Laura Wickramasinghe: A tireless crusader for Literacy DuPage
When new learners come to Literacy DuPage, one of the first faces they see is that of Laura Wickramasinghe (Laura W for short). As our Program and Strategic Initiatives Manager, she manages the student intake process.
Laura takes the significance of this role very much to heart. She loves making potential learners feel welcomed and valued. 
"Education gives people a voice," says Laura.
"A lot of our learners have come to us in hopes of a better life," she explains. "Literacy DuPage gives them that opportunity."
Literacy DuPage initially sparked Laura's interest because she saw our organization as a way to open doors. Without English-language skills, adults can be closed off from so many opportunities. Our services give them the communication skills they need to access basic but essential things like work, childcare, healthcare, and transportation.
In addition to welcoming new learners, Laura also manages two special, relatively new initiatives for Literacy DuPage: Workplace Literacy and Health Literacy. Laura has built these vital programs from the ground up.