During the May Board of Trustees Meeting:
The Board heard a report about the West Coast Collaborative partnership from Rev. Kathy Lawler. This is a cooperative project with the Diocese of El Camino Real, the Diocese of San Diego and the Diocese of Northern California to train deacons and lay leaders. Rev. Kathy reported that the program has 28 students in total. The West Coast Collaborative are in the second year of lay preacher training in English and Spanish. In addition, Collaborative is in the first year of training students for the deaconate. The materials and pedagogy from this program are from the Iona Collaborative. These classes have been on zoom, but Rev. Kathy was happy to announce that they will gather in person for a weekend in August in Woodland. Anyone interested in learning more about this program should email SFMDean@norcalepiscopal.org.
The Board heard a report from the Commission on the Environment Carbon Neutral by 2030 team headed by Miriam Casey. Our Convention in 2022 set the goal to create plans for the Diocese of Northern California to become Carbon Neutral by 2030 and set a deadline for the plans to be completed by 2024. 40 churches and one Episcopal Day School have created Green Teams and have completed the training. Miriam Casey and Colby May, a consultant from Energy for Purpose, presented a detailed proposal for the next steps for the project.
The Board had a generative conversation about future Deanery events and what sorts of activities they should involve.
Finally, the Board reviewed the first quarter financial statements for 2023. John Nycamp also presented a first look at the 2024 draft budget.
Margie Harrison-Smith, Vice Chair