist. Read the Job Announcement Here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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