The University of South Florida, Eckerd College, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Florida State University, Georgia Tech, Harte Research Institute, Mind Open Media, Mote Marine Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Technical University of Hamburg, Texas A&M University, Universidad Nacional Autonoma Mexico, University of Calgary, University of Miami, University of South Alabama, University of Western Australia, University of West Florida, Wageningen University, Wood Hole Oceanographic Institute
C-IMAGE II hit the ground running with a vibrant All Hands Meeting and productive first quarter. Read on to find out more about what we're doing.
C-IMAGE II officially began on January 1, 2015. Most of our partners have signed on as we pass into our 2nd Quarter.
Quarterly Reports:
Your Year 1 Quarter 1 activity reports were due on April 15th. Both Word and Excel formats are required. Make sure to review the "Participants" and "Students" tabs and update information accordingly. Please keep format in mind as you're generating this reports. The next report is due on July 15, 2015 for the 2nd quarter.
Conference Calls:
Our monthly conference calls are Task-themed to cap them at one hour.
Previous Calls:
Task 4 - Impacts on plankton, mammals, fish, sedimentary ecosystem
January 7, 2015
All Hands Meeting call
February 4, 2015
Task 5 - Ecotoxicology Update
April 7, 2015
Task 6 - Ecosystem Modeling Update
May 5, 2015
Next Call:
Task 1 - Near and Far Field Modeling
June 9, 2015 9:00 EDT
All Hands Meeting:
We appreciate everyone's participation in our 1st C-IMAGE II All Hands Meeting on February 20 in Houston, TX. All of our new major initiatives are taking shape as we seamlessly sunset C-IMAGE I projects. If you're a Task Lead and have questions about working group assignments or scheduling conference calls to engage members in planning research milestones, please contact
Sherryl Gilbert.
C-IMAGErs enjoying a much deserved off-site dinner.
Link for other important datesĀ»
Our first cruise is scheduled for July 29, 2015 to August 11, 2015 aboard the RV Justo Sierra. The coring cruise will leave from Tuxpan, Mexico - the home port of the Justo Sierra and travel to the southern Gulf of Mexico for IXTOC-1 sediment studies. Please contact
David Hollander or
Patrick Schwing for plan details.
The annual Mud and Blood cruise will run from August 15, 2015 to August 31, 2015 in the northern Gulf of Mexico on the RV Weatherbird II. The day crew will be longlining for Gulf fishes and in the evening, the sediment team takes over. Contact
Steven Murawski or
David Hollander for more information.
The Gulf-wide fish survey will begin on September 9, 2015 on the Weatherbird II from St. Petersburg, Florida. For the next three weeks, science crew will collect fish from the southern Gulf of Mexico along transects perpendicular to the coast from Progreso to Carmen to Tuxpan with a final steam back to St. Petersburg from the 26th to 29th of September. For more information, please contact
Steven Murawski.
C-IMAGE in the Community....
Interview with Carson Cooper for Florida Matters
Our investigators have been extremely busy these first few months of 2015, fielding constant requests for interviews, public events and presentations with the approaching 5 Year Anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Spill.
Florida Ocean's Day with
Getting into the community is not only something that is encouraged by GoMRI, but it's also really fun. This is a great way to inform the public why they should care about an oil spill that they can no longer see.
C-IMAGE took full advantage of the 5 Year Anniversary to remind people that many questions still remain unanswered. There are still critical knowledge gaps in terms of the ecosystem impact of the oil that remains in the seabed. These and many other questions were answered during our 5 Year Anniversary Press Conference held at the University of South Florida's College of Marine Science on April 20.
At least 12 media crews camped out to hear about our latest research results. |
The press conference was available to view live streaming using UStream, and if weren't able to tune in, you can find a watch the entire event on our YOUTUBE Channel.
David Hollander, Dana Wetzel, and David Hastings address questions from the media following presentations. |
After introductions from Congresswoman Kathy Castor, Provost Ralph Wilcox and USFCMS Dean Jackie Dixon, Steven Murawski and David Hollander presented "What we know", "What we don't know", and "What are we doing to answer remaining questions". After a question answer session, media was invited aboard FIO vessels where they we able to have some one on one time with C-IMAGE students, scientists and staff. The event was featured on over 400 news stories! Please visit our website or Facebook page for more information.
