In This Issue
Church Building Is Closed      
As of now, the church building is closed and all meetings are canceled. Contact the church office if you have questions.  
Ways to Help During the Pandemic   
For ways to help in addition to Cross-lines, click here

Tuesday Book Group Meeting Online   
Colonial Tuesday Book Group meets every week on Zoom now, 9:30 a.m. Want to catch up on some reading, great discussion? Please contact info@colonialucc.org for an invitation and information about the current book.  

Colonial Women Book Group 

Friday, June 19, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. We will discuss "The Stolen Marriage" by Diane Chamberlain.

Watch Our Weekly Services and Sermons  

You can watch our worship services on YouTube here. Sermons are available here.

Colonial Pub Night
So...the pubs are closed. Let's grab a cold drink and get together in Zoom. Join in the conversation at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16.  

Coffee with the Pastor Online       
The weekly Coffee with the Pastor that usually is at Einstein's at 9:30 am on Wednesdays has moved online. So, put on a pot of coffee and join Pastor Aaron at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85002845421 from your computer or mobile device.  You can also call in from your phone by dialing 669-900-6833 with Meeting ID: 850 0284 5421
Daily Devotionals
Our denomination, the United Church of Christ, provides an excellent daily devotional, written by the "Still Speaking" writers group. To have  the devotions emailed to you daily go to:

Follow Colonial on Social Media

Stay up to date with what's happening
at Colonial through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can share your photos and comments related to Colonial too.
Instagram: colonial_ucc
Twitter: #ColonialUCC 


AA Groups     
AA groups that meet at Colonial on Tuesdays and Thursdays have suspended in-person meetings. Information about online meetings is available here. If you would like more information, contact Heather and she will put you in touch with the organizer.

Sunday Worship at 8:30 and 10:15 a.m.
Join us on Sunday as we celebrate the Spirit for an extra day - preparing for Pentecost the following week. Connect to worship live at https://colonialucc.online.church/ at our usual worship times of 8:30 or 10:15 a.m. Or, you can watch our service anytime after 8:30am on Sundays via YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/ColonialUCC/videos.

Fellowship Time 
Join with others to chat 10-45-11:15 Sunday morning via Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85633168336  

Sunday School Online                        
Camille is leading Sunday School online now. See the video on Sunday morning at https://www.youtube.com/user/ColonialUCC/videos. Each week, she sends out the curriculum materials via email.

If you know of kids who might enjoy taking part, have their parents contact Heather in the church office to be on the list to receive the weekly materials.
Your Support Matters  
Even though our building is currently closed, our work together matters - to each other and to the community. We are needed more than ever.  
In the past few months, together we have:
  • Helped stock the Cross-Lines Community Outreach food bank,
  • Reached out to each other and the community through Care Partners,
  • Provided a pizza party for Sheffield Place moms and some of you have helped by purchasing items on their wish list, and
  • Supported Kar Woo's homeless efforts even when we can't serve meals ourselves. Colonial Women provided the funds for the meal for Artists Helping the Homeless in April.
Your pledges help Colonial to do its work. We are picking up mail everyday. Counters are counting and we are making deposits.  Therefore, you may mail in your pledge checks, as well as contributions for Strengthen the Church, or any other payments and they will be processed.

An easier alternative is to make contributions online.  You just fill in your banking information or provide a credit card and your name and email and what fund you are paying (Stewardship, food pantry, etc.) and the amount. The link you use is https://colonialucc.breezechms.com/give/online

To see how to donate online, click below.
Donate to Colonial Online
Donate to Colonial Online

If you have any questions, you may email or call Heather in the office or Jayne Quimby, Financial Recorder.
Highlights from May 17 Council Meeting      
Depending on what Kansas does on the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, June 21 has been set as the earliest date that the church could be reopened for in-person worship services. Rules on wearing masks, social distancing, sanitizing, etc., will be communicated prior to that date. Heather Winker will be returning to the church office June 1, but will be available by appointment only.

All members should have received an email regarding the remodeling of the kitchen in the Heritage Room asking you to vote no later than May 28 on whether or not to approve the proposal, which is over $10,000. The Council has sufficient funds to cover the cost without a special fund raiser. Click here to cast your vote.

The Board of Property Management has been working with structural and environmental engineers to address the moisture problem in the lower level. Until we receive the final report from the environmental engineer, we won't know for sure how to proceed. In the meantime some simple improvements in landscaping, downspouts, and window-well covers are being taken. The congregation will be kept informed on this issue.

Aaron's 10th anniversary celebration which had been scheduled to take place on June 7 has been postponed until the fall, possibly in conjunction with Gathering Sunday.

