Too Much Stuff! - OLLI at University of Alaska Fairbanks
They're Listening! - OLLI at American University
OLLI Goes to Prison - OLLI at Granite State College
Bring-a-Buddy - A Successful Recruitment Venture - OLLI at University of Denver
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Greetings from the NRC    May 2018 15
Many of us in the Osher Institute Network can relate to Mark Twain's observation, " In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours."  Weather change is what springtime is all about. (I even witnessed a student come into our building in a t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops today!) But change, both literal and figurative is what OLLIs are often about.
In this newsletter we show you a few ways OLLIs are changing. We present members at University of Alaska applying life-changing lessons directly from their study courses; we hear about technology changes making positive differences in member experiences at American University in D.C.; we learn about prison tours resulting in changing attitudes regarding incarceration from Granite State College in New Hampshire; and, we hear about changing membership recruitment tactics at University of Denver. We even have our own change in the form of a new staff member here at the Osher National Resource Center.
According to sportscaster and writer, Al Bernstein, "...spring being a tough act to follow, God created June." I hope you enjoy both the current changes and those to come next month!
Best wishes from the windy city,
Steve Thaxton, Executive Director

OLLI at University of Alaska Fairbanks
Too Much Stuff!
From best-selling books to consultants advertising their services, decluttering, downsizing and simplifying your life are common phrases in the news. People who signed up for the "Psychology of Downsizing" course at OLLI at University of Alaska Fairbanks, received some helpful tips and unexpected instant gratification. By their third meeting, they had collectively donated three truckloads of household items to the women's shelter in Fairbanks.
Those items were all "downsized" from member's personal possessions. At the fourth and final week, the donation pile continued to grow and was loaded into a car for transport to the shelter. What these OLLI students learned is how to efficiently and effectively part with items currently taking up space in their homes.
The four-meeting course revealed how we look at things - usually not in a rational way - and how that affects the process of downsizing. Instructor Larry Moen, a psychotherapist, explained that possessions can trigger memories, often of childhood and family, and reflect something of ourselves. Sometimes these things have been handed down through generations. It can be brutal for someone to discover the child they hope to pass the thing down to, has no connection whatsoever to the item or doesn't want it.
The challenge is to find someone who will value these items as much as you have. Moen suggested that person might be on Craigslist or eBay, or found through a community organization. For example, one student who was an artisan said she saved supplies for future projects that she might make someday. She has now started donating those supplies to schools or people excited to receive them for their own personal projects.
Moen expects to offer the OLLI course again as interest was so great. He advised students that it's not just you who has difficulty doing this. Everyone experiences these same challenges.
The course also was the subject of very positive coverage locally by editor and columnist Kris Capps at newsminer.com.
Submitted by: Sarah Garland, program director, OLLI at University of Alaska Fairbanks

OLLI at American University
They're Listening!
American University in Washington, DC recently implemented new technology for its 1,300 OLLI members that has been successful in both promoting inclusion as well as participation. This refinement of the OLLI experience is the result of installing "hearing loop" systems - which magnetically transmit sound to hearing aids and cochlear implants with telecoils. A hearing loop is a wire that circles a room and is connected to a sound system which transmits to the telecoil in the hearing aid or cochlear implant. To use a hearing loop, one just needs to flip on the t-switch on the hearing aid or cochlear implant to activate the telecoil.
Given that one out of three people suffer hearing loss by age 65, this technology can be a game changer for an OLLI population. Moreover, the greater people's need for hearing assistance, the more likely they are to have hearing aids with telecoils. Over three quarters of hearing aids and almost all cochlear implants are compatible.
Jack Friedenthal, OLLI at American University member and former Dean and Professor Emeritus, George Washington University Law School says, "The hearing loop project at OLLI at AU is a major success for those of us with hearing difficulties. As soon as my hearing aids were adjusted to work with hearing loops, I was able to hear what was said in the classroom clearly and without any strain. It makes a huge difference."
The advantages of this technology include: u se of a signal which works no matter the hearing instrument brand; they are inconspicuous so there is no need to display: "I am hard of hearing"; others nearby aren't bothered with sounds leaking from a headset; and, they d eliver personalized in-the-ear sound customized by one's own hearing aids. For all these reasons, they are  more likely to be used - and to attract and retain OLLI members.
Submitted by: Anne Wallace, executive director, OLLI at American University