Ian MacDonald (Deep-C), Will Patterson (C-IMAGE), Gene Turner (CWC)
C-IMAGE colleague, Dr. Will Patterson from the University of South Alabama joined CWC, Deep-C and the Tallahassee Scientific Society for a panel discussion at the Tallahassee IMAX Theater.
David Hollander at the League of Women Voters.
On Earth Day 2015, just two days after the 5 Year Anniversary, we were invited to talk about our research to the League of Women Voters in Hillsborough County at the VSA Center - Very Special Arts. This is a vocal and progressive group of women, and it was a pleasure to spend an evening with them.
The Florida Marine Science Educators Association held their 2015 Conference in Tampa, Florida from April 30 to May 3 this year. Educators from all parts of Florida were in attendance including outreach specialists from Deep-C and C-IMAGE. C-IMAGE's education team publicized our Teacher At Sea and NOAA professional development opportunities. A few of our Teachers-At-Sea alumni presented experiences during their expeditions and generated interest for the upcoming 2015 field season. The closing plenary was given by C-IMAGE and Deep-C co-PI David Hastings.
Kathryn Bylsma, Patty Smukall, Susan Cullum, Matt Macgregor, Tess Rivenbark and other educators get caught up in a food web exercise. |
David Hastings giving the closing keynote. |
Ana Gabriella Valladares Juarez
Dr. Ana Gabriella Valladares Juarez from the Technical University of Hamburg is pictured here at the SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library in Sofia, Bulgaria. She was there giving a presentation on high pressure C-IMAGE research to undergraduate students.
Don't forget to let us know when you're out in the community wearing your
C-IMAGE hat!
Sigh.... What can we say about our students except to elaborate on how great they are? Apparently we're not the only ones who think that either.
Two of our students won the Admiral James D. Watkins award at the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. PhD students Kristina Deak and Lindsey Dornberger received the award for their highest standard of merit displayed during their oral presentations at the conference.
Steve Murawski, Kristina Deak, Sherri Goodman, Lindsey Dornberger, Cam Ainsworth at the GoMRI Conference |
The award was presented at the close of the conference by Sherri Goodman, president and CEO of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership. When it was announced, Kristina and Lindsey were taking in some Houston sights, but that didn't stop t
hem from showing their excitement.
C-IMAGE student Susan Snyder spent some time with 7th grader Amber Seaberg to help her put together an entry for the C-SPAN StudentCam project. Susan was asked about her seagoing research and her feelings on offshore energy exploration.
Mentor of the Year!
A special congratulations for C-IMAGE PI Steven Murawski. He was awarded the College's Mentor of the Year Award!
C-IMAGE is pleased to announce a formal partnership with Agilent Technologies through their Academic Awards program. Agilent Technologies has graciously donated a High Performance Liquid Chromatography system (HPLC). This system, working in tandem with a LC Triple Quad Mass Spectrometer and other instruments in the Hollander/Murawski lab will be processing biological and sediment samples collected through the C-IMAGE project. These samples will be collected over the next three years as C-IMAGE undertakes a Gulf of Mexico-wide survey of environmental variables to establish a baseline for ecosystem health.
USF Provost Ralph Wilcox, USFCMS Dean Jacqueline Dixon, Agilent's Elaine Ricicki and Adam Woodhouse, C-IMAGE PI Steven Murawski, C-IMAGE Chief Science Officer David Hollander
This investment from Agilent and GoMRI along with the continued support from the University solidifies the College's high standards in employing state of the art analytical techniques that make it poised to successfully compete for additional grants that rely on analytical capabilities that otherwise would need to be contracted out to other institutions or agencies. This investment creates a competitive advantage that will only bring additional attention and funding to the College.
Ben Pruiett, C-IMAGE's new Program Assistant |
C-IMAGE has a new member as part of its administrative team. Meet Ben Prueitt!
Ben is the new Program Assistant for the C-IMAGE grant. He was born and raised in Florida with the Gulf of Mexico as his backyard and has always been interested in marine science. Ben volunteers his time with SCUBAnauts International, a science education organization as a Chapter Scientist, Diving Safety Coordinator, Dive Master, and CPR/1st Aid Instructor. For the past two years, Ben has worked with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission studying and photographing long-term declines in Florida Keys reefs.
He graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of South Florida-St. Petersburg, with his Honors thesis studying artificial reef ecology in the Gulf of Mexico. While completing his undergraduate degree, Ben worked as a media intern for the New York-Penn League, a professional baseball league in the Northeast, creating reports and media guides and managing social media outlets.
Aside from diving and outreach, Ben enjoys a variety of outdoor activities such as ultimate frisbee and cycling, and enjoys traveling .
Publications this quarter
Ainsworth, C.H., Schirripa, M.J. and Morzaria-Luna, H. (eds.), (2015). An Atlantis ecosystem model for the Gulf of Mexico supporting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment. US Dept. Comm. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-676. 149 pp.
Aman, Z., Paris, C. B., May, E. F., Johns, M. L., & Lindo-Atichati, D. (2015). High-Pressure Visual Experimental Studies of Oil-in-Water Dispersion Droplet Size: Implication for Oil Transport. Chemical Engineering Science, 127(2015), 392-400.
Chanton, J., Zhao, T., Rosenheim, B., Joye, S., Bosman, S., Brunner, C., Yeager, K., Diercks, A., Hollander, D. (2015) Using natural abundance radiocarbon to trace the flux of petrocarbon to the seafloor following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Environmental Science And Technology, 2015(49), 847-854.
Fanning, K.A., Masserini, R.T., Walsh, J.J., Wanninkhof, R., Sullivan, K., Virmani, J.I. & Heil, C.A. (2015). An ammonium enrichment event in the surface ocean: Wind forcing and potential ramifications. Marine Chemistry
Lincoln, S.A., Hamilton, T.L., Valladares Juarez, A.G., Schedler, M., Macalady, J.L., Muller, R., & Freeman, K.H. (2015). Draft Genome Sequence of the Piezotolerant and Crude Oil-Degrading Bacterium Rhodococcus qingshengii Strain TUHH-12. Genome Announcements, 3(2015), e00268-15.
Moss, J.A., McCurry, C., Tominack,S., Romero, I.C., Hollander, D., Jeffrey, W.H. & Snyder, R.A. (2015). Ciliate protists from the sediment-water interface in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Deep Sea Research I
Romero, I. C., Schwing, P. T., Larson, R. A., Brooks, G. R., Hastings, D. W., Hollander, D. J. (2015) Hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the NE Gulf of Mexico. Plos One (accepted)
Schwing, P. T., Romero, I. C., Brooks, G. R., Hastings, D. W., Larson, R. A., & Hollander, D. J. (In Press/Early Release). A Decline in Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera Following the Deepwater Horizon Event in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. PlosONE.
Tarnecki, J.H & Patterson III, W.F. (2015). Changes in red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, diet and trophic ecology in the northern Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Marine and Coastal Fisheries (accepted)
Walsh, J. J., Lenes, J. M., Darrow, B. P., Parks, A. A., Weisberg, R. h., Zheng, L., Hu, C., Barnes, B. B., Daly, K. L., Brooks, G. R., Jeffrey, W. H., Snyder, R. A., Hollander, D. J. (2015) A simulation analysis of the plankton fate of the Deepwater Horison oil spill, Continental Shelf Research (under revision)
Special Events
Dr. Steven Murawski testified at an oversight hearing at the House Committee on Natural Resources on "Innovations in Safety Since the 2010 Macondo Incident". He was joined by members of BSEE, API, the Center for Offshore Safety, and HWCG. The hearing is archived
ome of our members found themselves on the Hill speaking at the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on a hearing "Five Years After Deepwater Horizon: Improvements and Challenges in Prevention and Response". Witnesses were Mr. Charlie Williams, Dr. Nancy Kinner, Dr. Christopher Reddy, and Dr. Samantha Joye. The hearing is archived
Coming Up...
Can you think of a better combination other than beer and science? Dr. Steve Murawski will participate in a Pint of Science on Wednesday May 20th at Southern Brewing and Winemaking in Tampa, Florida.
This is only a small slice of C-IMAGE scientists are doing, so please visit us on Facebook, Twitter or our website for the full picture. |