The May 2013 e-newsletter includes information on the following: 3rd benchmark deadline, award recipients, contest winners and the 2012-2013 membership numbers.
3rd Benchmark Forms
The 3rd benchmark forms are due May 15th. Please visit the forms section at for the 3rd benchmark form. At this time, SND hasn't received paperwork from the following trail associations:
*North Central - Northern Lights Trailblazers *Peace Garden Trail *Red River North Trail *Sheyenne Valley Trail *Sno-Trails
Please make sure this information is postmarked by the deadline.
2013 Sign Orders
SND provided an extension to the trail systems that were unable to meet the April 30th deadline for sign orders. Please provide SND with the sign orders by May 31st. The following trail associations haven't provided sign orders:
*East Central Valley
*Northeast Trail (Cavalier)
*Red River North Trail *Peace Garden Trail
*Sheyenne Valley Trail
*Southern Valley Trail Riders
Award Recipients & Contest Winners
Congrats to the following individuals for all of their hard work and dedication to Snowmobile North Dakota and the state trail system!
Project Ride Winners
*Dave Ward - Southern Valley Trail Riders
*David Peisar - Gasmann Coulee Cruisers
*Kendra Gefroh - Northern Exposure
Scholarship Recipients
*Andrew Ternquist - Michigan, ND
*David McAtee - Rugby, ND
Annual Award Recipients
*Groomer Operator of the Year: Larry Spidahl - Lake Region Snowmobile Club
*Associate of the Year: Outback Autobody, Inc. - Dakota Trailblazers & Gasmann Coulee Cruisers
*Snowmobiler of the Year: Rick Bruggeman - Northern Lights Trailblazers
*Family of the Year: Cory & Gail Heilman
Keep ND Clean Poster Contest Winners
*1st Place: Sidney Mann - Bismarck
*2nd Place: Alex McCone - Bismarck
*3rd Place: Katie Bahr - Bismarck
2012-2013 Membership Numbers
Special thanks to all of the snowmobile clubs that provided membership to Snowmobile North Dakota. The support is greatly appreciated. Here is a current list of membership numbers per club.