Weekly Update

May 15, 2022

I’m reminded of a quote by Randy Alcorn as I’m reading this verse!

Alcorn states: “Jesus, at unfathomable cost to Himself,

purchased for us a happy ending.

A happy “ending” that will never end.

If you believe this, you won’t cling desperately to this life.

You’ll stretch out your arms in anticipation of the greater life to come.”

Such incredible truth and proof of Jesus’ love for us!

Lord Jesus, please help us to not cling to this life today

but to stretch out our arms to embrace you fully this day!

Under His Wings,


Please let us not grow weary in continue to pray for the many hurting in Ukraine as (well as Russia) and the many refugees who have been fleeing the invasion into the surrounding countries of the Urkraine.

"Four days in basements and bomb shelters, plus four days on the road, pushed people into a state of deep stress, physical and psychological exhaustion."

This was the experience of one Roma pastor in Ukraine, who helped 39 of his church members evacuate to safety. He and his congregation are now actively serving hundreds of other marginalized refugees, advocating for their needs and providing accommodations, meals, and legal advice.

This pastor is one of the over 1,200 pastors and leaders Global Action has equipped in Ukraine. Today, we are collaborating with this network of equipped leaders all throughout Ukraine to provide immediate aid where it is needed most.

In the eastern part of the country, these courageous leaders place themselves in harm's way to bring food and essentials to the most vulnerable, such as the elderly and children. In the western part of the country, they have set up refugee centers to welcome and care for those who have fled their homes.

Your support helps provide food, water, generators, shelter, bedding, medical supplies, diapers, emergency evacuations, and other essentials.

You can visit this link to give today:

Click Here for Ukraine Emergency Fund

Please Join Us at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m.
(Both Services are Fully Bi-Lingual)
Masks required to enter, Temperature Taken
Junior High and High School Meet at 11 a.m.
Children's Sunday School at 11 a.m.

Worship Service, 5//2022

Live Stream Available Beginning at 8:50 a.m.

Click here for our YouTube Channel:

Also Available on our Facebook Page
Visit our Website
Online Donations

Pastor Tab will be preaching today as we continue in our study in the Gospel of John! We will begin studying John 4:1-30 when Jesus visits with the Samaritan Woman and will specifically look at verses 1-8 this Sunday!

Sermon Outline
May 8 Sermon On YouTube
Please send prayer requests to Tab by email at tab.gray@rpfog.com
Please Click Here for Full List of Prayer Requests

Special Needs Ministry Building

please keep praying

Many of you may not know that we own a corner lot across from where the new golf course townhomes are currently under construction down the street towards Sandy Beach. The lot came with the purchase of our building from the developers of Las Palomas, World Wide Group. The lot is unique in dimensions as well as shape and we have never truly known what God might have us to do with it.

With that being said, and with the growth of the Special Needs Ministry (En La Imagen) and the incredible success and blessing of His Hands Creations, the need for additional space is needed. Isaac Uriarte, a very talented local architect and member of our church, has been working on some plans for the possibility of a designated Special Needs Building to be located on our additional lot. And we are currently waiting to hear back from another member, Victor Elenes, who is a local builder in order to know the cost of such construction. We have already received a very generous donation of $30,000 usd as the seed money as well as approximately another $25K promise from LIfe Church in Peoria.

We continue to pray and ask that you pray along with us that we pursue God's perfect will in this endeavor. We will hopefully soon have final anticipated cost and be able to share that with you soon as well as how we hope to raise the necessary funds. As always, we will trust our awesome glorious Lord to provide as we are to move forward.

Please continue praying for our Bus Ministry as so many families are in need of trasportation in order to regularly attend church.  

As we have mentioned for a couple of months, we are concerned about the dependability of our vans as they are 21-23 years old and continually have mechanical issues.

Would you please pray along with us about the possibility of purchasing a used school bus that would carry more passengers or perhaps two aditional vans?

And PLEASE, if you know of anyone who has any contacts that would be able to guide us in the search and purchase, please share with us.

Family of God / Familia de Dios
High School and University
Scholarship Ministry
We currently have 21 students in our Scholarship Ministry and are currently interviewing and accepting some additional students who will begin Senior High School (Preparatorio) this coming August. Please join us in praying for our current students as well as the ability to provide scholarships to new students soon.

If you would be interested in helping us sponsor more students on their High School or University careers, please contact Helen Mercer by email at ehmercer18@gmail.com or by phone at 602-390-4354.

Please be praying for the above students who will be graduating from Preparatoria (Senior High School) in the next two months and beginning University in August / September.  Miguel Ramos, Genaro Badilla, Anahi Valdez and Meliza Lopez who are all pictured above are all very committed students of whom we are very proud.  They greatly appreciate the Scholarship Ministry that has provided them with assistance (and will continue to do so as they begin the next stage of education) in achieving this great accomplishment!

En La Imagen de Dios
A Ministry to Individuals with Special Needs

for more information please contact Maricela Moad

Horse Therapy

We plan to begin the Therapy progam on Tuesdays beginning this week, May 17.

We are in need of more volunteers!

Please join us in praying for more to step forward.

Would you be willing?

PLEASE PRAY for our Special Needs ministry! Each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday a different grouping of 10-13 individuals are picked up by van and brought back to El Faro (Our Youth Building) to "work" at His Hands Creations from 10-12 pm!

