May 16, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Stewardship for All Workshop — Registration is now open
  • Evangelism Gatherings Scheduled for Third Wednesdays
  • Resources for Pride Month
  • Board of Trustees May Meeting Highlights

Office of the Bishop

Workshop Registration is Now Open

Come learn about stewardship resources from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), ECF360 (a subscription-based service that includes customizable resources for annual giving campaigns, planned giving, and capital campaigns) and others. We will also have the chance to hear some success stories from other congregations around the diocese.

Saturday, June 10 | 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Attendance is by Zoom Only, Cost is $10

Click Here to Register:

Missioner for Church Life

Evangelism Gatherings Scheduled for Third Wednesdays at 5 pm on Zoom

A big thank you to all those who attended our first Evangelism gathering on Zoom. I am pleased to announce that starting in June, we’ll be meeting every third Wednesday at 5pm on Zoom. We will spend time each month discussing specific topics, sharing evangelism success stories, and addressing evangelism challenges. Everyone is invited to attend, so be sure to look for more information in the weeks to come. In the meantime, be sure to check out our new Evangelism Resources webpage on our diocesan website:

Resources for Pride Month

Norcal Pride Events for just about every county in our diocese, so be sure to check out what’s happening near you and consider participating in some local events.

Sacramento Pride Parade:

Trinity Cathedral invites everyone to join them at Sacramento’s Pride Parade, Sunday June 11 at 11am. If you plan to march with Trinity, be sure to email John Kraynak at to reserve your place in the parade.

Pride Eucharist at Trinity Cathedral: 

Mark your calendars! There will be a Pride Eucharist at Trinity Cathedral on Thursday, June 22 at 6pm outdoors in the Easter garden (behind the cathedral).

Pride Month Resources

If you and your congregation take part in any Pride events, be sure to use the hashtag #EDNCPride in your social media posts!

Board of Trustees

This is a short synopsis of what happened at the most recent Board of Trustees meeting. While this is not a full report of our meeting, it does share some of the highlights of our work.

During the May Board of Trustees Meeting:

The Board heard a report about the West Coast Collaborative partnership from Rev. Kathy Lawler. This is a cooperative project with the Diocese of El Camino Real, the Diocese of San Diego and the Diocese of Northern California to train deacons and lay leaders.  Rev. Kathy reported that the program has 28 students in total. The West Coast Collaborative are in the second year of lay preacher training in English and Spanish. In addition, Collaborative is in the first year of training students for the deaconate. The materials and pedagogy from this program are from the Iona Collaborative. These classes have been on zoom, but Rev. Kathy was happy to announce that they will gather in person for a weekend in August in Woodland. Anyone interested in learning more about this program should email

The Board heard a report from the Commission on the Environment Carbon Neutral by 2030 team headed by Miriam Casey. Our Convention in 2022 set the goal to create plans for the Diocese of Northern California to become Carbon Neutral by 2030 and set a deadline for the plans to be completed by 2024. 40 churches and one Episcopal Day School have created Green Teams and have completed the training. Miriam Casey and Colby May, a consultant from Energy for Purpose, presented a detailed proposal for the next steps for the project.

The Board had a generative conversation about future Deanery events and what sorts of activities they should involve.

Finally, the Board reviewed the first quarter financial statements for 2023. John Nycamp also presented a first look at the 2024 draft budget.

Margie Harrison-Smith, Vice Chair

Around the Diocese

Canon Julie Wakelee Visits St. Pauls

Last Sunday, the Rev. Julie Wakelee, Canon to the Ordinary, visited with the Congregation of St. Pauls Oroville. Assisted by the Rev. William Rontoni, priest in charge, Canon Julie preached, and celebrated the Eucharist. The service was followed by a time of fellowship with parishioners. Many thanks for your warm welcome and hospitality!

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

$100,000 Foundation Grant Fund – Now Accepting Applications!

The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has joyfully committed to continue our $100,000 Foundation Grant program available to churches and missions throughout our Diocese in 2023. Grants range from a few thousand dollars to over $10K. Size and number of grants awarded depends on the number of qualified applications.

Click here for application instructions!

Here are some of the projects the Episcopal Foundation has funded over the last two years:

  • New refrigerator for meals program
  • Replace deteriorating playground equipment
  • Upgrade audio, new office equip
  • Upgrade/enhance online worship
  • Ceramics project for community kids
  • Community garden
  • Organ Education Field Trips
  • Opening Doors thru Music Year 2
  • Upgrade AV equip
  • Backyard Beautification
  • Great sign project
  • Good News garden
  • Local media ads, etc.
  • Godly Play
  • Stephen Ministry support


2023 Women’s Retreat: Being Embodied Beings

May 19-21 | Mercy Center, Auburn


Please contact Susan Hotchkiss if you wish to be put on the waiting list.

Sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health.

$40.00 for Saturday attendance which includes lunch.

Scholarships are available.

Click here to Register

Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship | Order of St. Luke

First Saturday of the Month | 10:00 am on Zoom

We pray, study and learn together. The group is currently studying The Grace Outpouring by Roy Goodwin.

Zoom link:

For more information call Elba White at 916 684 4015.

*In Case You Missed it…

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

Church of the Epiphany | Vacaville seeks a Part-time Organist/Music Director. View job description here. |

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Church | Folsom seeks a full-time Interim Rector. Trinity Folsom is an open and inclusive parish that cherishes traditional liturgy and classical Anglican music. We are Jesus-centered with fidelity to the Book of Common Prayer while maintaining inclusivity in our ministries. We anticipate this being a roughly 12-month position, ideally beginning late spring 2023.

Click here to read the full description. 

Church of the Epiphany | Vacaville seeks a 3/4 time Priest-in-charge.

View job description here. View the Epiphany Parish Profile here.

St. Clement's | Rancho Cordova is seeking a 3/4 time Priest-in-charge.

View the job description here. View St. Clement’s Parish Profile


For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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