Please join/support us for our annual spring walk on May 14 and Say No to End Violence Against Women and Girls.

One out of every three women worldwide is a victim of violence in her lifetime. On May 14, the Metro New York Chapter of UN Women is walking to end violence against women. The money we raise from this event goes to the UN Trust Fund to end violence against women, which has distributed more than $60 million to 317 initiatives in 124 countries since 1997.
Our goal is to raise $10,000. Register today.
Date: Sunday, May 14th
Where: Walk starts at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal in Manhattan and we will be walking 3 miles north along the beautiful Battery Park walkway along the water and ending at Highline.
Check-in: 10 am. Walk will start promptly at 10:30
Register today: $20 members. $25 non-members. $15 for students. Children under 12 free. All adults will receive a UN Women baseball cap.
Register at:
Help Us Raise Money: After you have registered to walk, go to FirstGiving to join our team, or set up your own page to raise money on our behalf.
Donation: If you can't walk with us, please support our efforts by donating any size amount.
To Pay by Check: Make checks payable to UNIFEM NYC Committee and mail to:
Carla Brown c/o Walburg Center, Inc. 163 West 125th Street, Rm. 1320, NY, NY 10027
Join Us to Make a Difference Now.
Through the UN Trust Fund to end violence against women, UN Women has distributed more than $60 million to 317 initiatives in 124 countries since 1997. The UN Trust Fund project supports the implementation of national laws, policies and action plans that address ending violence against women and girls. For instance, in Cambodia, the Fund supports a women's organization that created a radio program to inform their listeners of laws and services to protect women from violence. Prior to the broadcast, two thirds of their listeners did not know that marital rape was a crime; in Albania, the Fund support national and regional coalitions that combat trafficking of women and girls; in Chile, Rwanda and India, the Fund projects are engaging men to find solutions and to end gender-based violence. One hundred thirty countries now have laws against domestic violence. Only 45 countries did only 8 years ago.
Get your walking shoes on, and let's count you in.
Cheryl Benton
Metro NY Chapter
US National Committee UN Women