The Seventh Sunday of Easter

Serving your community can be so much fun!

Being a member of our parish and serving the broader community of Falls Church and the vicinity is often more fun than you’d otherwise expect. Just this past weekend, many of us brought over 230 bags of groceries and other food for those in need that benefit from the Falls Church Community Service Council (FCS) mission. This youth-led event was a great success, and John Wunderlich, our youth minister, will celebrate that by having the youth throw pies in his face.

This Sunday, May 21, you can join us in the city-wide effort to ditch our cars and come to church by bike or walking. We are one of two churches in the city that have joined local groups and businesses to grow awareness of a different (healthier, more social, more environmentally friendly) way of getting around, having some fun, and building community.

Next Sunday, May 28, we will celebrate the Feast of the Pentecost. At our single service at 10:00 a.m. in the Contemporary Church, you can join us wearing red clothes, flying kites representing the Holy Spirit, and reading the Scriptures in different languages. It is a fun way of celebrating our diversity and our God-given gifts. To make that Sunday even more festive, we will baptize and welcome three beautiful children of God to our church family.

Finally, I hope that you join us in donating your blood on Thursday, June 8, from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.. Our partners at INOVA will visit our campus with their state-of-the-art bloodmobile and if you cannot donate, see below for available volunteer opportunities to support those who do. Serving your community can be so much fun! Come and join us!


The 9:00 a.m. service premieres on YouTube at 8:45 a.m. and remains available afterwards. If you are worshiping virtually, you may follow along with the service bulletin. See the Church Calendar below for the complete Sunday schedule.

Preaching on Sunday May 21: The Rev'd. Matthew Dumont-Machowski

This service is the first of our single summer services - Sundays from May 28 through September 3 we will have one, 10:00 a.m. service in The Contemporary Church with nursery and livestreamed, followed by coffee hour.

If you would like to support the blood drive by putting up posters in local businesses or by providing snacks on the day, please use the SignUp Genius.

You can register via Realm or by filling out this form and returning it to the parish office with a check for the deposit.

On Sunday, May 21, Nursery and Children's Chapel Provided. Children's Formation will be in Nicolson Hall for ages from Preschool to 5th grade for a Pancakes and Movie Day!

Register For Hogwarts Vacation Bible School 2023

Hogwarts VBS Prefect registration via Realm

Ways to serve

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

Our surrounding communities are experiencing the most severe food insecurity situation in years, and individuals and families, particularly those with small children, are in real need of our assistance. TFC's Little Free Pantry is a simple way to share in our gifts and show God's grace in this world. You may donate in little or big ways, as often as you feel called.

Items most in need include:

Grains (oatmeal, rice, and pasta)

Proteins (canned tuna, salmon, chicken, beans, and peanut butter)

Canned fruits and vegetables

Paper products (toilet paper and paper towels)

Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant)

Feminine hygiene products (especially pads and liners)

Baby products (baby food, diapers, and wipes)

Although we encourage you to stock the pantry anytime, the Outreach Committee would also like to ensure a more sustained commitment to the community with a weekly sign-up. You are invited to sign up to stock the pantry by using the SignUp Genius.

The Pantry is located on E. Fairfax St. beside the pathway leading to the church doors.

Questions? Please email Meredith Fath.

Thank you for supporting our community!

In the Community

On Sunday, May 21 we invite you to ride your bike to church! We are participating in the Falls Church Bike (and Walk) Everywhere Weekend, organized by Bike Falls Church. Biking to church will help you arrive in a great mood after some light exercise, increase the chances of seeing a friendly face along the way, save a parking spot for someone who needs it. If you’re out driving, watch for riders and walkers! If you’re out on bike or on foot, please stay safe and consider planning your route in advance. Included here is a map of participating destinations and the lowest-stress routes around the City.

Visit the Bike Falls Church website for more info.

Our partner in Outreach, Falls Church Community Service Council (FCS) is looking for a new Executive Director.

Founded in 1969, FCS is a non-profit organization whose mission is “Serving our neighbors in need.” Clients are referred primarily through Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning CSP, and assistance is provided by FCS through direct deliveries of groceries to clients, as well as financial assistance with rent, utilities, and other needs.

The current FCS Executive Director will retire at the end of June. This is a part-time contracted position roughly 20 hours per month, and approximately $1,500 per month, based on experience and qualifications. The Job Description is available on the FCS website.

If you know of individuals who may be interested, please pass this announcement along.  

The Falls Church Calendar

The Calendar can now be viewed on our website here.

Parish Prayer List

Please use the Prayer List in your prayers for each other and the world. 

Praying for each other and the needs of the world is a powerful way to love our neighbors as ourselves! This week's Prayer list.

Click here to email Father Matthew and add someone to the prayer list.

Ways to Give
Please mail your check to:
115 E. Fairfax Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Donate safely and securely through our website. 
Text “TFCE” and the amount to 73256. 

If you have questions about Realm or eGiving, please contact Claire Hardie

To stay informed visit our website
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