These individuals create (with the help of volunteers) unique and beautiful craft items ranging from crosses decorated with sea shells, to bracelets, to picture frames, to bottles with sand, shells and lights (see attached pictures), to painted wooden butterflies, to decorated flip flops, and the list goes on and on.

Upon finishing the assignment for the day, they are fed and then transported back to their homes.

The sales of these items both at the bi-weekly Mermaid Market here in Peñasco as well as by folks stopping by El Faro during the hours listed above are then equally divided up among these amazing artisans.

Please free to stop by El Faro (the youth building across the street from the main church building) on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday between 10-12 or purchase at the next Mermaid Market on May 28.

Next Mermaid Market - Saturday, May 28 - Please come out and support our Individuals with Special Needs at the next bi-weekly Craft Sale held in Shrimp Park.  This will be the last Market until they begin again in October.

Please continue praying that we will have continued success in sales so our individuals can be blessed with more money for their diligent endeavors.

Below are some pictures of items for sale from the most recent Mermaid Market.

For additional information as well as to how you can come alongside and help, please contact:
Maricela Moad at Maricela.Moad@rpfog.com
Please join us in faithfully praying that we would truly be obedient to serve Christ
as a local church in commitment to fulfilling this Mission
to which we believe HE has commissioned us!
Bible Study is obviously an important Spiritual Discipline in our lives. With Covid concerns, it is often difficult for many of our Church Family to gather together for in person Bible Studies and so we want to provide optional opportunities to our body. We always want to provide opportunities for our body to grow spiritually in knowledge of our Awesome and Loving God! We hope you take your responsibility to grow in your Biblical and Theological knowledge very seriously and pray that you will take advantage of all that we have to offer both in in person Worship Services, Bible Studies and Small Groups as well these online studies.

Below are some free online studies. Click on the name to be directed to the individual sites:

Church Office Hours
Please contact us with any questions by calling the office at (638) 383-3480 between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday or you may call or text Pastor Tab at 480-812-5200.
Weekly Bible Studies
Ladies (Spanish) Bible Study @ 9:30 am Tuesdays
Ladies (English) Bible Study @ 9:30 am Wednesdays
Men’s (English) Bible Study @ 7:30 am Thursdays
Mixed (English) Bible Study @ 6:00 pm Thursdays
There will be no Thursday Night Bible Study this coming week, May 5.
Please plan to join us on May 12.

Ladies Bible Studies

Please join our English Speaking Ladies this Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. as they study the incredible and powerful book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan.

Please join our Spanish Speaking Ladies at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays as they study this wonderful book written by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Men's Bible Study
"...he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built." Luke 6:48
We know it is early in the morning for many but we sure would like to invite all English speaking men, when in town, to join us on Thursday mornings at 8 a.m. for Bible Study as we "dig deeper" into the previous Sunday sermon. As Luke 6:48 says, it is also our hope that we are being faithful to lay a sure and firm foundation on the ROCK of God's Word!
Lunch Bag Ministry
Please join us in praising God that He continues to provide the means by which to purchase the needed supplies and ask that He would provide the volunteers needed to continue making the many sandwiches needed. We anticipate having 375-425 adults and children who will come this week, Tuesday - Friday, for these much appreciated lunches.

We also ask you to join us in praying that we can be more effective in following up personally with the many families to build relationships and encourage / invite them to come to Church.
Volunteers Always Needed - Would you be willing to help prepare sandwiches during the week for the Sack Lunch Ministry. We will provide the supplies if you are able to make between 100-200 sandwiches any day or days, Tuesdays through Fridays. Please contact Jorge on Sunday or come by the church between 9-10 a.m. on Tuesday or Wednesday if you can help. Even one day for one week will help. Thank you!
The generous will themselves be blessed,
for they share their food with the poor.
Proverbs 22:9

Thank you so much to each of you donating money as well as those of you who faithfully continue making sandwiches in order for this miraculous ministry to continue.

Who would have possibly dreamed back in February or March of 2020 that, over the next 24 months, our small church would be given the incredible blessing and honor of providing far more than 200,000 sack lunches to those in need?

Please pray for these needy individuals and families.

Would you consider donating so that we can continue this incredible blessing of a feeding ministry. As we’ve mentioned for several months now, a gift of $25 basically allows us to provide 4 days of lunches for a family of 4.

Again, thank you so much to each of you who have helped provide
for these precious people in dire need.
Monthly Food Dispensas
Please consider purchasing some of these items that we use monthly in our grocery dispensas to approximately 70 of our precious needy church families as well as additional families in our feeding ministry. Or if you would prefer, any monetary donation made specifically towards purchasing items for the "monthly food dispensas" would be greatly appreciated.

For those of you who consider Rocky Point Family of God be your “church away from home”, would you please consider making a regular monthly monetary gift? 

There is much work to be done. So much more we would like to do to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ here as well as around the World. 

You can click on the PayPal button below to make a donation to the General Fund or to a Designated Fund such as the Feeding Ministry or you can also go through the Venmo app where our id is @RPFOG or you can mail checks to:

Rocky Point Family of God

PO Box 738

Lukeville, AZ 85341

Rocky Point Family of God, Inc.
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