Table of Contents

  1. Advocacy in Challenging Times
  2. An Evening with the ADL
  3. 13 Extraordinary Women Nominations
  4. Israeli Film Festival
  5. Federation Feeds
  6. Campus Buzz
  7. PJ Library News
  8. JFS News
  9. JCC News
  10. Thank-a-Thon
  11. NC Hillel Welcome Reception
  12. Wanted: Lawyer
  13. Dear Dorit
  14. Throwback Thursday
  15. Jews in the News
  16. Save the Dates
  17. Shalom Triangle
  18. Amazon Smile
  19. Congregation News
A dvocacy in Challenging Times

Join us for an informative evening of
Q & A with The Israel Action Network 

Stephanie Hausner,  IAN's Deputy Director, is responsible for strengthening the capacity of local community professionals in countering the assault on Israel's legitimacy. In this role, she coordinates the activities Israel advocates throughout North America, leads mobilization programming, and proactively builds partnerships with communities vulnerable to anti-Israel messaging. 

She manages the Community Strategy staff and will be the point of contact for Federations and JCRCs. Among the initiatives Stephanie leads are the Bridges to Tomorrow program, legislative advocacy, and campus/community partnerships. Stephanie came to IAN after working in the Federation system in various capacities, most recently at the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey. 

Stephanie was part of the precursor to the IAN, the Israel Advocacy Initiative, as the Coordinator of Campus and Israel Programs. A former City Council woman herself, Stephanie also has over a decade of experience in political organizing  

Thursday, May 17th, 7:00 pm
Beth Meyer Synagogue
Satisky Building- Beit Am

This event is FREE to the public, but please register so that we can better prepare for the size of the audience.  

To register, click here:  

Speak Up! 
A Conversation with the ADL

Join us for a community town hall conversation with Doron Ezickson, the Washington, DC Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League.  

Recognized as one of ADL's most innovative and effective offices, the Washington, DC Regional Office serves Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, and North Carolina, and carries out the League's mission to "stop the defamation of the Jewish people...and to secure justice and fair treatment for all.."

The Regional Office is responsible for ADL's national law enforcement initiatives, including the acclaimed ADL Advanced Training School and the National Counter-Terrorism Seminar in Israel.

In addition to his work with the ADL, Ezickson is an attorney, community volunteer, and former deputy Chief of Staff to former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld. 

Wednesday, May 30th, 7pm
Raleigh-Cary Jewish Community Center

This event is FREE to the public, but please register so that we can better prepare for the size of the audience.  
To register, click here:  

13X Nominations Now Open
Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary Lions of Judah

In 2017, we honored 13 extraordinary women from our community.  
Now it is time to pick the new cadre of honorees.  
Nominations are now open for 13 Extraordinary Women 2018!

To nominate your favorite extraordinary women, CLICK HERE.
Deadline for nominations is June 1.


13 Extraordinary Women 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018 @ 7-9PM 
The Glenwood ( 3300 Woman's Club Drive, Raleigh)

FilmFest The Israeli Film Festival is here!

Join the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary and the Jewish Community Relations Council as we celebrate Israel's 70th birthday from June 3-5 
with an exciting Israeli Film Festival!

June 3rd, 2pm-- On the Map

Join us after this film at 6PM for a dairy, potluck pool party at the Raleigh-Cary JCC Pool!

June 4th, 6:30pm-- Fill the Void

June 5th, 6:30pm-- Above and Beyond

All films will be screened at the Raleigh-Cary JCC (12804 Norwood Rd, Raleigh)
All films are FREE to attend, but please register by clicking  HERE .


Hungry for a good time?
Save the Date 
Federation Feeds, a fun "food-raiser" for JFS!

Thursday, October 4th, 6:30-9:30pm
Traine, 121 Seaboard Avenue

Federation Feeds pays tribute to the culinary excellence of local restaurants within our community, while raising significant awareness to the mission of Raleigh-Cary Jewish Family Services. This evening will include:
  • Restaurants presenting signature dishes for tasting
  • Interactive activities
  • Silent auction
  • Cash bar
  • Music
Thank you to our generous sponsors:

Venue Sponsor

Restaurateur Sponsors
Amy Bush Commercial/Keller Willaims
Circle Graphics
Duke Raleigh Hospital

Cafe Sponsors
The Postal Solutions Companies

Patron Sponsors
Mel and Sue Bernay

Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Learn more by clicking here:  
You won't believe your eyes!

