Alumni Association
News Bulletin
May 2019
In this edition:
- Memorial Day Message from the President
- Commissioning 2019
- Awards Day 2019
- 2019 Event Schedule Update
- Last Call for Nominations for the 2019 Distinguished Alumnus / Alumna Award and the Distinguished Service Award, deadline
- Call for Membership: join and renewal, Membership Roster Update.
- Now Hear This: Scuttlebutt
- Taps
Above: Captain Eric Schneider, USN (try.) '86
Below: Midshipman Eric Schneider '86 (center), with Midshipmen Burton Anderson '87 {left) and Curtis Adair '87 (right)
Memorial Day Message
Captain Eric S. Schneider, USN (Ret.) '86
President, UNC NROTC Alumni Association
As Memorial Day approaches once more, I cannot help but think the new Ensigns commissioned from our program on the 11
of this month. Their minds right now are full of possibilities and potential. What great things will they achieve? What contributions will they make?
When we began our careers, I would imagine most of us had similar thoughts. I suspect that not many of us had any thought about the sacrifices we would see during our time in uniform. And yet, too many of us know too many who made that sacrifice.
This weekend, when we are enjoying some downtime, let us all be sure to make time to reflect. Not just to remember and honor our fallen shipmates and service members, but to be grateful for the many who put on the uniform without hesitation. I wish all of you a meaningful day on the 27
, and hope that your memories of the fallen, will bring at least some joy to your heart to offset the sorrow.
President Kennedy’s quote is a good one to remember this weekend.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them."
Spring 2019 Commissioning
On May 11th, 2019, the University of North Carolina NROTC program commissioned four new officers in the United States Navy at the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium in Chapel Hill. The newly commissioned graduates are:
- Ensign Caleb R. Gill, USN, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training
- Ensign Antonio Howard, USN - Naval Flight Officer Training
- Ensign Parker Simpson, USN - Nuclear Power / Submarine Training
- Ensign Ryan P. Smith, USN - Nuclear Power / Submarine Training
Fellow classmate MIDN 1/C Cody Lupo '19, is expected to commission later this summer and report to Navy Aviation Pilot Training in Pensacola, FL
Unit Commanding Officer Captain Mar Stern, USN presided at the ceremony and Rear Admiral Ann C. Phillips, USN (Ret.), UNC NROTC Class of 1983 [
and a Director of the UNC NROTC Alumni Association
] was the guest speaker. She spoke about staying healthy, honest and humble and about how leadership is all about courage, both personally and professionally..
Each of the graduates have become Life Members of the UNC NROTC Alumni Association as a result of some generous gifts from both alumni and fellow classmates. Captain Brian T. Smith, USN (Ret) '84 gifted a life membership to the top graduate: ENS Caleb Gill, USN. If you recognize that name, it is because Caleb was the first recipient of the Association's Captain A. M. Koster Scholarship in 2016. A generous gift from James V. Provo '80 conferred a life membership on the #2 graduate, ENS Ryan P. Smith, USN. The remaining members of the class were gifted a 5 year membership by CAPT Brian Smith. However, ENS Ryan Smith '19 was so inspired by his classmates, that he purchased an "upgrade" for each of his remaining classmates to make them all Life Members.
Two other connections of note for the Class of 2019: ENS Antonio Howard is the 2019 recipient of the Association's LT Patrick K. Connor Award for the top graduate pursuing a career in aviation. ENS Parker Sampson was a recipient of one of the Association's scholarships in 2016
Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
Rear Admiral Ann Phillips '83 and Captain Marc Stern, Commanding Officer, NROTC Unit North Carolina Piedmont Consortium
6 bells: " Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Arriving"
MIDN 1/C Antonio Howard '19 receiving LT Patrick K. Connor Award from Alumni Association President Eric S. Schneider '86
Past President Bob Smith '75, President Eric Schneider' 86 and the UNC NROTC Class of 2019 hosted for dinner at the Pittsboro home of Eric and Kim Schneider in April 2019.
