HUPOST Editor: Michelle Hill and Staff Editor: Amanda Oliveira
May 2020
Important HUPO 2020 World Congress Announcement
After close monitoring of the global risk assessment by the World Health Organization of the COVID-19 pandemic, on behalf of the HUPO Executive Committee, Swedish Proteomics Society, Swedish Pharmaceutical Society and the HUPO 2020 Local Organizing Committee, we wish to share with you that the HUPO 2020 World Congress (HUPO 2020), originally scheduled on October 18-22, 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden will be postponed to October 24-28, 2021. The location ( Waterfront Congress Centre in Stockholm, Sweden ) will remain the same. 

The postponement was based on multiple factors, including but not limited to, the current travel restrictions put in place and, importantly, the toll currently being placed on our health care community. These restrictions significantly affect the ability of delegates, speakers, presenters, sponsors and exhibitors to participate fully in HUPO 2020. This decision also underlines our commitment to containing the virus and preventing further sickness and loss of life, as per WHO recommendations.

Although the postponement comes as a great disappointment, we are ready to embrace the challenge! We want to ensure you stay connected with what's happening in proteomics which is why our team is excited to announce the first-ever international HUPO virtual experience. We will be providing a series of virtual meetings in fall of 2020 which amongst the sessions planned will include one to highlight the role of proteomics in tackling many key aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic, we invite all delegates and industry partners to read our FAQs and monitor your emails, as well as the congress website , for specific information on the new Congress timeline.

The Local Organizing Committee with the support of the Swedish Proteomics Society, Swedish Pharmaceutical Society and HUPO are committed to bringing you a HUPO World Congress as never before and look forward to seeing you in 2021!

In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy. 

Stephen Pennington 
HUPO President 
Funding Opportunity in Single Cell Proteomics
The National Cancer Institute has recently announced the funding opportunity for Single Cell Proteomics in Interrogating the premalignant and early malignant lesions. The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to: (1) encourage investigators to apply single-cell proteomics for interrogation of premalignant and early malignant lesions; (2) develop new multiparametric biomarkers for cancer screening, early detection and risk assessment; and, (3) establish a biomarkers workflow for a wide coverage of disease variability and individuals at the population level. Read full article here...
The Human Proteome Project (HPP)
Journal of Proteome Research Special Issue on the HPP: Submission Deadline is May 31, 2020
Submit your manuscript to Journal of Proteome Research for the 2020 HUPO Human Proteome Project Special Issue. Submission deadline is May 31, 2020 . The Special Issue considers papers encompassing both the Chromosome-Centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) and the Biology and Disease Human Proteome Project (B/D-HPP). In addition, we will now consider short definitive reports, submitted in the Letters format, on the discovery of a Missing Protein(s). Find submission details here... 
Message from Maggie Lam - B/D-HPP HUPOST Coordinator
I am excited to announce that I will be working with colleagues at HUPO to coordinate B/D-HPP articles for HUPOST! As article coordinator, I will be sourcing different short HUPOST articles written by our community to bring you the latest developments in the proteomics field.
By way of introduction, I am an assistant professor at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Colorado, USA. I have worked in proteomics for over 15 years and currently serve as Chair of the B/D-HPP Cardiovascular Initiative. My lab is primarily interested in developing mass spectrometry and informatics methods to understand proteomics changes in heart diseases and aging, with a recent focus being on protein isoforms created from alternative splicing.
In the coming months, we will invite proteomics researchers in different domains to write about latest technologies, applications, and news from our community. We already have a few exciting articles lined up on the state of the art in viral proteomics, spatiotemporal dynamics, and immunopeptidomics. At the same time, I am very interested in hearing from everyone in our HUPO community. If there is a topic you feel passionate about and would like to write a HUPOST article for the community, please feel free to contact me at !
Proteomics in Light of emerging viral pathogens
By: Cora N. Betsinger and Ileana M. Cristea
A mission of the HUPO Biology/Disease-driven Human Proteome Project (B/D-HPP) is to explore how the human proteome can provide a lens for understanding human disease. The Human Infectious Diseases team (HID-HPP) of the B/D-HPP, is specifically devoted to the study of human diseases caused by infectious pathogens. One objective of HID-HPP is to develop, make broadly available, and apply proteomic methods to understand the biology and pathogenicity of viruses. For example, members of the HID-HPP have applied a range of proteomic methods to define alterations in the cellular proteome, protein interactome, and protein posttranslational modifications during infection with diverse viral pathogens 1 , such as herpesviruses and influenza A 2–6 . Given the ongoing global pandemic derived from infection with the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus 7 , here we highlight the demonstrated and promised power of proteomics to provide urgently needed insight into the biology and pathogenicity of this coronavirus and to uncover therapeutic targets.  Read full article here...
The Early Career Researcher Initiative
Update on 2020 Early Career Research Initiative Activities 
Organizers of the Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative are closely monitoring the current COVID-19 pandemic and its growing impacts. We would like to reassure all early career researchers that virtual ECR activities will be held in 2020, further updates to come. 
An interview with our 2019 Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition finalists
We invite you to watch an interview with the finalists of the Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition of the HUPO 2019 World Congress that was held in Adelaide. These rising stars of the field are discussing their career paths and how the ECR initiative influenced them, as well as the future of proteomics:  Click here to watch the interview...
Early Career Research Initiative Activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
The ECR initiative is exploring different mechanisms to provide proteomics early career researchers with career-enriching opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The last few weeks saw several interesting initiatives emerging from the proteomics community. We would therefore like to hear your ideas. What kind of activities would you like to see the ECR initiative organize? Please let us know your ideas at this address: .
Highlights From Previous Meetings
In 2019 Dr. Karin D. Rodland was interviewed in a video titled Perspective in Proteomics - III at HUPO 2019 in Adelaide, Australia. The interview was directed and organized by Prof. Sanjeeva Srivastava. Click here to watch the interview...
Upcoming Related Meetings
The 4 th International Metaproteomics Symposium, Luxembourg 
The 4th International Metaproteomics Symposium that will take place on 28-30 September 2020 in Luxembourg is open for registration. Early bird registration and abstract submission deadlines are on the 15th of July 2020.
The Metaproteomics Symposium brings together an international community working on different microbial ecosystems with a common use of meta-omics approaches and more particularly, metaproteomics. All the information regarding programme, speakers, grants and registrations can be found on the ims2020 web page here...
Disclaimer. HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Secretary General for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
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