OLLI at Granite State College
OLLI Goes to Prison
OLLI goes to prison, on a terrific out-and-about, that is! On February 19, OLLI members were privileged to visit the new Correctional Facility for Women in Concord, New Hampshire. The tour was arranged by Liz Tentarelli, President of the NH League of Women Voters and co-chair of their three-year study on the impact of incarceration on women in NH. Some members previously had the opportunity to attend her OLLI classes, entitled, "Take the Key and Lock Her Up". During this event, Liz shared the history of the legal challenges that the NH Department of Corrections (DOC) has faced in providing parity in the delivery of program and treatments to women incarcerated in the state.
Beginning in 2016, Governor Hassan and the NH State Legislature began funding for the construction of the new facility. The facility is now in the final stages of construction and is scheduled to open later this spring.
OLLI members sported attractive hard hats during their visit to the construction site. The tour was capably led by corrections officers Captain Plante and Lieutenant Orlando, who provided information and access to all the areas: lock-up wings, educational wing, recreational wing (including chapel and library), kitchen, dining area, medical unit, outdoor recreation and visitor areas.
At the conclusion of the tour, Liz asked for questions and comments, which ranged from "This is so nice the women may not want to leave, so how are they being punished?" to "It's about time there is better access to educational and vocational programs."
The biggest take-away for this writer is her new understanding of what "correctional" institutions are all about. For example, beyond punishment through loss of freedom, there are a number of education and treatment programs designed to release women completing sentences back into our communities prepared to make better choices in the future. I hadn't realized the extent of rehabilitation efforts before attending this informative program.
Submitted by : Jane Fletcher, director, OLLI at Granite State College

  OLLI at University of Denver 
Bring-a-Buddy - A Successful Recruitment Venture
The South campus of OLLI at the University of Denver recently launched a new initiative designed to attract potential new members by taking advantage of an in-house networking opportunity. The "Bring a Buddy" event, which encouraged members to bring a friend, was held over a three-day period. More than 45 potential members joined in a class of their choice and/or a Lunch and Learn event. Some members even brought two or three friends to introduce them to the stimulating and fun learning environment. Pre-class meet and greets set the stage, offering a warm welcome and light refreshments. The structure of this event let potential OLLI enrollees experience both the learning and social environment offered through the Institute.
With planning and coordination by the Marketing Team and support from the Advisory Council, both groups contributed to a very successful recruitment adventure. This event was further supported by Class Facilitators, Class Assistants, Greeters, and enthusiastic members. The "Bring a Buddy" event was not only successful, it brought the entire OLLI community at South campus together in a wonderful way. 
Submitted by: Barbe Ratcliffe, executive director, OLLI at University of Denver

Osher NRC 2017-18 Webinar Series

The Osher NRC webinar series will return in June! Mark your calendar for the next webinar on June 20th, 2018 beginning at 2pm Eastern/1pm Central/noon Mountain/11am Pacific/10am in Alaska and 9am in Hawaii. Details will be available in the June newsletter.

On April 30, 2018 Kevin Connaughton joined Northwestern University's School of Professional Studies as manager of adult learning for the National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes. Kevin fills the position previously held by Diane Venzera.
Kevin comes to the NRC with more than 15 years of experience in higher education and media. Throughout his career in higher education, he held numerous positions: taking him from faculty, to administration, and most recently, consulting. In his most recent position, he served as the director of training and development for Norton Norris, a Chicago-based marketing, consulting, and training firm focused exclusively on the higher education sector. In this role, he trained faculty and staff at schools throughout the country, created instructional media, and consulted on operations.
In addition to Kevin's higher education roles, he has extensive experience in the visual arts, media, and graphic design. He has worked in production and design for an architecture and engineering firm, Primera Engineers, and continues to do freelance design work in his spare hours. He is also an exhibiting artist, showing work in numerous galleries throughout the Chicago area.
Kevin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia College Chicago, a Master of Education degree from St. Xavier University, and Master of Fine Art degree from Governor's State University.
Kevin's work with the NRC will focus on instructional design activities for OLLI staff and volunteers; digital learning development; research in the area of older adult lifelong learning; and content development for the Osher Institutes National Conferences.

Contact Kevin at: Kevin.Connaughton@Northwestern.edu  

  1957 - 2018
hurricaneharveyIn Tribute to Julia Rose Cayuso
With great sorrow, we inform the Osher Network of the passing of our esteemed colleague, Dr. Julia Rose Cayuso, director of the Osher Institute at the University of Miami. Julia died as the result of an injury she sustained in an accidental fall on April 13th. 

As any of the 1,200+ members of OLLI at UM would attest, Julia possessed inimitable energy and positivity. Her efforts empowering members and volunteers to develop curriculum, events, and engage in governance have made a tremendous transformation in the program. Julia was always happy to share her experiences and skills in webinars and presentations at Osher Institutes National Conferences. She also served as a trusted counselor to the Osher NRC and her Osher Network colleagues. In a statement to OLLI members, University of Miami dean Dr. Rebecca Fox reiterated her colleague's impact:

" Dr. Julia Cayuso's legacy will be to have created a place of consequential and joyous learning for people 50 and better, and a community of learners who value and support one another. She epitomized what OLLI stands for, and she cared deeply for each one of you and your experience as part of the community".
Julia joined OLLI at UM as director in 2012, leading a remarkable rebuilding of the program which included emphasis on foreign languages - one of her great passions in life, and the foundation for much of her master's and doctoral degree work. Dr. Cayuso was also a long-time University of Miami staff member, having worked on several programs for decades during her higher education leadership career. With specializations in linguistics and foreign language learning, Julia inventively integrated her tandem responsibilities for the University of Miami's Intensive Language Programs with course offerings and international cultural study at OLLI.