So, what is that HUGE mountain on the left as you drive onto the campus?

In the past few months, topsoil was removed from the 14 acres of land and gathered in a pile at the front of the campus, making a mountain! The topsoil will be reused on the newly-graded land. The topsoil is currently undergoing environmental screening for large rocks and debris. Once clean, it will be placed back in the area it came from. It will be spread 8 inches thick on our new athletic fields, then on the remaining green areas.

Are you interested in getting involved with our  growing  Jewish Community Campus? 
Contact Tami Kirk today!

If you are interested in a campus naming opportunity,
please contact 


PJ L ibrary®  program  provides a free gift of a high-quality, age-appropriate Jewish b ook or CD mailed to the home every month. 

PJ Library was brought to Wake County with generous funding from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and our  PJ Library Benefactor Circle.

-Susan and Steven Reinhard
-Jane Pinsky and Richard Adelman,  in memory of Ellen Adelman  
-Stacy and Craig Becher  
-Sarah Fuerst, in memory of Bob Fuerst
-Ann and George Tosky
-Carole Guld
-The Jewish Federation Lions of Judah

Want to be a part of PJ Library? Want to get the PJ Newsletter? Sign up here'Like' our PJ Library Facebook page to get news of PJ Library programs in the community. Interested in becoming a member of the PJ Library Benefactor Circle? Contact Tina Schultz
The 3rd Annual 
J FS Senior Connections Resource Fair
An afternoon that could make the difference in your life or the life of a loved one

Sunday, June 10th
Temple Beth Or (Satisky Hall)
FREE to the public

Representatives will be present and distributing information from a variety of organizations. Examples include:
  • Senior living communities
  • Home care & Adult day care agencies
  • Mental health providers
  • Certified financial planners
  • Government agencies serving seniors
  • Long-term care insurance representatives
  • Learning and volunteer opportunities
  • And many more!
JFS social workers will be onsite to address concerns, provide counsel, and help navigate attendees to resources that will be the most helpful for their needs.

The power to make informed, personalized choices about how you want to engage in the aging process is in your hands!

For more information, click here:  
Raleigh-Cary JFS:  Ahead of the Curve!

I recently returned from a conference of the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies. NJHSA comprises over 140 Jewish Family Service and Jewish Vocational Service agencies in the US, Canada, and Israel. As with most industry conferences, there were many practical informative breakout sessions and lots of opportunities to network with peer agencies both large and small.

While we learned a lot and brought back many valuable ideas, I also found that in many cases Raleigh-Cary JFS was ahead of the curve when it came to both the scope and innovative nature of our services and programs. Quite often, I found myself thinking, "We already do that," or "I thought everybody already knew that." Almost everyone I talked to wanted to know about our successful JFSGo transportation program, how it was structured, how it was funded, and--most importantly--how well it served our community. They also listened attentively when I talked about our community outreach programs like Mitzvah Meals, retirement community Shabbat services, and Bikur Cholim hospital visitations. I even had a conversation with a much larger agency that wanted to know how we used data and metrics to measure success.

When you represent a smaller agency, it is easy to assume that the "big boys" are more effective and efficient. While that is sometimes the case, often smaller agencies can react faster because we are nimble, with fewer layers of bureaucracy. Of course, we also have fantastic volunteers and an extremely talented staff who are second to none!

Barry Schwartz
Managing Director
Raleigh-Cary Jewish Family Services


Happy 70th Birthday, Israel!

A great day was had by all as the community joined together in solidarity to celebrate this monumental occasion.

The Raleigh-Cary JCC and the Levin JCC of Durham hosted an amazing event that was attended by over 300 people!

The Raleigh-Cary JCC strives to create an atmosphere of support 
and community engagement at all of our programs.  More information about the JCC and upcoming programs can be found at

The JFRC Board of Trustees began a new tradition this year, the annual Thank-a-Thon!  The board gathered on April 29th to call our donors and thank them for their support over the years.

LawyerWanted: Legal Help

Temple Beth-El in Rocky Mount is closing. They are seeking an attorney who is willing to handle a pro bono corporate closing. 

A few years ago, the incorporation was allowed to lapse. An attorney is needed to wind down, help dispose of the assets, and help with an uncontested closing.

