The Prince William Committee of 100 (C100) President Cynthia Chambliss called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. declaring a quorum had been reached. The meeting was held at City Tavern, 9550 Center Street, Manassas, VA 20110. List of attendees is attached.
President Chambliss welcomed everyone to the first in-person business meeting in over a year, saying we have had to learn Zoom technology which enabled C100 to deliver virtually our informative events in a non-partisan manner, as we have always done.
She gave a brief update on the programs that were held from September 2021 to April 21, 2022, all by Zoom Webinar, as follows:
- Candidates’ Forum for 2nd and 31st House Districts, October 6 (Co-sponsored with the LWV of Prince William-Fauquier Area)
- Candidates’ Forum for 13th and 50th House Districts, October 14
- Meet New School Board Superintendent, Dr. Tanya McDade, December 2
- Update with PWC Police Chief Peter Newsham, March 17, 2022
- Proposed Rural Crescent Update was cancelled and replaced with program on Data Centers
- Data Centers in PWC, March 31
- Critical Race Theory – Impact on PWC Schools, April 21
In addition, there was a Holiday Party held at Brittany's Restaurant & Sports Bar, 12449 Dillingham Square in Woodbridge on December 16 which was attended by approximately 20 people.
President Chambliss recognized several people who had contributed greatly during the past year: Bel O’Neill who produced a paper Directory of Members as of June, 2021 in a 3-ring binder which was mailed to every member in the Directory; Program Chair Denny Daugherty whose tireless energy, guidance and persistence produced outstanding programs; and Secretary Sherry Zachry who updated the C100 website, created Constant Contact flyers about events and kept members informed with minutes of the Program Committee meetings, among other things.
Minutes of 2021: Secretary Sherry Zachry read the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes; minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Tony Guiffre reported a balance of $1,483.93 in the checking account as of 5-10-2022. He said he will be collecting renewals and new member dues tonight by cash, check and credit card (using C100 Square account). Current membership is 40 plus members; several new members joined very recently and on May 19 and are not yet in the official count.
Election of Officers and Board of Directors for 2022-23 Program Year:
Nominating Committee Chair Mike Beaty presented Recommendations for the 2022-23 Program Year as follows:
PRESIDENT: Ray Mizener
TREASURER: Tony Guiffre
SECRETARY: Sherry Zachry
Brentsville: Vacant
Coles: Willlie Deutsch
City of Manassas: Vacant
City of Manassas Park: Donald Shuemaker
Gainesville: Martha Hendley
Neabsco: Dottie Holley
Occoquan: Vacant
Potomac: Bel Davis-O’Neill
Woodbridge: Mike Artson
John DeBell
Phyllis Griffith
Brad Marshall
Carol Proven
Respectfully Submitted by the 2021-2022 Nominating Committee
Mike Beaty, Chair. Members: Denny Daugherty, Jack Kooyoomjian, Brenda Carswell, and Brenda Kelly-Nelum
Calling for nominations from the floor, Mike Beaty was nominated for Brentsville District Director and Brenda Carswell was nominated for Occoquan District Director. After nominations were closed, Willie Deutsch moved that the foregoing slate of names be elected by acclamation; motion was seconded and passed. The newly elected officers and directors who were present at the meeting introduced themselves. Cynthia introduced Ray Mizener and invited him to say a few words to the group.
Potential Program topics for 2022-23: Cynthia asked for program ideas for the next year and the following were offered:
- Discussion on locating the Washington Commanders Football Team stadium complex in Prince William County.
- Review of achievement in PWC Public Schools after Covid-19.
- Look at Quality of Life for PWC Residents in the 2040 Comp Plan.
- Examination of UVA Health System in PWC
The business portion of the meeting was concluded at 7:00 p.m. and was followed by a buffet of hors d’oeuvres and drinks before the start of the first annual C100 People’s Choice Awards presentation at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Zachry, C100 Secretary & Webmaster
Attachments include:
List of Attendees
C100 People's Choice Awards Program (also see May 19, 2022 Page on the website)