The UNC NROTC Awards Day Ceremony was held on Thursday 25 April 2019 at the Newman Center in Chapel Hill .
The UNC NROTC Alumni Association's Lieutenant Patrick K. Connor Memorial Award (an Aviator's Watch) was presented to the top graduate pursuing a career in aviation. The 2019 recipient was MIDN 1/C Antonio Howard, who has orders to Naval Aviation Schools Command, Pensacola, FL for the Naval Flight Officer career pipeline. Eric Schneider '86 made the presentation.
Likewise, Eric presented UNC NROTC Alumni Association membership certificates to the 2019 graduates, as a result of generous gifts from Brian Smith '84, Jim Provo '80 and Ryan Smith '19. (see details in Commissioning feature above).
Association Life Member Captain Brian T. Smith, USN (Ret.) '84 presented each of the graduates with gift memberships in the U. S. Naval Institute. which he purchased for them.
The Class of 2019 with Brian T. Smith '84
2019 Annual Meeting, Reunion and Elections
Set for 2 November 2019
UNC v. Virginia, UNC Military Appreciation Day
Pat Connelly '85, Events Chair
- The UNC NROTC Alumni Association has scheduled the Annual Meeting of the Membership, presentation of scholarship and awards and alumni reunion BBQ for Saturday, 2 November 2019 which coincides with the UNC v. Virginia football game and UNC Military Appreciation Day.
- A Friday night's President's reception is planned at the Pittsboro home of our Association President, Eric Schneider '86.
- The traditional reunion barbeque with the Midshipmen and staff is also planned aroung the scheduling of te football game.
- If you have ideas or suggestions regarding the choice of a host hotel for a room block or any particular suggestions for event planning, please submit your thoughts to the event committee via e-mail by clicking here
- A Fall 2019 Alumni Panel with the Midshipman Battalion is also planned, but the date has not yet been scheduled.
Last Call for Nominations for the 2019 Distinguished Alumnus / Alumna Award and Distinguished Service Award
Steve Fish '85, Awards Chair
The Awards Committee is now soliciting nominations for our two awards – the Distinguished Alumnus Award and the Distinguished Service Award.
We invite all members to provide nominations to the Awards Committee not later than June 2, 2019.
Please consider your alumni friends and colleagues’ service and careers and nominate them for recognition. As a member, log into the Alumni Association website and use the
Awards Nomination Form (click here)
to provide your nomination. If the Award Nomination Form link is not working for you, please send your nominations to
The Distinguished Alumnus / Alumna Award is provided to recognize a graduate of the UNC NROTC program who has distinguished himself or herself in contributions to our Nation, the armed services, industry or business, the arts, philanthropy, or other social contributions. This is not a "distinguished member of the military" award, and the individuals need not have been career members of the armed forces. The board will consider the achievements of a non-military professional with an NROTC pedigree on equal footing with a career officer. Please see the website for a list of
previous Distinguished Alumni (click here).
The Distinguished Service Award is provided to recognize the graduate (or former staff member), usually a Member of the Association who has distinguished himself or herself in contributions to the UNC NROTC Alumni Association. This criteria is intentionally nonspecific, and can include any manner of contributions to the efforts of the NROTC Alumni Association. Current Directors are ineligible for selection.Please see the Association website for a list of
previous Distinguished Service recipients (click here).
2019 Membership
If you haven't already done so, it is time to join or renew your membership for 2019.
Please become a paid member. We need you!
Most Popular option: Life Membership
5 years of membership for the price of four!
Click the green bar below to join renew or upgrade.
Your dues contribution pays for our website, database software, financial management software and the Distinguished Alumnus /Alumna and Distinguished Service Awards; these funds enable us communicate with the graduates so we can host and organize alumni events to support our NROTC Unit and Midshipmen. The Scholarships, Dawson Library and Connor Awards are funded through non-dues contributions. Events (Annual Meeting & Reunions) are funded on a pay-as-you go basis by event participants.