For more information, contact Sarah Fuerst at 919-847-4512 or


Dear Dorit,

I have recently been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. This is bad timing, considering that Shavuot is coming up. How can I celebrate "the cheesecake holiday" without cheesecake?

Dairy-Free in Fuquay Varina

Dear Dairy-Free,

You are certainly not alone. Studies show that Jews are disproportionately affected by some form of lactose intolerance. You might not have to go completely dairy-free. Many people with this condition are able to tolerate small amounts of aged cheeses, yogurt, and goats' milk, so please continue to work with your doctor on finding the right diet for your needs.

In the meantime, there are many more non-dairy dessert options in the grocery aisle. You can experiment with different types and brands of non-dairy milks, cheeses, and yogurts to see what works with your favorite recipes. 

You can also experiment with other foods that have a seasonal or historical connection with Shavuot. Examples include:
  • Wheat and bread
  • Rosewater and rose petal preserves
  • Figs
  • Rice and white cornmeal
  • Blintzes with non-dairy fillings
[Note: Dear Dorit is making the rare ANTI-endorsement for Daiya's frozen "cheezecake." She had a slice recently, and ended up with many of the symptoms you are trying desperately to avoid.]
Dear Dorit,

I want to do exciting things while I can. Things like sky-diving, or climbing Mt. Everest. My mom says I shouldn't do these things because they are "not Jewish." Is she right, or is she just being a mom?

X-Treme Jew
Dear X-Treme Jew,

It's true that there is no law in the Torah that says "Thou shalt not do extreme sports." There is, however, a general sense that we should keep our bodies safe from unnecessarily risky activities. As it says in the Torah, "But take utmost care and watch yourselves scrupulously (Deuteronomy 4:9) 

Of course, we are willing to take some risks for a higher purpose, like join the army. Some activities used to be considered safe, but now we know that they are not. For example, some rabbis believe there should be a prohibition on smoking cigarettes.

If you can't decide whether an activity is considered risky or not, it might be useful to engage in a thought exercise. Imagine that you engaging in this activity, and you end up dying in an accident. Will people say, "What a terrible tragedy?" Or, will they say "I'm not surprised."

Of course, in the end, what you do is your decision. I'm just saying that your mother is being both Jewish AND a mom.


A sunny day at the J with Joel Dinkin!
Anybody recognize the others?
Laurence Marks with Rep. Billy Richardson
-Congratulations to Laurence Marks (left) for being awarded the Order of the Longleaf Pine! One of the most prestigious awards given by the Governor, it is given for exemplary service to the State of North Carolina. Larry was recognized for his work with the Wake Interfaith Disaster Team, serving as its president for 20 years.

-Congratulations to  Kellie Falk  of Drucker & Falk for being named as one of Triangle Business Journal's CEOs of the Year for 2018!

-Kol ha'kavod to Limor Schwartz JFS Director of Clinical & Social Services (below, left). Limor presented a session on young leadership at the 2018 Network of Jewish Human Services Agencies conference. The NJHSA conference was attended by 360 professionals representing 125 agencies from the US, Canada, and Israel. This was the 2nd time that Limor was recognized by NJHSA as an outstanding young professional (but we knew that all along!)

-Mazel tov to Carol Guld on the birth of her great-grandson, Henry Howard Odrezin! (below, right) He is pictured with his grandma, Kathy.

I f you have a bissel news, contact
to be added to the  Jews In the News Section of our next newsletter.

FRD Leadership Mission to Berlin & Budapest
July 13-19th

Federation Feeds: A Fun Foodraiser for Jewish Family Services
Thursday, October 4th

October 22-24th

Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary Lions of Judah
13 Extraordinary Women Share the Secrets of their Success

November 1 at the The Glenwood
ShalomShalom Triangle!

Have you recently moved to Wake County?  Is there a new Jewish family on your block? 

Let us know so that we can send information about community resources. 

Fill out the form-  CLICK HERE.
AmazonShop 'Til You Plotz!
Do you shop through 

You can donate money with every purchase! Go to Smile.Amazon.Com and select "The Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary/JCC" as your charity of choice.

Raleigh-Cary Congregation News
Click the links below to see the upcoming events across the community!

         Miriam's Tent is now available by mail!

Some of our community members have requested a paper copy of Miriam's Tent be mailed to them as well. Click here if you would like to be added to that list. There will be a $36 annual fee. 
Stay Connected