Ancel Neuburger
Supporting Artists Helping the Homeless 
For the past few years, members of Colonial have purchased, prepared and helped serve an evening meal on the fourth Sunday of the month to support the program of Artists Helping the Homeless.  
The current social distancing lifestyle makes it necessary to adapt this contribution. Fortunately, the residents of Bodhi House are willing to purchase the ingredients for us and prepare a sack lunch that can be distributed following the current guidelines, though they have mentioned that they miss the home-baked cookies that are included from our kitchens.  
We look forward to returning to our former way of contributing to this program soon, but until that time, please support our homeless population with a donation to cover the cost of the meal. Pay through our website by going to   https://colonialucc.breezechms.com/give/online 
Select AHH from the dropdown menu.  
Read about the good work Kar Woo does even in this challenging time here.  
Last Chance for Ramadan Post-Fast Dinners 
You have only a few days to participate in a virtual fast-breaking dinner with our friends at the Dialogue Insitute of Kansas City. The Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan ends May 24. If you would like to share a meal with a family, contact the Dialogue Institute (786-978-1307) to be put in contact with a Muslim family to share a meal on one of the nights during this month.  Or you may go to You Tube (bit.ly/2VpuTRp) and click "live" at 7:30 on one of the evenings to share a meal that will include speakers on the meaning of Ramadan traditions from participants living in various parts of the United States.  
Molly's Table Dinner Provided Remotely         
Molly's Table did not let distance get in the way of sharing our hearts with The Sheffield Place. On Thursday, May 14, as an alternative to hosting a dinner at Colonial Church, Jeni Cosgrove and Lynn Sample had Little Caesar's Pizza delivered to the moms and their children. Special thanks to Heather Winker for helping us with all the logistics. Molly's Table was created to demonstrate honor and gratitude towards moms in need. The following prayer by Marilyn Uppman truly captures the heart of this ministry:
"Today, thank you for our mothers, and what they meant to us, and what they mean to us still. 
We thank you, especially for Molly, and her wonderful spirit -
her hospitality, lavished on everyone, 
her ability to take on insurmountable tasks, and somehow, triumph, 
her willing hands,
her big heart,
her joy in laughter, even at herself!
help us exemplify Molly in our lives.
by working hard, by taking on tasks we think are too big for us, by openhearted loving and caring. 
Thank you to everyone at Colonial who has helped us continue with this mission. We look forward to when we can gather in person again. 

Strengthen the Church Special Offering     
We have the opportunity to support the UCC Strengthen the Church fund with a special donation. This fund supports leadership development, new churches, youth ministry and other challenges that existing congregations meet as they strive to invest in God's vision for the church. Each conference utilizes their funds wisely and carefully so your contribution may offer education aid to potential leaders, grants to  strengthen local projects, or meet other needs of congregations throughout the Kansas/Oklahoma Conference. Needs and challenges are many, especially as we strive to keep our community strong with new methods of worshiping and communicating as we fight the current pandemic restrictions.  Please be generous!    
Give to this offering through colonialucc.org at " Donate Online" and select "Strengthen the Church" from the dropdown menu. You may also text to give at 913-325-4400 or mail a check to the church with STC in the memo.  

Colonial Stays Home Group  
We have a Facebook group called Colonial Stays Home for you to share what you are doing during this stay-at-home period. Please share your stories and photos, whether it's something for a charity or a cause, schooling your kiddos, home improvements, whatever you may be doing. To join the group and see what your fellow Colonialites are doing or to share your story, click here .     
Online Bible Study       
We won't be having our Bible study this Thursday (May 21), but we'll be back on May 28 with chapter 9, which is so appropriate for our time. It's about how sometimes we have to make temporary arrangements to keep things going. And that's not always easy. You can join the Zoom Bible study at 10:30 a.m. Thursday online at https://zoom.us/j/8796465039?pwd=NFFIMXZFbnJQQUVGMzJWRG9WT2tLUT09  with password 7039 or call in by calling 669-900-6833 with Meeting ID: 879 646 5039.    Everyone is welcome to participate. 
Pastor Aaron's 10th Anniversary 
The celebration of Aaron Robert's 10th anniversary as Colonial's pastor, which had been scheduled to take place in June, has been postponed until the fall, possibly in conjunction with Gathering Sunday. We will present Aaron with a special gift as well as funding for sabbatical and/or continuing education purposes and are continuing to collect your donations.   
You can donate online at https://colonialucc.breezechms.com/give/online and select "Aaron's 10th" from the dropdown menu or mail a check to the office with "Aaron's 10th" in the memo. Any amount - $5, $10, $25, $100 - is welcome. Help us show Aaron our appreciation. 
Food Donations
The need for food is greater than ever. Please be generous.  Since we can't fill the red wagon at Colonial each week, consider these methods of donating: 
  • Monetary donations to Cross-Lines Community Services are always welcome.  
  • Harvesters - The Community Food Network is encouraging the community to help by donating money. Every dollar donated helps ensure they have the food and resources on hand to meet any additional demand. It also helps get the food out more effectively and efficiently. 
In this time of staying connected remotely, please remember these folks who are celebrating milestones.
Happy Birthday! 
24   Irene Walsh
25   Camille Breckenridge
27   Kevin Fairchild, Dan Lu 
28   Brook Carson, Kendra Morrison
Happy Anniversary!
22   Whitey & Jane Ackley
25   Ryan & Ashley Johnston 

Wednesday, May 20
9:30 a.m.-Coffee with Pastor Aaron, online at    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85002845421
8:00 p.m.-Youth Talk with Pastor Aaron

Sunday, May 24                 
Worship any time after 8:30 online at  https://colonialucc.online.church/
9:30 a.m. Online Children's Sunday School.  
10:45-11:15 Fellowship Time via Zoom. 
Monday, May 25
Memorial Day - Staff Holiday
Tuesday, May 26    
9:30 a.m.-Book Group via Zoom  
Wednesday, May 27    
9:30 a.m.-Coffee with Pastor Aaron, online at   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85002845421   
Full calendar at Colonial Calendar.    
Colonial Staff

Senior Minister: Rev. Aaron Roberts
Sunday School Superintendent:  Camille Breckenridge
Music Director: Kirk Carson
Bell Choir Director: Hayden Ferguson
Organist: Dr. Joseph Kern
Youth Leader: Michelle Turpen
Church Administrator: Heather Winker
Communications Manager: Sally Huggins
Building Maintenance: Edson Palacios-Castrejon
Engagement Coordinator: Julie Luttman