May 2020 Palapa Society News
Educational life here in Todos Santos during the COVID-19 contingency
Back to School, at Home… A look into the educational life of our Palapa School students during COVID-19.
In our last Newsletter, we outlined how The Palapa School was following SEP requirements and thereby closing on March 20
due to COVID-19. The closure has now been extended through May. The federal government could require the physical school closed for the remainder of the school year and re-open when the new term begins in August. Nevertheless, The Palapa School is prepared to continue providing outstanding education for all students.
After students enjoyed their scheduled Easter holiday break it was back to work.
Director, Juan Diego González and the staff of teachers rose to this unprecedented occasion. In order to continue learning outside of the classroom, our teachers created lesson packets design for each grade level. Not all students have access to computers and internet at home, so teachers developed and printed packets. Arrangements were made for safe; parent pick up. Students have since returned their first two packets and the third one is already in their hands.
Our determined teachers and mentors are doing an amazing job by staying in touch with students through What’s App, emails and phone calls to ensure they have the support they need while learning at home. Teachers recognize it’s not always easy for students to exclusively learn from home. By keeping in touch, teachers are able to keep students on track. Teachers report our students are stepping up and meeting the challenges of these ever-changing times.
We are gratified to share our pride in the staff, students, and their commitment to learning. The Palapa Society considers the children of Todos Santos its' greatest asset. With this in mind, the staff is committed to completing all lessons and required testing by the end of the school year in early July and will ensure that each student completes the current grade level curriculum and moves onto the next level.
Our Programs in the time of COVID-19
Biblioteca Elena Poniatowska Update
Dedicated librarians are trying to quench the thirst for new books to read during the contingency. Often, one just needs a book to be transported to another time and place! So, the librarians have been sanitizing books and re-stocking our Little Free Libraries. The general public is encouraged to add a book. Be sure when you place or take a book to follow proper sanitation protocols.
Cate Thomassen Mosiac “Succulent” Table Raffle
Hats Off to Our Donor on Another Successful Fundraiser!
Our online raffle for the “Succulent” table ended yesterday. The total amount raised is posted on our Biblioteca Elena Poniatowska facebook page. There was an overwhelming response. Thank you all for helping the library raise funds for new books! On May 10
, Donna and her husband Walt will video the drawing of the lucky winner. Good luck to all donors.
A Note from Kate Lewis, Adult English Director
A huge shout-out to students and teachers of The Palapa Adult English program, several who are meeting via Zoom, WhatsApp, and FaceTime to continue their studies. It is heartwarming to observe the motivation of the students and dedication of the teachers.
Save the Date for #GivingTuesdayNow
During this time, many of us may feel things are out of our control. That may be true, but we can still take action and make a difference. Every day the team at The Palapa Society of Todos Santos, A.C. is working to ensure the mission continues even as social distancing guidelines and restrictions have caused us to shift the way we operate.
Tuesday May 5
The Palapa Society will be participating in a global effort to help non-profits raise money for their organizations. The initiative is called Giving Tuesday Now. To learn more about how
came to be
click here to read the article in Forbes
The concept is to highlight the importance of giving during the time of COVID-19. By supporting The Palapa Society with donations, it will enable the organization to continue providing access to high-quality education. By utilizing distance learning, students can seamlessly maintain their studies and work toward their educational goals.
Here in Baja California Sur, MX, all non-essential work has been suspended since March 20
. This contingency has already created a huge impact on the most vulnerable families. With business closures lasting at least until the end of May, the financial impact on local families is considerable. Our organization recognizes that the need for
student tuition assistance will increase
This is where you can make a positive impact by providing a gift to help with the costs of their annual tuition. To help you better understand the breakdown of the annual tuition, please
click here
review our Impact Report
While our organization never predicted a global pandemic, COVID-19 has tested The Palapa Society’s agility in
ways. It has demonstrated that while we maintain a stable foundation, the fact remains that we are not able to hold fundraising events critical to our operation. Unfortunately, unforeseen events such as COVID-19 do occur. In order to prepare for times when we are unable to campaign for operational funding, we are asking for a
monthly commitment
from our constituents that will allow us to meet our annual budget needs. It would be a huge benefit to our organization if you could help us maintain a
consistent cash flow
. Please consider becoming a monthly donor to ensure our organization can continue to rise to our expected high standards in providing a 21
century education to our youth.
How Far Can Your Gift Go?
- $50 USD per month = 1/4-year scholarship*
- $100 USD per month = 1/2-year scholarship*
- $200 USD per month = 1-year scholarship*
- Annual pledge of $2,500 USD per year = 1 full scholarship**
- Annual pledge of $5,000 USD per year = 2 full scholarships**
- Annual pledge of $10,000 USD per year = 4 full scholarships**
*1 student
**plus, educational materials
You don't have to wait until May 5th,
you can become a monthly or annual donor today!
Thank you to all of our
that enable our organization to be a cornerstone of our community. We have a debt of gratitude for each and every one of you.
Thank you to our monthly recurring donors who are a beacon of hope during this time of uncertainty.
Andy & Connie Mical
Bill and Chris Durboraw
Bonnie & AJ Johnston
Cat Chambret
Cathrine Williams
Cheryl Myers
Digna Cassens
Dr. William & Cathy Nation
Elizabeth Strand
Hal & Vickie Butler
Howard Necowitz
Jack McQuirk
Jan & Mike Turner
Jane Gehring
Janna Kinkade
Karen Haley
Karin & Judd Cuenin
Lavenda Lee
Liane Collins
Lydia Smith-Davis
Marjolean Brugman
Marsh Laird
Mary Wilmon
Mike & Cathy Curry
Mo Baldwin
Pam & Paul Bumann
Pamela Sue Martin
Paula Berkley
Scott & Gail Bosch
Suzanne Arnold
Virginia Gollery
Make A Difference in
a Young Life Today!
Would you like to help our local youth and become a Palapa Society supporter? Click below to make your donation today.