To honor Julia, The University of Miami has created the "Dr. Julia Rose Cayuso Fund" for OLLI at UM. Dr. Fox notes, "Her loss to us is incalculable, but the best tribute to her and her work will be the continued strengthening of the organization she gave so much of herself to, and which she loved so much."

The Osher NRC joins our colleagues at the Osher Foundation and the University of Miami in paying tribute to the iridescent spirit and abundant leadership impact of our friend's life and the contributions she made to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Network.

An Advice Column for Osher Institute Staff and Volunteers
dearolliDear Olli
Dear Olli,
I'm wondering if it is permissible for my spouse to come to the National Conference in Scottsdale? Keeping marital harmony is always a priority...
~Happily Married

Dear Happily Married,
The Osher NRC and the Bernard Osher Foundation discourage having spouses accompany attendees. This is because we keep everyone continually engaged throughout our few days together and we aren't able to invite spouses to join us for meals, sessions, or evening events. As most of you know, we're all focused on learning and networking during this rare time together. And we try hard to keep the Conference as intimate as possible - with just two guests from each Institute - to maintain a high quality, personal experience. We hope that this practice doesn't risk your marital harmony. Might Olli suggest a lavish gift from the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport gift shop as a token of your love and esteem?

Have a question for Olli? Please send it in care of Stacey Hart at the NRC:Stacey.Hart@Northwestern.edu  

Educational Travel Ideas from the OLLI Network
The OLLI Traveler
OLLI at University of Utah
Go Learn China
Everyone knows the Forbidden City and the Great Wall in China, but few have experienced the simple beauty and rich culture of the Yunnan Province in rural China where time seems to freeze in the past. Come and join Dr. Windy Zhao of the U's School of Architecture on a cultural adventure of a lifetime. Gain a more profound understanding of Chinese history and culture based on your own personal experiences traveling across China. Highlights include: eight World Heritage Sites; walking on the top of the Great Well; touring the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace; guided tours to six historic towns and villages in rural Yunnan Province; and, seeing the best preserved market square along the ancient tea horse road. Learn more about this trip to China.
Dates:   June 23-July 6, 2018

OLLI at Western Michigan University
Ann Arbor Treasures and Surprises
OLLI at WMU is excited to offer our travelers a trip to two special Ann Arbor jewels. No need to worry about parking or parking tickets - just leave the driving to us! We will be exploring the University of Michigan Museum of Art and a food emporium like no other...better known as Zingerman's Deli. There is more to Ann Arbor than a game at the "Big House." UMMA has extensive collections spanning many different cultures, eras and media. It has been described as one of the finest museums of its size anywhere in the country. Our docent will guide us through the African and Asian art collections leaving us time to explore other parts of the museum on our own. Zingerman's is an Ann Arbor institution and, as their website explains, a 30-year experiment in creating a "living culinary laboratory." This is hereby translated as good food and interesting educational opportunities for all visitors. We will tour the deli to get the scoop on what makes this one of Ann Arbor's best eating choices and end with lunch. Learn more about this trip to Ann Arbor.
Date: June 5, 2018

OLLI at University of Minnesota
Cruising Portugal's Wine Valley
Discover beautiful Portugal's Wine Valley during a 12-day river cruise with other OLLI members. On "Secrets of the Douro River" spend two days exploring the sights, history and cuisine of Lisbon before boarding the cruise ship in Porto. Enjoy a full day of sailing on the southern bank of the Douro River, arriving in Pinhao which produces some of the world's best port wine. Disembark at Vega de Terron, the Gateway to Spain and visit Salamanca, with its grand squares and medieval structures and home to one of the oldest Universities in Europe. Return to the ship and travel the northern bank of the Douro enjoying wineries enroute. After disembarking in Porto, travel by private coach to Lisbon with visits to Fatima's Shrine of our Lady and the famous Roman Mosaic ruins along the way.  Learn more about this trip to Portugal.
Date : October 2019

  Career Openings in the OLLI Network
jobboardJob Board
Assistant Director, Academic Development (OLLI)

Program Director, Office of Continuing Studies (OLLI)

Administrative Coordinator, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Is there a staff opening at your Osher Institute? Please send it to us at  oshernrc@northwestern.edu