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1 Peter 3:13-17

"Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil."
The Blessing of Suffering

Doing what's good. Doing what's right. It ultimately comes from the motives of our heart being rooted in the love of Christ where we honor Him as holy, where we fear Him over the people around us (meaning we prioritize doing what God wants more than what the people around us want, although that can be one and the same), and where we are zealous to know and do what He says is good. It's a heart motive that only comes from being personally transformed by His love and walking in relationship with Him.

This is not the same as trying to follow all the rules and do all of the stuff we're told to do in our own strength to keep ourselves in good status with God and those around us. That's ultimately a selfish motive of self-protection. God gives us a good status because of what He did for us, not because we earned it.

When we are genuinely following Christ, we will be slandered. We will suffer unjustly for doing good. But in that, it says we will be blessed.

How do we know what is good? It comes from knowing the Lord who is good. What is holy? What is love? It says above to be ready to share the hope we have with anyone who asks and to do it with gentleness, respect and a good conscience. Those are three GOOD things.

People may not respond respectfully back when we share the good news, even if we continue to with respect. It may not matter to them. But we continue to do good and entrust our lives to the Lord, letting Him bless us for doing the right thing no matter how they respond back.

We continue to love really well. Blessings come in many forms; sometimes physical and material forms, and other times, emotional forms. Peace with God, rest from God, confidence and trust in God and what He is doing, contentment in who you are in Christ and with what He's given you, grace to keep loving well and trying again.

Jesus was completely sinless, yet endured some of the worst suffering anyone has had to endure. Mocked, tortured, killed. He suffered unjustly. For us. All for us. Instead of criticizing in return, he received it with joy. If we get to suffer while doing His good on this earth? What a blessing!
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I am More Than the Number on the Jersey
By: Jaclyn Holley

Jaclyn shares a powerful change of perspective she learned through her high school basketball career. What once was a dream as a little girl that focused on herself and caused unnecessary pressure leading to a big and tough decision, became a different dream that focused on things above and beyond herself and changed the way she played and viewed the game. While past high school and college, this change continues with her today and is allowing her to be all God created her to be. Enjoy the read. 

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Friday Night Wives
A Facebook Page/Group

This group was started in 2017 out of a need for coach's wives to be able to connect with other coaches' wives despite frequent moves and changing local communities.

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