Board Highlights are timely recaps of School Board meetings. They are emailed to staff, parents, and interested community members before the official minutes are approved and posted. Links to pertinent memos and presentations from the Board packet are highlighted in green. Board packets are posted the day before regularly scheduled Board meetings. Meeting podcasts, packets, and Board information can be accessed using the links on the left. |
Regular Meeti
Kristen Hertel, Board President,
welcomed all in attendance. She noted that a year after the Future Ready D36 process was initiated by the School Board, the Board looks forward to receiving the Core Team's grade configuration analysis on a long-term Educational Master Facility Plan. This plan will address the District's enrollment imbalance, aging facilities, and vision for teaching and learning. At the June 6 School Board Meeting, the Board is now expected to further narrow the Future Ready D36 concepts under review with a final approval of the Educational Master Facility Plan early in the next school year.
D36 Kindergarten Teachers Allison Greer, Missy Parks, and Alex Roy, gave an overview of the inaugural Extended Day Kindergarten (EDK) program. They provided examples of how EDK has enhanced the Kindergarten experience for both children and teachers, including more time to delve into studies, access to field trips, and increased collaborative time amongst the District Kindergarten Team. They feel students are well-prepared for first grade, with an emphasis of social-emotional readiness. Superintendent Kocanda commended the teachers and all who have worked together to plan a successful first year of EDK.
Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent,
shared highlights from D36. Skokie students recently met with state legislators to advocate for technology in schools at Tech 2018 in Springfield, and upcoming year-end traditions are underway, such as the annual Pioneer Day, the Hubbard Woods Trout Release, and Crows on Parade at Crow Island. She also expressed gratitude to this year's retirees and thanked them for their contributions to the school community.
Informational Memos
This monthly update highlights progress toward the Reaching All Learners goals in the District's Strategic Plan. Highlights this month include: Parent education sessions focused on Understanding the MAP Assessment and Demystifying the IEP process, use of a new data system to track student performance for those receiving interventions, a student badging system for a Drone Academy, and Skokie students presenting to Illinois State Lawmakers.
At the culmination of the District's inaugural year of Extended Day Kindergarten, a first-year program evaluation was presented using many sources of information to analyze the following areas: curriculum and instruction, special education, response to intervention, extended play, transportation, supervision, scheduling/related arts, lunch, start/end times, calendar coordination and communication. Each section included recommendations for improvement in the 2018-2019 school year.
A summary of progress since the April 24, 2018, Board Meeting was shared with a summary of working assumptions/Board direction related to enrollment, facilities, and vision for teaching and learning. The Core Team will present at the June 6, 2018, School Board meeting.
The School Board annually reviews the performance overview for District employees. This month's report was specific to the Educational Support Personnel (ESP) that includes associates, nurses, entrance monitors, secretaries, District office staff, and technology support staff.
A new format for professional learning was initiated this year as the result of faculty input, current research, and advancement of the District's vision and goals. The feedback from staff at the end of this year was very positive, with 87.3% satisfaction rating (versus 66% a year ago).
The Illinois State Board of Education authorizes the Regional Offices of Education to conduct Compliance Visits of the school districts within its boundary area every four years. The District received its final report on May 9, 2018. It is noted that there are several commendations with no areas of noncompliance or concern recorded. The District was determined to be in "Full Compliance."
The Consent Agenda and the following Action Items were approved:
1. Technology Refresh Cycle
2. Crow Island Playground Installation
3. Crow Island Accessibility Project
4. Prevailing Wage
The Complete Board Packet for the May 22, 2018, School Board Meeting, containing all Memos and Presentations is here.
Upcoming Regular Meeting Dates
Regular meetings are open to the public and will be held at Carleton Washburne School through June 2018. Regular meetings begin at 7:15 p.m. Work sessions are also open to the public and may be scheduled at the discretion of the Board. Discussion topics and times for work sessions will be posted on the District website 24 hours in advance.
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