Thanks to the following alumni (in addition to our 187 living Life Members) who have made the commitment of ongoing support to our Association.
Life members are listed in order of life membership
Current paid members listed by both class year and alphabetically by last name
New Life members for 2019:
- #210 Melanie Kaye Ahle '04
- #211 Parke L. Boneysteele, Staff '85-87
- #212 George C. Wright '92
- #213 Andrew J. Hoffman '99
- #214 Janice M. Hamby '80
- #215 Caleb R. Gill '19
- #216 Ryan P. Smith '19
- #217 Antonio Howard '19
- #218 Cody Lupo '19
- #219 Parker Simpson '19
Life installment members
: 3
- Christopher J. Hinson '96
- Mikal J. Phillips '97
- David Pardue '09
Five Year Members for 2019:
- Donald R. Ledford - Staff Alumnus
- Kevin L. Martin - Staff Alumnus
- Stephen Matts - Staff Alumnus
- A. Earle Garrett, III '56
- George Moseley '61
- Robert C. Crates '63
- F. Norman Christopher '65
- Alan V. Monette '65
- Charles J. Wolfe '65
- Thomas W. Wright '66
- Robert Young '67
- Ronald B. Bobo '68
- Bryant Byrd '68
- Irvin W Hankins, III '68
- Ronald N. McManus '68
- Robert J. Shade '68
- Andrew J. Arnold '69
- William O. Leonard, III '69
- David A. Fish '70
- James C. Hardee '70
- James Zumwalt '70
- Robert N. Swacker '71
- James Day '73
- Nick Pulignano, Jr. '74
- Michael Clark '75
- Clifton W. Moore, Jr. '76
- Michael Wellman '77
- Steven Briganti '78
- Anthony P. Donaldson '83
- Thomas Brantley Burgiss '84
- Michael J. Dodick '90
- Robert G. "Butch" Bracknell '93
- James W. Hendley '94
- Michael Carreiro '96
- Sarah E. Eason '18
- Tatihana V. Moreno '18
- Samir D. Patel '18
- Thomas J. Singley '18
- Alexander H. Stephenson '18
- Bryan M. Towers '18
- Carlos A. Urquilla '18
2019 Annual Members
: 11
- Alec Decker '61
- James A. Thompson '64
- Richard Greenamyer '66
- Joseph Woods '67
- Robert W. Etheridge, III '71
- Robert K. Eby, Jr. '73
- Robert Rivers '73
- Robert E. Smith '82
- James L. Barge '85
- Richard D. Sampson '86
- Andrew C. Eckert '05
Classes with the most number of Life members: 1985(13); 1986(11); 1959(8); 1987(8)
Classes with most number of total members:1985 (15); 1986(12); 1959 (10), 1970, 1987 and Staff Alumni (8 each);
Classes with no current members: 1962,1976, 1999, 2006-2008, 2010, 2013, 2015-2016.
Now Hear This: Scuttlebutt!
- No new scuttlebut submitted - please help us make this section of the News Bulletin interesting.
The next News Bulletin expected to publish on Sunday, 28 July 2019. Deadline for input is Friday, 26 July 2019.
It is with deepest sympathy that the Association reports the passing of our member
Captain Lane Schofield Anderson, III, USN (Ret.) '67
on 9 April 2019. Captain Anderson was an enthusiastic supporter of the Association and was a participant in the Spring 2019 Alumni Panel with Midshipmen.
As a service to our members, we have created a feature on the website available for paid members entitled
Deceased Alumni
The feature may be found on the Alumni Service and Information Resource tabs of the website. Please notify the Secretary if you know of errors or additional alumni who should be listed here.
If you know of a UNC NROTC Alumnus who has passed away, let us know so that this information may be reported in the News Bulletin under "Taps".
UNC NROTC Alumni Association| Email: secretary@uncnrotcaa.org | Website: www.uncnrotcaa.org
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