Parent Newsletter
May 18, 2020
A letter regarding end of the year events, a sports physical waiver for the 2020-2021
school year, and other important information from the Guidance Corner
are included
in this edition of Parent Newsletter.
Scroll down to read more!
My Help
I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
Dear Students and Parents,
The end of the school year is in sight! Your dedication to make the best out of a bad situation not only will place you academically ahead of many of your peers, but you also learned and applied important life lessons like persevering, creativity, and putting trust in the God who created and saves us.
Valley Lutheran is often described as a family and when one member hurts we all hurt. Our Senior class is hurting as so many culminating events are not happening in the manner they expected. Many underclassmen play roles in these events as they plan prom, perform with the Golden Voice, or Symphonic Band at graduation.
- Senior Honors Banquet - This event is cancelled and the Senior Honors will be recognized at graduation.
- Graduation Ceremony - At best we expect very limited attendance. This is very disappointing as Valley Lutheran graduations often bring "home" alumni, parents of alumni, and friends of Valley. June 14 remains the scheduled date, however we have added July 7 as the back up date.
- Prom - Prom is scheduled for June 18. We will need a maximum gathering limit of at least 200 to hold prom. If gatherings are restricted below 200, prom will be cancelled. Post Prom is cancelled this. A Post Prom Committee has worked hard preparing for this event.
The last couple of months have revealed much about our school. One quality is there is a unity of purpose. We may at times disagree on the path, but we rarely disagree on the goal. It is a quality that blesses all of us.
God's Peace and Good Health,
John Brandt, Ed.D.
Executive Director
End of the Year Parent Information
Dr. Meyers has provided an End of the Year Parent Info sheet for you! This information was included in the April 27, 2020 Parent Newsletter, but it is included here again, in case you missed it.
Pre-Participation Examination for Athletes
For the 2020-21 school year, the MHSAA pre-participation sports physical requirement will be waived for students in any grade who received a valid physical for sports during the 2019-20 school year (one completed on or after April 15, 2019). These students and their parents/guardians will be required to complete the two-page MHSAA ANNUAL SPORTS HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE found on MHSAA.com. These must be signed by student and parent/guardian and kept on file in the school.
Students who did not receive a sports physical in the 2019-20 school year or later must have a valid physical examination form on file. If a student is discovered to have participated without a valid physical or Health Questionnaire on file, the student shall not be eligible to participate until a valid physical or Health Questionnaire is on file.
For more information on this process, you can access a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for this new Health Questionnaire form by clicking
If you have any questions, contact Athletic Director Eric Smith.
Once re-registration forms are received, Mrs. Mueller will be going over student course selections to verify that selections meet graduation requirements or are a fitting next step towards that goal. She will be reaching out to students and parents via email if there are any questions or red flags.
All PE Waivers received this school year will appear on a student's report card at the end of the semester. If you do not see one at the end of the year, it means I do not have one on file for you. Students should check Google Classroom for a digital copy they can download and complete. We will take care of a coach's signature while we are learning remotely.
All seniors headed off to college need to request their Final Transcript to be sent to the institution where they will study next year. All final transcripts will be sent via
. You can use the
Final Transcript Ordering Guide
to walk you through the process. Be sure to mark them as "HOLD FOR GRADES". Also, you should change the email on your account to a personal email, as you will lose access to your school email account over the summer.
Students under the age of 18 must have a work permit on file to hold a job. Governor Whitmer has lifted some of the detailed requirements in obtaining a work permit, but they are still necessary to hold employment. Any student who needs a work permit should email Mrs. Mueller directly.
The CollegeBoard provides a great, free resource for students and their families to navigate the world of careers and colleges. Students can log into their CollegeBoard account, fill out surveys to link them to potential careers and colleges, and save favorite schools to compare and contrast. Check it out as a family at
The June national test date for the SAT has been officially cancelled. Registration for the 2020-21 SAT administrations will open the week of May 26. At that point, June registrants will be able to transfer their seat to a 2020-21 administration. All other students in the high school class of 2021 who don't have SAT scores will also have early access to register for the August, September, and October administrations. This includes students who had registered for March or May and had their registrations canceled and refunded. SAT is offering national exams every month from August to December 2020.
Michigan has also announced that they will be providing an SAT with Essay Exam during the school day in the fall to the Class of 2021. This will replace the same exam they were planning to take this past April as part of the MME.
An Inside Look - Episodes 1, 2a, & 2b
"An Inside Look"
pisodes 1, 2a, and 2b are posted on our website and we'd love for you to view and share them!
This 5-part series takes an "inside look" at who we are, at what we value, at how we prepare students, and at how we serve families. We ask you to help
share "An Inside Look" with parents of students you would like to see be part of our school.
"I Do, I Do"
We are putting on an '80's
era wedding and would love to see wedding pictures of Valley family and friends posted to the VL Auction and Benefit Facebook page. Dust off those wedding party and group photos, tag participants, especially Valley alumni, and be entered to win two free tickets to the 2021 auction (worth at least $130). Don't forget to 'like' the Facebook page. Everyone who 'likes' the page is entered into a gift card drawing at the 2021 auction.
If you have any questions, contact Lori Milroy at 989-412-3666.
Click on the image above to view the latest Valley Vision. |
Mission Statement
Valley Lutheran High School believes that Christ is the foundation of our school and everything that we do. We prepare our students as children of God academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually to serve in the world today and tomorrow.
John Brandt
Valley Lutheran High School