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Spring time 
Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac can cause rashes if someone touches them. The rash is caused by oils in the plants. It may be severe enough to blister and itch for days or weeks. Most cases can be managed at home with household and OTC products. 

How do I identify it? 
  • Poison ivy, oak, and sumac can be tricky to identify. But, learning how to identify them is the most important step in avoiding them.
What do I do if I get it?
  • Immediately rinse the area or take a shower to remove the oil
  • Change your clothes and wash them to remove the oil that can remain on the clothes
  • Rub a corticosteroid cream on it to dry up the rash, severe cases may require medical attention. 
 Click here to learn more about these plants & order a FREE Poisonous plant brochure

Case #1
A poison specialist  received a call from a school nurse about a 7-year-old who touched poison ivy at school.He developed a small blister later that evening. The next morning the blister had progressed to a rash. His parents were advised to wash his skin and give him Benadryl and apply a hydrocortisone cream. It was recommended that he follow up with primary care doctor if symptoms had not resolved.

 Case #2
The Texas Poison Center Network received a call after a 21 year old female who got paint stripper on her arm at work. Initially the skin was red and irritated but by the next evening the arm was black from  discoloration, with no burns or opening on the skin. She was referred to the hospital for wound care treatment with debridement. 

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May 2019 Newsletter

Remodeling Tips

Choosing the right paint colors and changing out your old floors are some of the top things on your list when remodeling your home. And, although this can be very exciting, safety is often overlooked. Before your project starts, be aware of potentially toxic materials on the job site. Lead paint, asbestos, mold, and even dust are just some of the the potential health hazards lingering during a remodel. Here are a few tips from the Texas Poison Center Network that will help keep your family safe-and your project running smoothly.

  • The older the home, the greater the chance it has lead-based paint, a threat even if you've laid lead-free coats over it. If the paint is scraped or sanded, lead can become airborne and make it into your body or contaminate the soil around your home.
  • Children are especially vulnerable to lead dust that can get on toys and on hands and, eventually, in the mouth. 
  • In children, lead can damage the still-developing brain and nervous system, causing lowered IQ, learning difficulties, and behavior problems.
  • The first step is having the area tested for lead-based paint. The Environmental Protection Agency suggests hiring a trained inspector to test the surfaces on-site. If lead-based paint is present, the agency recommends hiring a professional to prep the surface.
  • Asbestos is also a material common in older homes that was used in siding, popcorn ceilings and old vinyl flooring. 
  • Small asbestos fibers get lodged deep in the lungs and increase the risk of lung disease and cancer. Asbestos should be disclosed when you purchase a home, and if you rent, it should be disclosed by your landlord.

  • Mold can cause respiratory irritation, eye irritation and wheezing, especially in children who have underlying allergies or respiratory issues like asthma. If you uncover mold it can end up in the indoor air and cause symptoms. 
  • It's important that mold be cleaned up and most importantly, that the source of moisture be controlled. Homeowners can get an air humidity detection meter if they suspect increased moisture or mold in their homes.

Paint strippers and solvents:
  • The active ingredients in most common paint removers are organic solvents which may damage the skin, eyes, respiratory tract, nervous system, and internal organs. Special precautions must be taken in their use, especially if there are children present who might come in contact with either the material or its vapors.


Other chemicals: 
  • There are many products that are used when remodeling and both children and adults can get poisoned by many of these products that are used for renovating.
  • It is important to use the proper protective equipment when using products. Always keep products in their original containers. Children and pets are poisoned when a product is left on the floor, chair, or low table, instead of being stored high, locked in a safe place. 

Plan your project safely. If you think someone has touched, swallowed, or breathed in a poison, call for free, confidential, expert medical advice, 24/7/365

Want more poison information???
Don't forget to check out the Texas Poison Center Network's blog !